Maggie has some nerve

As a native New Yorker and as a human being I am truly offended by what Maggie has been spouting about 9/11. This movie is supposed to represent NY at it's worst and yet in some ways at it's finest moment. For the first time in my life there was humanity again in NY, compassion. A sense of community. How dare this actress say that the United States in any way has something to do, by it's own actions, with 9/11. She should immediately be forced to apologize for her completely baseless and vicious claims!!


Good for Maggie.

*Danny's not here Mrs. Torrance*


I think it is inappropriate for actors to make political statements such as that. It's not usually beneficial to their careers nor to the films they were hired to promote by their work. It is a free country, though, and if people wish to put themselves out there (at their own peril) they have that right.

I did not know about her statement when I saw the film; but her performance in the film itself was a beautiful job, with a very poignant scene at the end.


for those against the statements--you are another form of terrorist...your just the kind that is lukewarm, and not having the "spirit" to commit to action. thinks she unpatriotic and deserves to die??? kill her then.

for those who understand freedom of speech--dont waste your times on the stupid ignorant white bigots that started this thread--and also, welcome to the police state.

i swear some white americans are nice, and others back up these idiots because they are so DUMB. look @ the hurrican Katrina response. whas that terrorism too?

look at OFFICIAL casualties reported on BOTH sides fighting. more than a 9/11 every month. go LOOK IT UP. you guys are appaling :(


>>> I think it is inappropriate for actors to make political statements such as that

Why? Regular people (such as you and me) use the forums available to them to get their views across (such as message board forums on the internet, and letters to the editor). Why shouldn't celebrities have the same right to use the forums available to them to get their views across? The fact that they have more forums available to them, shouldn't deny them the right the rest of us have to be heard.


I agree with this.
Also, Maggie didn't say the American Govt had anything to do with what was done on 9/11. But they need to be held responsible for not preventing it. If Alex freaking Jones predicted it, what, 3 months before the attacks, why didn't our Govt.?

Become Republican!


Is one of the great things about this country not, at least in principle, that people can express whatever opinions they hold without being "immediately forced" to do anything?

You happen to disagree with a position? Good for you. But an attempt to justify WHY you disagree would be far more useful than mere self-righteous indignation; - there really is not any useful way to respond to the latter.

Since we are not a communist country, since here individuals and individuality tend to be valued very highly, and never be sacrificed for the sake of the social good, the victims of 9/11 died first and foremost as themselves, and not as Americans. Thus, why you wish to subvert their sacrifice to further your own political views, or why you seem to believe that their tragedy somehow exempts America from criticism is beyond me.

Indeed, more than that - it is selfish and disgusting to exploit their misfortune by trying to wrap yourself in its mantle. YOU did not really suffer on 9/11. AMERICA did not really suffer on 9/11. Who suffered were about 3,000 INDIVIDUALS and their families. And Ms Gyllenhaal is not attacking them...

That is as to your calls for censorship. As to the claims you so object to, these can be looked at on several levels. At the most topical, it is a trivial TRUISM that America was attacked as a result of its behavior. After all, in any other case, Bin Laden would have had to pick the target out of a hat - any PREMEDITATED selection obviously has REASONS for it, whatever those reasons may be (i.e. Bin Laden could have chosen to attack us because he believed that we are abusing Muslims, or because he believed that we are helping the poor and liberating the oppressed - in either case our being targeted is the result of our actions). The only possible layer of complexity here is that what we may believe to be morally good, others may believe to be morally evil... But in either case, altering our behavior in particular ways would without a doubt make us less liable to attack (the only question being whether or not this benefit exceeds the costs associated with said alterations).

The last thing to note, however, is that targeting innocent individuals is NEVER justified. The people who died in 9/11 did nothing wrong, and thus did not deserve to die. If Maggie suggested otherwise, then her position is rather cretinous and can easily be countered (but with LOGIC in lieu of your sniveling vehemence). However, somehow I strongly suspect that she suggested nothing of the sort - that you merely lacked the "nerve" (nerve => neuronal cells => grey matter...) to fully grasp the intricacies of the situation and her response to it...


Ever heard of the constitution, the free speech ammendment? She can say whatever she wants. It does not have to be true, it does not have to be "sensitive", it does not have to be politically correct. But she can say it.

I myself was there 9/11. There was a great sense of love, grief and warmth between fellow New Yorkers.

But then the American Government used this tragic event to force their twisted, greedy, sick and un-American EVIL in many abusive and molesting ways, as they please, using "terrorism" as an excuse. I don't know which one is more repulsive, the evil deed of 9/11 or the Bush government misuse of it.

To attack Maggie for expressing her personal views is just as un-American as what the real terrorist did to the WTC on 9/11. Accept that people are different. Grow up.


Great posts sgracanin & rei_t_ex


Someone mentioned that in the US, no one should need to apologize for anything because of free speech. This really gets me thinking, I sure hated the way Trent Lott was forced out of Congress a few years back. Now, I in no way liked Trent Lott, but to force a guy to resign just because he said that it took great courage forty years ago for another senator to be a despicable, hate-mongering racist? That's about as vile as censorship can go, and I didn't support it.



But the United States was at fault in many ways for what happened that day. And not just for the countless warnings over the years (such as the first bombing of the WTC back in 1993, I believe) especially since leading up to the September 11th attacks the U.S. were attacked abroad numerous times but since the United States itself (homebound) wasn't really effected (not affected, for I am sure to some they were) they ingored the warnings.

The President even admitted back in 2004 that there were rumors that the U.S. was going to be attacked on home-ground yet the 'threat' was ignored.

Is one to believe that the U.S. people/government do not hold some fault in such a travesty? Get real.


'...the ultimate ending, is war itself.'


I really cannot believe your willingness to just believe whatever you are told. Maggie was not saying that the US did it but that they weren't just an innocent bystander. Its people like you that blindly follow our government and believe everything you're wanted to believe that give Americans a bad name. Her statement meant no disrespect to those affected by 9/11 but only to say that we should look at the whole picture and not just this one event, bad as it was. I am SO tired of hearing how unpatriotic it is to argue anything when that was what America was built on. TO just roll over and listen to what our government and not check them at all is to fall back under tyranny. America HAS done some messed up things, and sure part of that may have been a stepping stone to 9/11, and to other countries we have done things as bad as 9/11 or worse to them, for good or bad reasons, so while the people hurt by 9/11 did not deserve it, all Maggie is saying is we should be more knowledgable on the subject.

It is VERY patriotic to question why things happened. Especially if it means preventing such things in the future.


Such vitriol on both sides....I applaud her performance in this film and her continued commitment to NYC filmaking...whatever her political leanings. Her ability to make the comments she did is what seperates our country from Afghanistan in 2001.

1 Half Nelson 2 United 93 3 Departed 4 House of Sand 5 The Queen 6 Babel


We have to separate politics from cinema. Maggie G turned in another good performance in this terrific film.

Someone should scream at these Hollywood industry morons who put a high value on their own opinion, that "WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! Do your job, collect your paycheck, and keep your opinions to yourself. If you feel that strongly about your beliefs then quit your job and enlist in the Marines. Otherwise SHUT UP!"

Having said that, I loved the movie and Maggie's performance.


Nice one :) and I agree.

I don't assert myself to have the utmost knowledge about Middle East politics nor the agenda of the US government, but this movie (and the quotes of Maggie) are raising questions that may then be asked back and forth.

This allows a chance for substantial collective understanding. Those "patriots" that yap and curse on their tiptoes are contributing little towards that ends. Everything needs to be released into public knowledge and field of inquiry before we can move towards emotional and rational denouement regarding 911 and the acts of humans as a whole.


i agree to a certain extent. however, i have thought about that tragic day since it happened and i still can't make sence of it. i wonder, is that wrong? will we ever truly, some of us that is, recover from that sad day?
our lives will go on, as they must. but the heros and the victims must never be forgotten.



when you live in an imperialist state such as the u.s. things like this are bound to happen... obviously and unfortunately.



I agree. As a country we have a horrible history of doing horrible things to others. Do I want terrorism to continue? No! But we have to take responsibility for our actions.


Innocent? The USA is a democracy, so it's citizens are directly responsible for the government it has. The Iraqi civilians killed by the 1000 plus Tomahawk missiles, HAD NO SAY WHATSOEVER ON SADDAMS POLICY. But americans do. The rich ones much more than the poor ones, but all have a say.
And I'm not talking about this government alone, even though it bears the largest part of the responsibility. But the government before that.

Remember those Tomahawk missiles, at 10 million dollars or more, to the us taxpayer, you dropped on Bagdad? A city, a country completely innocent of 9/11? Certainly it's civilian population had no say whatsoever in whatever occurred.
But, dubya bombed iraq and his approval rating was 85 percent. So, don't go ever saying you're innocent. And of course, you're conveniently forgetting that you and the UK bombed Iraq for TEN WHOLE YEARS prior to that.

You saw your government rape the world and you stood by, either cause you couldn't be bothered to KNOW about it or cause you couldn't be bothered to CARE about it.

And then some prick like giuliani has the gall to go and say that it's outrageous that "the US invited 9/11"!!!
I'll give you that it's a somewhat suggestive statement, but basically it's COMPLETELY RIGHT: The USA incited hatred around the world through it's support of ruthless dictators and surpressing democracies, like in South-Africa, Algeria and Chili for example.
But ... the world is suffering from battered wive syndrome, we mostly want to forget about the wrong that the usa does and get on with our lives, laugh about Hollywood films, and forget about Tomahawk missiles and low-grade uranium.

Even so, 9/11 meant that the chickens have come home to roost.

Americans always play innocent, like italian mobsters. I really like the fact that older people and republicans pull this "Who? Me?"-crap, since after WWII it was mostly Republican governments, for which they VOTED. All because so you can drive SUVs around, for 25 cents per gallon. Just you wait when the dollar is detached from the oil price, then you'll have something to complain about.

It's funny how americans like the OP get so sensitive about this. You might think they feel ... guilty!?!?!?? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Those folksies are INCAPABLE of feeling guilt, let's not kid ourselves.

PS I liked the heart attack analogy.

US foreign policy doesn't kill people!?!?!!?! Furreinners KILL PEOPLE

