MovieChat Forums > Biohazard 4 (2005) Discussion > Defining Resident Evil Moment...

Defining Resident Evil Moment...

This is for everyone. Whether you just started playing or have been since the first Resident Evil. Name that one defining moment that just grabbed you and made you a fan of the series. That single moment that actually scared the crap out of you or just made you say "Oh, man... that's F@$*ing creepy".

For me it was from the first Resident evil. In 1996 I was about 9 years old and I was watching my cousin play one morning before school. I had no idea what this game was but there was a scary gorilla looking thing (hunter) and my cousin was fighting him with the shotgun. It looked like my cousin was gonna take him when all of the sudden the hunter backs up, screams and leaps throught the air and pulls Chris Redfield's head off. Then he falls down and "You Died" (or "you are dead" i can't remember) appears on screen. It happened so fast I couldn't believe it. To this day it's still the most shocking thing I've ever seen on a video game (for it being 1996, and nothing like that being on a videogame). Alright, that's mine.


The first resident evil game I played was number 4, so the first moment that really made me feel I was fighting to survive would either be when you barricade the house against all the villagers at night or in the sewers against Verdungo.
Both were pretty damn intense the first time round.

I eat Lions




That's my one aswell.

That was Edna Krabappel... You only get one chance with Edna Krabappel

Hammersmith Hardman #26


I know many other people are gonna say this, but I thought the first Crimson-Head in Remake was the scariest thing I'd seen in my life. I was already afraid of running out of ammo, health, et cetera (Resident Evil games do that, you know!), and then a "dead" zombie gets up and runs at me! I nearly screamed, and my friends who were watching all jumped back as well!

My name is Alice. There was an accident and my career died. The trouble was, it didn't stay dead.


My first RE game was RE3 so my defining moment was the first fight against Nemesis. I totally wasn't expecting it, and pretty much got killed (I chose to fight him instead of going into the STARS building lol)

Metallica, Slayer, and Iron Maiden own!



Part 2, when the Licker comes crashing through the window....BIGGEST shock of my life, couldn't play on afterwards for days.


I think i played RES2 first, which stands as my favourite with RES4 tho it is definitely the best of the originals incl. the remake of 1 and 0 on GC. Not so much defining but i was a fan when watching someone else play i must've been like 11 when i first played 2, and the licker on the ceiling near the beginning i remember. But for defining, i think the whole of RES2, and when i was a shocker with it i got to the end of the second scenario for Claire, and couldn't finish (had no health), i played it all over again just to complete it.

My favourite part is the penultimate fight in the second scenario, its one of the best moments. Just the way he (the tyrantish monster) chases you throughout the game, and then falls into that fire thing. That music when he jumps out and the launcher from Ada - amazing then and still got it now. That monster did it for me, i loved the way he coolly chased you with minimal fuss throughout the game, breaking through walls with ease, smashing cameras, and that face, awesome!

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone, Doc Holliday)


Man RE4 was just one classic moment followed by another. I'd give the prize to that opening scene though, when Leon battles the baghead guy. It's so intense, completely unexpected and hopeless. Sets a really brutal tone for the whole game.


It was RE1, the minute that very first zombie turned his ugly cork head around in that cutscene. I was hooked from that moment on!

"It might appear as if I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy."


Let's see... I was probably about 12 or 13 years old the first time I played RE.

I went to my neighbors cause I was going to be baby sitting and the father of the children was playing RE2, so, he said I could play if I liked while they got ready to go.
So, here I' am playing RE2 for the first time and I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing.

It just so happens that I'm playing Claire's B game and I have to go into the interrogation room to get the yellow piece for the puzzle behind Chief Irons desk chair.

So, I get it, and then my eyes catch sight of the first aid spray on the table, of course, it's shiney, so I have to get that as well...

Here's what happened in exact sequence..
1. grabbed first aid spray
2. Licker jumps through glass window
3. I scream
4. Can't figure out how to shoot my gun..
5. Licker pwns me.

lol yeah, that scared the every living crap out of me, but I was hooked from then on.

Resident Evil FTW! <3

[u]WoW Stats:[/u]
Server: Khaz Modan
Race: Draenei
Name: Maurelle
Level: 48


Mine was when i played 4 actually.

When you're running from the ganados and ya take shelter in the cabin.
All the doors are barred up and have shelves and desks pushed in front of them.
They bust them down, i hold them off for a while but as it starts to get overwhelming so i head up stairs. I start running low on ammo as they're coming in
i throw flash grenades, regular grenades, incendiary grenades, everything i have
but they keep pushing in, i get down to nothing but but pistol ammo.
I try doing headshots as much as possible and as the nearest ganado gets close to
lunge at me, my gun clicks empty and they really go to town and mess me up.
Most intense, fear filled moment i'd ever had in any video game

~Bubbles and bagels!~


lol how unlucky oe of the scariest moments in resident evil 2 and it happened straight away

