MovieChat Forums > Bridge to Terabithia (2007) Discussion > Did this movie make you cry?

Did this movie make you cry?

I'm not one to really cry while watching a film but it happens every once and awhile. I wrote up this discussion of the handful of films that have done it to me in my life. I remember watching the made for tv version of this as a child and it hit me pretty hard. I wondering if the updated version could still get e today as an adult? -made-me-cry


Yes. I somehow managed to be completely unspoiled for it (just saw it the other day, didn't know there was an older TV version 'til reading here), and I absolutely loved that little girl. The revelation shocked me nearly as much as it did the Jess character. I didn't just sniffle a little, I full-on cried.

And then again, when Jess cried in his father's arms. I was crying all over the place!

Spare the rod, spoil the child, incite a civil war.


I always cry my eyes out whenever I watch this movie.
It hits harder for me because when I was just about to graduate Primary School (2002), my friend died when he was taken by strong currents in the river and drowned.
So I sobbed harder than I should while watching this movie. It's just relatable.

You stand here sucker. You made me do this - Jeremy Renner


I just catch this movie on Tv one afternoon, without even seeing the trailer or anything, I knew the actors from others movies, and it really surprised me how good this movie is. The same thing happended to me a few years ago with the movie "Big Fish". And everytime I watch those 2 movies I cry. I'm a 31 years old male from Venezuela...... also cry with last year movie "About Time".


i'm a mid 40s man, and i don't cry - ever - so this was a particular shock to my system for breaking me down like this...sniff. sniff


I had no idea what the movie was about when I put it on with the wife and kids.

The ending haunted my soul for weeks. I couldn't get it out of my head.


Not full-out cry, but watery-eyes for sure


I wasn't familiar with the story before watching the movie. But boy, this movie made me cry buckets! So many tears. ๎‚‡ And the pain...๐Ÿ’”

Still haven't rewatched it.



as in right now bcuz I'm watching it and she hasn't even died yet and my eyes are already wet in anticipation.


Yes, with laughter. ๎†
