Maggie has some nerve

As a native New Yorker and as a human being I am truly offended by what Maggie has been spouting about 9/11. This movie is supposed to represent NY at it's worst and yet in some ways at it's finest moment. For the first time in my life there was humanity again in NY, compassion. A sense of community. How dare this actress say that the United States in any way has something to do, by it's own actions, with 9/11. She should immediately be forced to apologize for her completely baseless and vicious claims!!


As a native New Yorker I got a big chuckle out of noting the various spelling and grammatical errors you made while calling other people 'ignorant' and 'idiots'.



If you're looking to actresses for thoughts on complicated international events, then you need to start looking elsewhere.


lol, PC caterwauling is teh funny


Has anyone viewed the underground DVD 'In Plane Site, The 9-11 Hoax'? Terrific footage, only seen once, A LOT of unanswered questions that will never be answered...


So, when the CIA trained Osama Bin Laden back in the 80's... you don't count that as America being somehow responsible for the attack? We taught them how to do it, but it's not our fault? Maggie is correct. It's not liberal extremism, it's just the truth. America did cause those attacks -- in many different ways.

"Smile! It's Christmas... It's God's birthday!" -John Cusack, "Ice Harvest"


and why is her opinion less valid because she is an actress? Really? Why is her dumbass opinion LESS valid than your dumbass opinion? Hmmm? is that self righteous bullshyt-ometer in your shrunken excuse for a brain even functioning anymore?

This isn’t a liberal vs. conservative thing. Hell, do you even know the basis of your party? Do you even understand what you stand for? Did you read the patriot act? and don’t you dare answer yes, because that too would be a lie. as it stands, there is no way for you to even read it! There is no patriot act. It is a series of additions to other acts and none of it is available to the public as a whole.

"He who would trade freedom for security deserves neither and will get none"
You know who said that? Ben Franklin, who had an IQ probably 110 points higher than you.

And for those of you keeping score at home; a 110 point deficit between 2 individuals is so large that it is more than equal to the median IQ. This also assumes that you have average intelligence of 90-100. Franklin is reportedly around 200-210. Now, a man can be smart without being intelligent. a smart man will listen to what those more intelligent than himself say.

so, are you gonna be smart?

hell, can you even name me the 5 articles of the first amendment?

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams



well, at least we can find common ground on DAWN OF THE DEAD...unless your quote was from the remake...

but thats beside the point. what i was saying was, innocence is a misnomer. there is no such condition. it exists only in the minds of hypocondriacs. everyone is a bit guilty. monsters are created, not born, and as the most influential government in the world, we stand as responsible for the monsters we create. create through our ignorance, create through our sloth and create through our greed. Osama is where he is today because of us, and too, he is who he is today because of us.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams



well...america...HAS done reprehensible things.

look no further than our treatment of the native americans during manifest destiny. 'oh thats so long ago' you say? well it was still a literal GENOCIDE the likes of which the world has never seen. so many different peoples and cultures were decimated, to just sweep it under the rug doesnt make it okay.

furthermore, our international policy is exploitive of poor nations and our current wealth in this nation is directly a result of the incineration of 170 japanese people.

to say america is a perfect, spotless nation is simply ignorant.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams




im talking about the devastation of the bomb. not the actual number. shizzy, we killed more in dresden (if youve ever read SLAUGHTERHOUSE 5, you know something about this).

the problem is, the sheer audacity of the A-bomb is unmatched. it killed unborn children for 30 years after it was dropped! have you seen the assault on the human body this weapon causes.

that said, i do feel it was the right choice to use it, but we still have blood on our hands from it.

"The Japs massacred over 25 million Chinese in 8 years."

you know, im going to disregard this stat because ive never seen it anywhere else and, well you credibility is shot by calling them 'japs'. you do know the connotation of that word is the same as that of 'the N word'

'Your willful ignorance of facts like these shows you hate America and have no respect for the truth.'

um...lets play the game where you make a coherent statment instead of this drivel!

'Things like you babble a lot about freedom, but are really the handmaids of tyrants, '

where did you get the line handmaids of tyrants? thats WAY above your pay grade. just telling you now, i am liable to steal that line.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


I feel a little sick after reading through this whole thread...
My point is (directed @ the right-winged ppl here), just look at President Bush's approval ratings. They are terrible. You can choose to ignore this, or you can choose to think to yourself, maybe I'm in the minority in thinking that it's Us v. The World, or They just hate our freedom.
There probably was a lot our Government could have done to prevent this, that doesn't make 9/11 justified or deserved. It just means that instead of igoring the problems in the Middle-East, we should have acted a bit more responsibly.
Remember even if you disagree with me or others o nthis board, we all have freedom of speech.


hey, are you aware that ad hominem is a logical fallacy that invalidates your entire argument? then proceed to agree with me after making a horroible pun on my name. i dont get it.

post script; nevermind, you were replying to someone who was making horrible puns on my name.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


so.... um... not to bust up this whole lovefest.... but the movie's supposed to come out on june 23rd from what i hear

nice weather we're having, isn't it?


hehehe, lovefests rock.

said the shotgun to the head
-Saul Williams


So, who else is going to see Jim Gaffigan?



I am just so saddened and appalled by all the hatred on display in this thread. I've also noticed the most venomous and hate-filled are supporters of Bush. Why the constant verbal attacks? Why is it physically impossible to carry on an intelligent, thoughtful debate? Why is it when someone has solid fact, the response is either to ignore it, or deflect it with rhetoric BS? This has been a disturbing trend ever since this adminstration took office. If you don't agree with them, and back their decisions 100% then you are a leftist liberal un-American commie. I don't understand why Ms. Gyllenhaal should be burned at the stake simply for stating her opinion (one that, unlike many celebrities, was thoughtful, educated and completely valid)? I'm afraid our freedoms are slowly being eroded away.


"How dare this actress say that the United States in any way has something to do, by it's own actions, with 9/11. She should immediately be forced to apologize for her completely baseless and vicious claims!!"

Y'see, that's the sort of thing that MAKES people hate Americans. The supposed beacon of freedom and other nonsense, basically advocating the removal of right to freedom of speech. And that's ignoring the utter lack of willingness to consider the wider implications of people wanting to fly planes into you. The fact that they did so is despicable. The fact that you still don;t wonder why is baffling. Ho hum.
