Think you'd survive?

I was just wondering today,do you think you could do what Leon did and go thru all the stuff he did in the game if it were real life or heck even surviving a Mercenary Mission for a couple minutes?

How far do you think you would get if it was real life.


i would be dead in the house, as i probably couldn't avoid a swipe to the head quick enough. the first enemy in the game would kill me :P



No, you'd have died long ago. Please explain how you'd beat Del Lago, El Gigante Bitorres Mendez, Verdugo, etc?

I'd load up on a *beep* load of ammo.

"Welcome to my world, B*tch."
-Freddy Krueger (Freddy Vs. Jason)



kingcobra_582 you would most certainly not survive. It doesn’t matter if you stock up on excessive amounts of ammunition. Where do you get your food in a parasite-infested rural/desolate part of Spain with hundreds of infected inhabitants dwelling within your journey? Everyone, and I mean everyone in this thread, including myself, would certainly not survive this mission. It may not be at the beginning of it, or the middle, or close to the end, but we would all inevitably reach our demise at a certain point.

Leon S. Kennedy is a United States Government agent specialized and highly trained in firearms, hand-to-hand combat, CQC combat, and is athletically in shape. I highly doubt a regular individual such as yourself [or ourselves] could ever even make it past El Gigante or any of those large bosses. It takes a crap-load of skill, agility, strength, and most essentially wits to abolish such imposing foes. Plus, I’m also highly sure that Leon is also adeptly trained in survival skills to aid himself such as eating, drinking, etc. [Even if it does not show him doing such things in-game, obviously in real life these would be significant factors to survival]

So, kingcobra_582, let’s see you, starting out on a solo special operation with only a medium-powered handgun, and 1 med-kit, defeat hundreds of infected creatures along with hardly to no food in the location.



Okay, so maybe I wouldn't survive. But I'd definitely have gone down fighting.

"Welcome to my world, B*tch."
-Freddy Krueger (Freddy Vs. Jason)



How about this:
You know whats comming you move inside the village, kill the ganados and get the shotgun. The when you head to the farm you kill all the ganados and the you take a cow and use it to transport your items (guns, ammo, food etc.). You could make it further than you would without the cow. You would probaly still die, but you wouldn't get exhausted from carrying all the items. Either that or take the knight armor suit and make your way.


I wonder if a team would fare any better.

Let us remember the police men.....



I'm sure the fact that they went hurling down a cliff in a car, which most likely knocked them out for some time had nothing to do with it.

Been a long time, comrade.



While you mentioned the not eating or drinking *beep*

How long was Leon in spain for ?


um if Ashley the dumbass can do so could anyone- love Chris


Maybe it's just over the top of my head but, why would the U.S. send in just one trained guy on a rescue mission (those local cops don't count)? And why just send him in with a weak pistol? Of course it's just part of the game, but it really just doesn't make much sense. At least in the first game you had a bit of company sent in on a mission.


maybe they don't know what is waiting for him in this Spanish speaking place. maybe they thought it was just one guy with a grudge against the president or something. they probably sent him in without much because they didn't know what they were up against.


Wow poor planning on their part then! I thought you're never taught to just assume stuff. Always be prepared for the worst? Of course, I don't mean arriving with a rocket launcher, but perhaps a better handgun?


But of course, in real life, there's no way that all those people could live in that village. Maybe some of them actually lived in the mine.

Survival might be possible, but not through the entire "game". Most certainly not alone. A team could fare better, but El Gigante, Del Lago, Verdugo, Salazar and IT would reduce the numbers. And all that it takes is one mistake... no continues or retrys.

'Would you like me to do it now? Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?'


Of course. You would not have a health monitor in reality, and getting slashed at by an axe or stabbed with a pitchfork means bye-bye for you, or so wounded you would not be able to continue your mission.



Um if we were looking at "in reality" then none of the creatures in the game would actually exist and Leon could stroll in there with a pistol, carry a couple of hundred rounds and head shot each villager then grenade each boss and that'd be that. Easy as anything.



If none of the creatures in the game actually exist, then why would Leon be in Spain in the first place? There would be no crazy people infected with a parasite kidnapping Ashley, and therefore no reason for him to take on a rescue mission.


Good question. And here's another one: no matter how "infected" or non-human los ganados are, when you blow out their kneecaps with a shotgun, why do they still walk?


Why is no one bringing up the Garrador ?

So perhaps the first ne was easy , But getting trapped in a cage with one....

Shh..Don't tell.
I trimmed my bush!
-Adam Sandler



Well , If you were on Ada's path I think alot of people would get that far.

It's only like chapter 3 when Ada fights the Garrador , Then again I probably wouldn't get past Saddler.


I'd like to think I could last a while. I could certainly get through part of the first mission. My downfall is that I'm not that fast. I could evade the villagers because I would just climb up the bell tower and knife then when they try to follow. The part when they push the boulder and you have to run and then dive out of the way would be my downfall though...I'm simply not as fast as Leon.


No one else seems to have mentioned it but....

I think if I had Ada's equiptment I would perhaps survive , Seperate ways seemed extremely easy.

Plus , The Grapple-gun would get you out of alot of situations.


Do grapple guns really work like that in reality though (enough to make you flip)? That's really a lot of force pulling you up. And a grapple-gun cannot pull you from a horizontal angle, can it?


I think with the pressure they put on , They probably are enough to make you flip.

And they aren't really that hard to handle. The first time you use it its kind of a shock , because it kind of puts a strain in your arm , I used one when I went abseiling once.

And no , Not from a horizontal angle , To use one you have to be standing correctly.


The thing is in real life, nobody would follow the paths or do the same things as Leon. Personally if I got randomly attacked by a savage axe wielding man in his house whilst the local lynch mob goes to town on my police escort outside, the last thing I'd do is march into their hometown and begin shooting the place up.
For me and most others I'd guess we'd try and hike it back along the rode we came down, which personally I believe as long as the wolves don't come about at night to get me I'd survive.

If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka an a bad attitude I expect you to chin the bitch


I would actually go on , Although I probably wouldn't interfere on run down the middle of them , I'd probably sneak round the side and jump from the roofs onto the paths and stuff.

Although even If I didn't know what I was up against , I would take a machine gun and a grenade launcher anyway.



Speaking of Mendez , That part in the house really cheesed me off.

Mendez strangled Leon , and was ready to kill him , Then ,Leon went back inside that room , as if he felt the need to go back and get his ass kicked more.

But then Ada saved him.



Following Leon's linear path and having been trained all the techniques he's been trained, I realistically have come to the conclusion that I would bite it at Del Lago. But, most likely the first boulder. I'm sure they don't train you to kill giant lake monsters in the U.S. government now do they. If I could get to the roof , I had 2 grenades, and I had about 6 or 7 clips via a tactical vest, I might have made it past the village.

All in all, I would have given the president Solid Snake's number and ask to be transferred to a desk job.

Been a long time, comrade.


Why does everyone say they'd flake out at Del Lago, if you've survived all the previous outings then throwing the occaisonal spear and dodging some floating debris isn't going to be the end of the world. I don't know many people who can't throw a spear 20 feet (and thats all it'd take) or who can't drive a boat around some driftwood.
And as for cutting the rope on your leg. As long as you aren't flapping you could have that old rope to pieces in two good chops of that big shiny knife.

If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka an a bad attitude I expect you to chin the bitch


I'd do better than Leon :D. Because I have enough coordination to run and shoot at the same time.


Which will save you against lasers...

If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka an a bad attitude I expect you to chin the bitch




Oh i'd probably survive long enough to get past the village. Wouldn't get much further than that though I think. It'd be stretching the imagination enough as is. Though you'd probably see me using just about everything to my advantage. You know the weapons the enemies drop? Yeah, I would make full use of a lot of those.



Pitchfork would be a neat one too in case you wanted to keep a distance from them.


I would get to the island and say take me home and I go home with hugiren.


Just pretend to be the pizza delivery boy and the will calm down.

Then when they are off-gaurd steal Dr. Salvador's chainsaw and butcher them all

Get ready for some Chocolate Rain bitch!


If the game would be realistic then no-one would survive. The Spanish people wouldn't be carrying ammo since they have no guns, those boxes with ammo and those notes which give away bits of the plot or herbs that you find scattered around, or money, wouldn't be left there so careless.

You'd run out of ammo very soon, have no idea who Saddler or Salazer were or what was going on on the island, not be able to buy any guns. You wouldn't even make it as far as the first time you meet the merchant.

Silas Marner 2: The Daneing.


Maybe they were put there by Wesker or Krauser...

Either way, give me a chicago typewriter, and a handcannon at its best, and i'll make any enemy cry within seconds. :).

*Don't stress. You'll live longer.* =D!



*blasts captain wesker with the handcannon, then unleashes fury with the chicago typewriter...*

*Don't stress. You'll live longer.* =D!


Oh no. Death threats.

I eat Lions


you know that part where you see the very first crazy villager with the axe. when he swings at you. that's when I'd die. lol

yeah considering there'd prob be one gun in the entire village you'd prob do more damage if you picked up the typewriter and threw it at them.


Sad as it is, I read every post in these 16 pages, and yet only few (If any) managed to point it out...

1) Having gotten there and met the first axe Gonado and then seen the car you came in destroyed - you'd be immediatly onto Hannigan calling for backup...


2) Venture slightly onwards until you get to the hut with the Gonado with her head pitchforked to the wall and get just upto the gate (Where the Gonado is hiding in the hut)... THEN call Hunnigan and call for a lots of backup.

3) Once your team is there, venture further in (I'm sure as a group, especially with Leon there), you'd make it as far as the church and realise whats her name is trapped in there - then tell Hannigan and get a flight team in there or knock the door down/blow it open, grab the girl, then escape in the plane...

4) Nuke the area.

I've just done Resident Evil 4 in 30 minutes.

And if that doesn't work:

5) Gamma radiate a scientist and tell Hulk Betty Ross is inside the church, then sit back and relax.


I've just done Resident Evil 4 in 30 minutes.

You beat this game in 30 minutes? Come on, hard to believe! I beat the game 13 times, very often running through without pick-ups and armed with the infinite RL & CT--and my best time was 2 hours and 15 minutes. So please tell me how this is even possible?

"LOST, the only reason for living other than the Internet."
--The Nerd Gazette


No dude, I did the game in 20 hours, I meant in real life...

Once backup arrived, charge in, get to church, barge door down, take girl out, fly out of area nuking the infected... game completed in 30 minutes, none of this bollox fighting a giant fish or Mendez or Salazar or fighting my way through gonados, U2, getting in the castle or Vertigo, just in and out.


No dude, I did the game in 20 hours, I meant in real life...

Whew, thank you for that! This was driving me crazy all day yesterday, I couldn't stop wondering how this could be done. I even finished an entire game last night because I wanted to see if this was even possible.

Also, I'm a chick--not a dude! :P

"LOST, the only reason for living other than the Internet."
--The Nerd Gazette


Yo dude that's mad awesome!


Ok lol, I thought it was obvious from my post tbh. Meh, I cba to play Resident Evil 4 doing quick time.


this is me at that village:
i walk in the first house and say "excuse you seen this girl?". ganados hits me with the ax. i scream like a bitch and make few steps back and die.
that's pretty much it


Depends on people reactions - and you're most likley not going to be there for no apparent reason, you'd have a gun or knife at least, but tbf, if someone just swung an axe at me and missed, i'd knock the ******* out.


he'd swing the axe at me and I'd do an awesome backflip to dodge. of course I'd slip halfway through the flip, land on my head, thus snapping my own neck.

irony. it's a lovely thing.


i almost hear the crack...


