Maggie has some nerve

As a native New Yorker and as a human being I am truly offended by what Maggie has been spouting about 9/11. This movie is supposed to represent NY at it's worst and yet in some ways at it's finest moment. For the first time in my life there was humanity again in NY, compassion. A sense of community. How dare this actress say that the United States in any way has something to do, by it's own actions, with 9/11. She should immediately be forced to apologize for her completely baseless and vicious claims!!


Oh get a grip. Last time I checked she was an American citizen with the right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH. If you don't like her opinions, fine. But don't get all uppity just because she isn't blinded by the lies your President and Congress like to spin. Maggie clearly isn't the type of person to be placated by whatever excuse Bush comes up with next (Mmmm, non-existent weapons of mass destruction) and there has been evidence circulating that Bush may have known an incident of terror was about to occur. I highly suspect that's what Maggie was referring to.

And you know what, America has done some awful things. WAR IN IRAQ ANYONE?

You cannot force anyone to apologise. Your country is not a dictatorship, everybody is allowed to express their own opinion, including yourself. Maggie herself has since aplogised recognising that her comments may have hurt people of a certain mind. And good for her for standing up like that. But that was her own decision to do that, nobody forced her.


well, osama bin laden did say that the attack was due to our association with israel.


was the US responsible for 9-11? No way. Did we screw up in our handling of Middle eastern affairs pre (and post, not even going to go there) 9-11? Hell Yes. the US did give Osama weapons, but all that was used on 9-11 was box cutters. Plus, we didn't know he was going to hate us later. The US is no moral saint, but no country ever has been. Take WWII. Sure, we committed an atrocity by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But Japan? In the "rape of Nanjing", there were records of atrocities so horrendous Nazi officers were disgusted. atrocities involving incest, rape, a dog ripping a chinese person's face off happened. I actually threw up a little after learning about it So, we (myself included) can look at who's fault it was, but in the end it was the terrorists who got on that plane and flew it into the towers. Maybe the US could have stopped it, but no one else made Osama come up with the idea, made the terrorists take over the plane.


>>> For the first time in my life there was humanity again in NY, compassion. A sense of community

I love it when people wax poetically about some "brotherhood of man", or some great community of shared humanity, but possess such high levels of intolerance themselves. Unless you can respect opionions different from yours, regardless of whether you agree with them, it's not some great "brotherhood" or "shared humanity" you cherish (indeed, you have little real concept of these things), the only thing you really cherish are people who think like you.


I scrolled down this thread out of pure curiosity. Naturally,I had to do ALOT of scrolling.
Here's what I've come up with on this thread,other than I have little to add or subtract from Ms.Gyllenhaal's comments,and that my eyes blurred from the volumes of replies:
--to ajmets(and others?):you guys are WAAAAAAYYY quick to basically slam someone as being a liberal so-and-so if they don't agree with you. As straight-to-video pointed out,this NEED NOT be a right-vs-left argument! Also,from scanning this thread,I'd say this is no way to gain any ground in your argument,one that you are--from looking at many of these posts--losing.
--I'd say that I'd agree with most of the reply posts here,though some of the responses struck as WILDLY off the point.

To me,this film seems to have precious little to do with 9/11 itself or much less the politics that may or may not have caused it. I sort of hear and understand Ms.G's remarks,they actually DO have grams of merit to them. You could argue that they may be ill-placed in regard to this movie,or even somewhat insensitive TO the survivors of that attack,but they are still legit.
I suspect that,if she were given a chance to go back in time and clarify her statement,I imagine she would say something to the effect that AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY has AT LEAST SOME responsibility in why we were attacked on 9/11.
Well,I'm ready to get the insults hurled at me.Just give me a minute,let me get my shield and raincoat on! :)

MELLON:The Great Gatsby...He was...GREAT!


Gyllenhaal later said she regretted what she said and "that neither the red carpet nor an interview about a movie is the right place to talk about my politics."[3] Gyllenhaal later met with Port Authority officer Will Jimeno and his wife, Allison, who Gyllenhaal depicted in the 2006 film World Trade Center. Gyllenhaal said she would have left the project if they wanted her to, but Allison Jimeno said they felt comfortable with her and "had no problem with her in this movie."[4] Gyllenhaal also said she had "nothing but gratitude and admiration" for firefighters and that she wished she "had been more gentle and more thoughtful" with her comments.[5]

There ya go. I think it is important that we have these discussions. I think that she chose the wrong words and the wrong platform to discuss her feelings...however, its imprtant that we start a dialogue about these things instead attacking each other when we are all trying to work out what we are feeling.


I agree with her. And I'm free to say so.


Watching this movie and that quack shrink I wondered if the US is paying any shrinks to deal with the trauma the US invasion of Iraq has caused.


Yes, it would be nice if more people were willing to stand by their guns with the statements they make, rather then caving in to public pressure. Regardless, of whether or not you agree with them. I'd rather know where they really stand, rather then getting a p.c driven, public apology from them. Thank-god for the Dixie Chicks.


What really offends ME is that she is now backtracking and trying to make her comments less than they were. Whether or not I agree with her, I 100% agree with her right as an American to have and state her opinion. How dare anyone try and villify her for having one, and how dare she cave in and try to appease those who disagree. I'm thrilled that the Dixie Chicks have retracted their apology and continue to state their point of view. If every opposing viewpoint to the current administration made one guilty of treason I'd be in prison with no chance of parole. I have my opinion, and my right to state it. That is why I LOVE being an American. I'm not anti-American, or pro-terrorist. I'm against the policies of the current administration, which are wavering dangerously close to fascism. You can disagree, that's YOUR right, also.

"This is the game that moves as you play." X


As we know,
There are known knowns,
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don‘t know we don‘t know.


She is more mature and intelligent than any of the initial posters. While 9/11 was an awful tragedy that should never have taken place, it occured directly because of American foreign policy. Thats it, nothing more, nothing less. It isn't because "terrorists hate freedom", they hate the fact that America is responsible for a significant portion of their domestic problems.To deny this is just ignorance, and Gyllenhaal is one of the few intelligent people to actually voice the truth. For Americans to be so blind to think they are the worlds saviors is a tad ridiculous as they are the cause of so many.

Who wants to go to heaven when its filled with Christians? Sounds like hell to me.


Alright, I think we've gone into every aspect of both sides of this argument. Honestly, I'm not sure why people are willing to argue it so long. Each side knows that they are right and that the other side is wrong, so there is no sense in arguing beyond the point of articulating your position. Personally, I've used this philosophy to save a lot of time in countless black-and-white conversations. Good example:

I was talking with a coworker about a few standard social issues just to pass the time. When we came to gay marriage, he was very adamantly against it. Now I'm not gay, but I argue that we have absolutely no right to take away the rights of others. He then ranted about how long it took "his people" (he's black) to get their rights. And so I asked why he didn't think it would be more just to give gays rights faster than "his people." And of course, as a Christian, he felt that they just plain didn't deserve the rights. My argument was that he had the right to think homosexuality was wrong but that he did NOT have the right to hold his perseonal opinions against anyone else and nullify their rights. Then he argued that without his religion there wouldn't be any laws at all. (?!) Surely he didn't think that there was no law prior to 2,000 years ago. Then he cited the Ten Commandments. I reminded him that those weren't laws, and even so, historically speaking there were laws and codes of conduct that date further back than that. He then asked me to think back to the TRUE beginning of time: "Adam and Eve."

That's when I stopped him. I realized our conversation was like trying to knock down each other's brick walls with eggs. It just wasn't happening.

Now I know that was a long--and probably boring--story (though I'm willing to bet most of you have had the exact same conversation with someone) but I wanted to illustrate the basic structure of the argument, because this board is following the same blueprints. At some point you guys have to realize that even if you're right, you're not going to convince the other side of it, so there's no use in regurgitating the same bits over and over and over and over on this board.

And uhhhhh if you respond to this post, make sure you take into account a sort of open-mindedness and don't just spit out your "conservative" OR "leftist" viewpoint. Seriously, if you want to argue make sure you've actually thought about what I've said. I only say this because I don't want to fall into one of the stupid arguments I'm criticizing.
