Maggie has some nerve

As a native New Yorker and as a human being I am truly offended by what Maggie has been spouting about 9/11. This movie is supposed to represent NY at it's worst and yet in some ways at it's finest moment. For the first time in my life there was humanity again in NY, compassion. A sense of community. How dare this actress say that the United States in any way has something to do, by it's own actions, with 9/11. She should immediately be forced to apologize for her completely baseless and vicious claims!!


As a native New Yorker and as a human being

Where were you born? Where did you grow up? What schools did you go to? Let's see how much of a New Yorker you really are.


Ok *beep* I'll play your game. I was born in Brooklyn and grew up in Brooklyn. I went to public school from kindergarten through 8th grade in Brooklyn and for highschool I went to a catholic school also in Brooklyn. I worked in the city my entire life including working on the 82nd floor of two World Trade for a company called Fuji Bank Ltd. "Lets see how much of New Yorker you really are".....are you kidding me?



a mets fan...that explains it


I am reminded of a lyric from a song by Love: 'The news of today will be the movies of tomorrow.' Movies made from tragedy do not make us think about the act they make us glorify it. Yes it was an horific act, but lets look at this logically. All murder is a crime against existence this includes State sanctified murder such as war and capital punishment. The people in the WTC were innocent there is no denying that but so were the thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis that were caught in bomb blasts from nightly air raids. 'All violence is terrorism' Michael Franti said that and I agree with him. Every act of violence, every death that has occured in vengence for 9/11 does nothing but increase the downward spiral of hate and corruption of our people. Maggie had an opinion and as a human being she had a right to express her opinion much in the same way as millions of people did when they protested the military action that was disgustingly chosen after 9/11. The US' foreign policy has a lot to answer for. I just hope it's not to late to end the violence before it tears us apart.


The film is not about 9/11. It is about people who live in NYC in September of 2002. It is about their lives; how they've changed or haven't changed over the last year. No characters ever talk about 9/11.

These are a few dramatic films that deal directly with the events of 9/11:

"The Guys" with Sigourney Weaver and Anthony LaPaglia (Bill Murray in the stage version)

"DC 9/11: A Time of Crisis" with Timothy Bottoms playing George W.

"Rudy" with James Woods as Giuliani; culminating with the 9/11 attacks.

and most notably:

"The Hamburg Cell", a dramatic film with actors playing the 9/11 terrorists. It centers around the year leading up to September 11th. The film is told through the eyes of the terrorists themselves, attempting to explore the motivation for the attacks. It is scary as hell and undoubtedy fictionalized.



i originally wasn't going to reply to this thread, i was going to read and laugh and have a furrowed brow from time to time, be maddened, enraged, confused, wonderstruck, cause lets be honest, this is an intruiging thread no matter what side you stand upon, what lead YOU (the individual reading this thread at this moment) to initially come and read these comments concerning this thread.

all i can say is that this thread is thuroughly entertaining and for several reason:

* none of you is more more right or more wong than the other, or more correct or more incorrect in case my word usage is wrong/incorrect and does not correlate to your thought process due to your up-bringing or geographical whereabouts.

* many of you are saying no you're wrong cause i say and/or read something that said that the paper/show/radio program that you got your information from is fake and then the next person says the same thing about the person who accused the first clarify......

Person A: the Blah-Blah report shows........

Person B: you are stupid and the report is bogus cause i saw the BLAH-BLAH BOGUS show that said that the report you read was fake.

Person C: well on 1080am the TRUTH they said that the director of the BLAH-BLAH BOGUS show made up all his proof cause he hates mice.

see isn't this all entertaining it makes me laugh reading the ridiculous crap im writing

* what's the point of all this.....someone even brought up when we dropped the Bomb on Japan.......and what happened there, oh yeah, JAPAN is not one of, if not the, most technelogically advanced countries in the world, and hmmm didn't we attack them as an act of retaliation? cause and effect, this happens leading to that then this than that.

i think personally it's interesting that filmmakers/actors/writers/politicians, oh hell anyone who may appear in the media consistantly , are the one's who get attacked for talking, um having an opinion, um speaking their mind, cause they have no idea that someone's listening, yeah right. everyone who responded negatively to the comment Maggie made, please reply to this post and tell me, if joe schome came to your work, or was infront of you inline somewhere, or was eating at a table next to you and said something unfavorable about the US and the events of 9/11, do you berate them to their face, behind closed doors, do you go online and spread to everyone how that person has no respect, well yer more than welcome to, but tell me why can't you just see it as someone else's opinion and not a direct attack on you, she never says "**** New Yorkers to hell, they're the cause bloody bastards!" she makes the comment that American has done some reprehensible things and is responsible for things in some way..........very true, things don't just , magically happen, no one just picked up an international white pages of the countries of the world and randomly chose America and said hmmm new york, sounds quaint..........CAUSE AND EFFECT........hey am i ok with what you said, am i ok with what everyone here said? yes, yer entitled to yer say, i just feel the manner of which you are going about doing so maybe be a little miss directed

these boards should be used for discussion, sharing information, opening new insights to tv shows and movies, helping people with a quote they're searching for, remanicing about great moments of film and tv history, i just don't get all the people who come to bash other people for having a different opinion, who know why "CAUSE THEY"RE NOT *beep* YOU!"

and thusly i end with a fitting quote and then comment:

*Barry is pissed at Dick cause Dick likes the Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels cover of "little latin lupe lu"*

No, not nothing. What's wrong with
the Righteous Brothers?

Nothing. I just prefer the other

bull**** !

How can it be bull**** to state a

the same i think goes with peoples opinion, why beat down someone for saying their opinion, come on so says the saying "ignorance is bliss"

and i will say im fine if you choose to bash me, debase me, berate me, slander me, pummel my comment wit your anger, your opinion, your words, your cunning with.......cause im not gonna stop you. truth be told i hope you do, cause at least then you feel as if your fighiny back, taking a stand, or releasing some hot air or pent up anger and now feel relieved.


if you do so, you just add more entertainment to this thread, like i have just done, well maybe not, so let's just hope the next person to say something tells a good joke.

"Words. Words when spoken out loud for the sake of performance are music. They have rhythm and pitch and timbre and volume. These are the properties of music and music has the ability to find us and move us and lift us up in ways that literal meaning can't."

- Josiah "Jed" Bartlet "The West Wing" (3x05 - "War Crines")


Native NYer here myself (and if I'm not mistaken, Maggie herself lives in Manhattan).

Um. She didn't say anything offensive. She said the US was in some way responsible for 9/11. This is not a "vicious" claim. She didn't say we deserved it. She didn't say it was justified. She didn't say those innocent people deserved to die. She said that America was partly responsible for what happened. AND IT WAS.

Osama himself was trained by our CIA. Those were *our* planes they hijacked, guarded by our inadequate security. The terror attacks are related to America's involvement in other parts of the world where they are not wanted. Whether or not America *should* be involved in these parts in the world is debatable. But the fact that it is related to the terror attacks is not. How can you call her claim baseless? You are making baseless accusations. You just jumped the gun and said "WTF THAT BIOTCH HATES AMERICA!"

Whatever sense of community there was in the aftermath of 9/11 (which was quite remarkable and beautiful to witness, but I'm sorry to say it didn't last very long) has nothing whatsoever to do with what caused the attacks in the first place. What the hell kind of argument is that?

Don't criticize someone for saying nothing but the truth, and in an inoffensive way. Praise her for having the BALLS to speak her mind knowing there would be a backlash from oversensitive hyper-patriots.

Choosing to ignore possible causes of the terror attacks on 9/11 and not asking ourselves "What did we do for them to bring this upon us?" or "What do they think we did that justified something as horrible as this?" makes the death of all those innocent people meaningless. If so many people had to die, we could at least honor them by asking "why?" and making sure nothing as horrible as this event will happen again.


I think you are all horribly silly whether you do agree with what she said, or don't. The fact is that plenty of people have said things that could cause controversy, and no one is an exception, and I do not doubt that I have said stuff that would offend most people. The fact is that she is just as human as anyone else and is entitled to her own opinions, its not her fault that her words are unfortunately published and are splashed about and misused just to cause controversy.


Arguments are fun.... Sounds like an interesting Movie....I'm going to see it.



This has escalated and gone on way too far...we are all Americans first and foremost and all feel the same way deep down about 9/11. I think Maggie's comment was both true and untrue. The only POV that could be argued for the idea that we essentially caused 9/11 would be because we ignored the warning signs that were given to us a month in advance. Any other way I think as justifying that we caused it, would be wrong. Anyway- you guys should not hurl insults at Gylenhall...she made a mistake as all Americans do and she apologized for it. Calling her names like a "mini jihad" are completely wrong...Just relax about this whole thing


Get over it. Sticks and stones.


I'm Singaporean. My country is so conservative that it's just so depressing. But I hate how the US Foreign Policy imposes its own beliefs on other countries. I don't think that the 3000 innocent Americans deserved to die that day, but I believe that the US government set off the chain reaction (although it did take a while) which resulted in a terrorist attack.

Osama Bin Laden deserve (well I'm anti-death penalty) to be incarcerated for life, along with Saddam Hussein, but the way the US approached counterterrorism after 9/11 was very disturbing. It came off as a "attack anyone we think is connected". So they attacked Iraq, killed many innocent Iraqis (collateral damage etc, Abu Ghraib?) and while Saddam deserved to be overthrown, the death count would, in my opinion, have been lower if it was approached more diplomatically.

Saddam Hussein <---No connection---> Osama Bin Laden

If the US government was going to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein had to be overthrown since systematically killed the innocent, they should've said so, instead of using the guise of anti-terrorism. Which turned into the guise of having WMDs, which didn't work either.

Saddam Hussein = Man with no WMDs

You want to go after a man with WMDs? Look at Kim Jyong-Il.

If a country wants to be communist, let them (Thankfully the US has to let China be, because they can't do anything now). Just because someone doesn't want democracy doesn't necessarily make him or her evil.


I don't believe you're Singaporean. YOu probably live in Cleveland or something.

