Think you'd survive?

I was just wondering today,do you think you could do what Leon did and go thru all the stuff he did in the game if it were real life or heck even surviving a Mercenary Mission for a couple minutes?

How far do you think you would get if it was real life.


Id beat the villagers in the farm for sure. I know id survive that. But Del Lago would probably eat the *beep* out of me.

The thing is that Leon cant just simply run from these things or do the smart thing and burn a building down. I know id be burning down the building once it came time to face the chief. Also beating those crazy dogs would be hard too.
But if it was just straight up villagers in the farm id kick ass. Id be way faster and just run ahead and turn and gun one down and keep doing so.

Dear Warden, You were right. Salvation lies within.


In honor of keeping this thread alive, I must contribute. No, I do not think I could realistically survive. Herbs do not heal in real life, neither do golden eggs- it's a shame. By avoiding the majority of the enemies, and running when confronted, I could survive for a little while. The cabin would be difficult, but with enough ammunition I believe it could be handled. I think I might be able to make it to the castle. The village provides lots of outdoor space to run (or drive the boat) when necessary, to get away from attackers.

However, once at the castle let's assume the cultists aren't going to wait 30 seconds to fire their crossbows. Once wounded, and without medical attention, this crazy journey turns near impossible. The castle also has confined spaces and traps; sadly, this is where I would most likely meet my end.

"The future belongs to those who change today" - CM
