MovieChat Forums > Tideland (2006) Discussion > a conspiracy of adults to corrupt childr...

a conspiracy of adults to corrupt children

For its entire duration I was watching this film with a big frown on my face. This film felt SO WRONG! It may be a testament to how decadent and perverted the American Way has become since the seventies, that it is thought artistic when a nine year old is preparing smack and helping someone shoot up, or place it in such overtly sexual and peadophilic situations. How can her folks let her be in a movie that she is not allowed to see until she is sixteen? Any parent who thinks about this for a moment would agree. Filmmakers shouldn't be allowed to drag someone of this age into this kind of horror, even if it is all fake and make believe, just for the satisfaction of their own egocentrical 'artistic' needs.
I thought I was a big Gilliam fan but obviously I am mistaken. It really is about time he retired, along with the rest of his generation of filmmakers.


it's people like Schots that make the US and the rest of the world such a puritan anal place to live in. agreed with Murders, go watch Transformers and keep it shut when talking about intelligent movies, or whatever intelligent for the matter.



Um, Gilliam is British, and the production companies are either British or Canadian. Why are we blaming the American Way for a picture that's not American?

And there have been plenty of extremely young actresses cast in films they themselves wouldn't have been allowed to watch. The Piano comes to mind, along with Pretty Baby, Taxi Driver, and Pan's Labyrinth.


@ schots
In order to make a film involving children as characters, child actors must participate.. No child is ever forced to do something that they or their guardian do not approve of, therefore you can stop protecting them.
@ endemoniada & Memories of Murder
Agree with endemoniada 100%, MoM you are a total *beep* who doesn't understand the meaning of individualism. You're welcome to your opinion, but you are not the final word, and you cannot tell anyone what they should or shouldn't like. Bay has made some good films, some great films, and some completely terri-bad films. TF2 might be his worst ever, but that doesn't mean that he hasn't made a good thing. Endemon there was no point in arguing, he's clearly less than intelligent. I mean look at what he had written; it was a grammatical and spelling nightmare. The best way to get your point across is to make it sound intelligent.
@ oldgirl
Terry Gilliam was born and raised in Minnesota. He has obtained British citizenry, but is a native-born American(Even if he has elected to abandon his American citizenship). As the films are his vision, they can therefore be described accurately as American.


People see what they want to see... maybe you felt uncomfortable watching it because it reflected something dark inside you. I saw nothing dirty or perverted about this movie. Wow I don't even know what to say at this point other than you took a very narrow view. Most of Gilliam's films aren't bright bubbly topics though he managers to lace them with some humor. What's wrong with film today, is that some many of your types fuss and spit about anything remotely original, that Hollywood has started to churn out tons of fricking remakes, sequels, and us the same damn storytelling formula that I as a viewer can't go to the movies anymore with out figuring out the story fifteen minutes into the movie. I thought this film was engaging, and I think you should empty your end of the alleged perversions and re watch the movie with out any mainstream opinion in your head.

I really wish i could give you an eye-roll and a scoff cause your post is unnecessarily over the top.



next time you find a film offensive turn it off

'Just remember. I can complete a jigsaw using only my tongue. With the lights out.'


I didn't read the rest of the replies....but I had to add mine own. Sorry if his has been said before.....THIS sort of thing (a child preparing smack for a parent) in REAL life! Crawl out of your hole and look around. I don't mean that statement as a personal burn either....this kind of thing happens (and worse) every day. It's sad.....but it's there.


Is this Memories-Of-Murder guy for real? Seems like a caricature of the typical "my taste is better and more sophisticated than yours" imdb elitist...only taken to hilariously disturbing extremes lol Can't believe you all let a fan of that dude get the last word...tsk tsk.

Transformers was a fun popcorn movie. Took me back to my youth when I collected the toys, etc. Doesn't mean I worship Michael Bay and it sure as hell doesn't mean I can't love and understand a more "complex", "artistic", and "offbeat" film like Tideland. I love films that simply entertain me and I also love movies that challenge me...the best ones do both.

However, at the end of the day, movies are entertainment, same as with music. Some of my favorite films are challenging, critically valued pieces of cinematic art, everything from Blade Runner to Shawshank Redemption to Fight Club to Oldboy. I also love some recent PG-13 horror remakes and the Bikini Carwash Company ;-) Oh, and I'll swallow my macho pride and admit I watch Lifetime movies just because Jodelle Ferland (Jeliza-Rose) is in them Its all subjective and all personal taste.

For music, I love Springsteen, Ramones, Paul Westerberg, and Elvis Costello, but I also love Bon Jovi, other 80s hair bands, and have a soft spot for Savage Garden and whatever the latest neon power pop emo band is the kids are into lol Its just being open minded, young at heart, and being comfortable with yourself and what you like. Who cares if some internet snob thinks you don't have sophisticated enough taste? They are a prick; insignificant. Just be glad you're *not* like them and can see things a bit more objectively and treat others with different views a bit more humanely.

"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule."


As Garfield would say...

Anybody as stupid as the OP should be drug out into the street and shot.
If there were reason for these miseries,
Then into limits could I bind my woes.
