MovieChat Forums > Biohazard 4 (2005) Discussion > Defining Resident Evil Moment...

Defining Resident Evil Moment...

This is for everyone. Whether you just started playing or have been since the first Resident Evil. Name that one defining moment that just grabbed you and made you a fan of the series. That single moment that actually scared the crap out of you or just made you say "Oh, man... that's F@$*ing creepy".

For me it was from the first Resident evil. In 1996 I was about 9 years old and I was watching my cousin play one morning before school. I had no idea what this game was but there was a scary gorilla looking thing (hunter) and my cousin was fighting him with the shotgun. It looked like my cousin was gonna take him when all of the sudden the hunter backs up, screams and leaps throught the air and pulls Chris Redfield's head off. Then he falls down and "You Died" (or "you are dead" i can't remember) appears on screen. It happened so fast I couldn't believe it. To this day it's still the most shocking thing I've ever seen on a video game (for it being 1996, and nothing like that being on a videogame). Alright, that's mine.


first zombie encounter with a dull creepy mansion is enough for me...


Going down the stairs in REmake to the Death Mask cavern. That moment didn't make me a fan (that happened way back with the original game), but it does, in my less-than-humble opinion, define the series.

RIP Kitty Pryde


yeh i agree in resident evil 2 where the hands come from out of the windows


Resident evil 1. The dog-window part didn't scare be because it's overtold too many times. What scared me the most was the first hunter cutscene.


I played RE4 first of them all. I was a RE fan before I began to play the games, so it didn't take me too long to get drawn into the games.

The game had me at the cutscene where you see the shadow of a villager moving away from the window as you approaches.. that music was just right to the moment.

At the point when you reached the town center and everyone began to attack you, I was hooked. Specially since they didn't 'act' like zombies, they spoke and used tactics, so I didn't know what to expect.
"Hello, God. It is I.. Doctor Frasier Crane."



"Resident evil 1. The dog-window part didn't scare be because it's overtold too many times. What scared me the most was the first hunter cutscene"

Yup, both scenes were overhyped and thus didn't scare me. Cerberus' don't scare me anyways (though I admit that the first zombie you encounter is freaky looking, he didn't scare me either), and I was freaking out when the FMV of the hunter was playing, jumping over the wall, running through the walk, opening the knob...

then it looks like **** and I laughed my ass off, then proceeded to throw two shells into him.

Defining moment? Well I started with Code: Veronica, so it has to be this:

SPOIlERS (not that people don't know, but just in case)

I'm coming up the big service elevator as Chris, and I saved in the previous room: I have to get to a door halfway from the elevator and then end of the courtyard the door is in, but there are 2 poison hunters here (everyone probably knows this part btw). Well I had little to no health left (Danger, one hit would kill me, and no herbs/sprays etc), so I tried to make it anyways. After 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 80 or 83 tries exactly (can never remember how many it actually was...), I run a bit, grenade launch a leaping hunter, stumble towards the door, grenade launch another hunter, and make it through the door. That persistance, and triumph, sums up the Resident Evil series for me right there: Persistence and Triumph.

"Hey you smokin Mother Nature, this is a bust!"-The Who
"The Legend will Never Die!"-Soul Calibur


Well, there are so many amazing moments.

But for me it's this: At the beginning of Resident Evil 2 when Leon has had his first encounter with the zombies and battled his way through the streets he has little ammo as he approaches the front door to what was to be his first day on his new job. As he enters the main hall of the police station, not only is it a much more grand and gothic-looking building than he must have been expecting but it is also dark, foreboding and locked down. As the player edges forward we are treated to a short cut-scene where Leon recoils and looks up towards the ceiling. We hear that amazing piano motif with the chime bells followed by some sinister synth notes. My hairs stand up on end.

And i'm hooked.


for me its the whole first few scenes of resident evil 2
running down the streets to get into the gun shop....the zombies breaking through and then running down another street and theres zombies eating someone outside a cafe .,,,as your just about to get into the bus

been gripped since


I have yet to play RE1, and I have only played a tiny bit of RE2.

But in RE3, my defining moments are all of the Nemesis battles. Especially the one where you are in the Mansion where the Clock Tower is, and he has all the tentacles coming out of his back. That, and the bit where you have to play as Carlos to get the antidote for Jill. You go in this hospital, and there are these Hunters that bust out of their glass "test tubes" and attack you.

RE4: There are a ton of scary moments in this game, but I will NEVER forget the first time I played it and got to the village. I had read about what happened in the village, but once I actually got there in the game, I completely froze in fear and forgot what to do. I was surrounded by these zombies banging on doors, and some crazy chainsaw dude coming after me... Needless to say, I got killed pretty quickly XD And yes, I know the real names of the enemies, that was just my initial reaction.




First played RE3 and the city in mess at the night and the zombies walking around was creepy and make me wanted to try it. Also the Nemesis really gave me a fast heart beat, my heart always beating fast everytime i fought him back there



I started my RE obsession with RE 4, it was the first game I played.

It's when I was surrounded by the the genados in that house, with Luis, and Ashley. Intense stuff man!!

There are no rules, there is no honor, only victory.


The most Evil moment i should say for me was in Resident Evil 1 (playing on win 98) when walls of a room start to contract in mansion. That was crazy and the music in RE1 was better than every other RE games.


First Resident Evil game I played was RE4.
The moment that got me hooked was when I met the Regenerator for the first time, I was terrified
I was moving through the building looking for a keycard
Something in the other room catches my eye and I take a look
There was something on one of the tables, it looked like a human being. I thought it was nothing so just shrugged and left. I entered into the other room, grabbing the keycard. When suddenly I hear a noise from the other room. I grab my shotgun ready for anything coming through that door. The door opens and that thing I saw from the other room appears. I shoot at it in the head. It's head blows off leaving just the rest of the body.
Then the head grew back.....
I darted out of the room terrified and needing to get away. It stalked me throughout the whole of that building.
Thank God they weren't in Resident Evil 5....

"It's already over..."
The Trinity Killer


When Dr. Salvador (chainsaw man) cut my head off. My heart was beating so fast! It was completely unexpected.

And yep, the Regenerator's first scene scared the crap out of me. The music, the eerie atmosphere. I moved slowly around the window, afraid to "wake it up". I thought "Hmmm he's not coming yet, let's continue on..." Then, I hear the frickin' door opening and I knew it was it. He was slow but so terrifying. The hospital is so creepy I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

The light that you could never see
it shines inside, you can't take that from me


For me it actually was the first movie. I saw it opening night in theatres. I had gotten a Gamecube just a few months before so a few months after that I got the remake for Gamecube for my birthday. It blew me away! I've gotten/played all the games available for Gamecube (including the Resident Evil 2 and 3 ports) and even bought Resident Evil 5 for the PS3 and played it on my best friend's system at her place (thanks Courtney!). I've also loved the movies (though not so much Afterlife), and have even gotten one of my best friends to love them as well!!!



The first game in the series I played was RE2. I'll always remember the first time you fight a licker on Leon's A game, in that hall in the police station. I panicked and got backed into a corner. It then killed me. From that moment on, I always entered that hall with my shotgun handy, and I always saved at least two shells just for him.

But, as others have said, RE4 is one awesome moment after another, even though it broke the mold of the series in a major way. I'll never forget the fear and anxiety of that first invasion of the village. At first, I didn't go into the shotgun house, I went into that shack across from it, and was cornered in the back room. It was only a matter of time before I ran out of bullets and they got me. And then, when I retried and went into the shotgun house, oh man... Classic moment. And then he sawed my freakin' head off.

I'll also never forget being suddenly bifurcated by U-3, either.

And the adrenaline-pumped duel with the stealthy Verdugo. And when that giant statue of Salazar started chasing me, I was like, "You've gotta be ****ing kidding me!" as I button mash away. No other RE game immersed you like that one.
