
I've decided to rewatch the show.

Season one and two will keep me entertained but I might lose interest after that.

Once they realised they couldn't make it limbo/afterlife (which they clearly wanted to) they wrote themselves into all kinds of ludicrous dead ends.

I'll post when anything piques my interest.


Gotta admit. I'm fast-forwarding all the flash backs. They're utterly worthless.


Depends on the character. Some are quite enjoyable.


True, but they were irrelevant to the story. When I first watched the show, I assumed they were telling us something about the overarching plot etc, but it was all in service of nothing. Just filler.


They're telling us about the people. It's called character development. Jesus, there are even flashbacks that reference the Others or the Island. How are you missing this?


Aww, is the butthurt stinging? There are ointments available.

Learn to read, you simpleton. "telling us something about the overarching PLOT."

I have no interest in knowing why Charlie once liked sorting Charlie.


I agree there is a lot of unnecessary filler but I think as far as season 1 goes they were important for introducing each of the characters. By the time it got to season 3 the formula was getting stale though.


Bernard asking an African if any of the bodies were... African American.' πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


I've watched the show from start-to-finish about 3 or 4 times. It's one of the reasons TV is show good now. LOST, BSG, The Sopranos, and Breaking Bad paved the way for the plethora of good TV shows the last 10 years. There are things I didn't like about the show, but overall? It's a great show. The acting and soundtrack are fantastic and the show's mythology is just so much fun to delve into.

I don't really have any problems with seasons 1-4. I was not a fan of the time travel stuff in season 5. It was pointless once the novelty wore off. I also did not like the first portion of season 6. Other Others? Please. It got interesting again when it went to MIB, Richard, and Jacob.


Seasons 1 - 3 are definitely my favorites


I didn't have any issues with season 4 from what I remember. 1-4 were all top-notch LOST. It was still engaging and engrossing.


There is quite a bit to like even in the final season. I thought the flash-sideways was very cool in that it illuminated the inner desires of the characters. The decline for me begins when they made the smoke monster a person. The very very end is forgivable to me. What isn't is the loose ends like the three toed giant statue, etc.

i would watch it again. In fact, I think I might have been given the whole set some time ago. I know I own S1. I have loaned that out successfully addicting several people.


My God, the people they got to play Brits were terrible.

Cor blimey Mary Poppins!!


It occurs to me that a better twist for who The Others were (especially given that they did use time travel as a plot device later on) would have been if they were from the future. And the reason they didn't want Jack et al from meeting them was because it would contaminate the time line.

I honestly can't remember why the others were being dicks. So it can't be that great. I'm sure it will come back to me when I get to that stuff.


Gotta say. I'm liking the whole... Hurley is still in the asylum and everything on the island is in his head.

That's slightly more convincing than purgatory. Libby being at the same asylum -- did that go anywhere? Can't remember.


Do you mean the theory that the island was "purgatory"? Because the island itself was never purgatory.
