Think you'd survive?

I was just wondering today,do you think you could do what Leon did and go thru all the stuff he did in the game if it were real life or heck even surviving a Mercenary Mission for a couple minutes?

How far do you think you would get if it was real life.


I'd die...Pretty fast. Especially considering the fact that the first time I played the game, I ended up getting Leon killed quite a few times. Those are such extreme circumstances. And I've never held a gun before, so I wouldn't really know what I was doing.


Assuming I'd been properly trained, I'd probably snuff it when the villager tries to chop Luis and Leon with the axe. Naaaassssty.


Id probally survive till Dr.Salvador appeared,hed probally cut my head off before I even had a chance to fire off my gun.]

As for Mercenaries Id stay up in the barn shooting the people below until time ran out or


well, I certainly wouldn't survive the part where the lasers come flying at you in that security hallway type place.




Yes, but I'd make sure I have three things. A .357, a 12 gauge, and a machete.

"That guy's a maniac! Why'd he bite me?!" - Resident Evil 2


I'd just backflip the hell out of there in bullet-time.



i think i would last farther than expected, because of one simple fact...
we can move soo much better than can leon. even the village part wouldnt be bad considering i could run probably 4 times faster than any villager's top speed and evade just about every attack.

id proly bow out at the Del Lago water monster part.

"Miranda has the right to remain... hot"
-CSI Miami

... too damn funny


If i go through the samething, i'd surely die, you can't compare real life to a game anyway. Leon actually died several times, but with saving he can go back and continue the story. We can't do that in real life. We only have one chance in real life anyway, once you're dead, you're dead.


the truth is that no one on the earth today would have survived.


yea there are probaly 100 people on earth that could have survived

I Plan to live forever So Far so Good!


oh yeah???? chuck norris would have... yeah that right!!!


If I had Jedi reflexes like Leon, possibly.

A cool haircut might also help.

You know, guns don't kill people, stupid mother(s)uckers with guns kill people.


Umm id probably survive till the mine level, maybe get squashed by the bolder, but if i had enough ammo and err herbs n spray id probably survive till i got bored of kickin ass lol, cus id know i wouldent beat some of the things....


Hell no, i wouldn't even make it to the first boss.

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I'd panic... a-lot.... but, I might be able to handle the typical zombie fest.... RE4 however.... nah...I'm not as good as Leon as "who wah"ing....

Support Perspective



In real life though, you could probably avoid bosses and other encounters by sneaking or just running. For example, you could climb over the gate to the castle road instead of battling Mr. Azzu Bazzu for his glass eye.


Exactly. We would not have as many "chances" as Leon, or his training either, but we would have alot more options when moving around. Get to the church, find a way in (I'm sure there is one way in besides the gate). Get Ashley, run like a madman into the woods, look out for traps, and get away. There must be another way that you can get across the river you crossed when you first reached the village. Get back to the road, and start walking/running.

And you have people.. billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs.


Tim Tebow would survive and laugh saying "well that was a good warmup"


if ashley got kiddnapped more than twice id just leave her n tell Hunnigan that she got eaten or somin....


Hell yes I'd survive. Because I'm small and can fit through cracks and run aways from danger.

Plus, I'm a woman and I'm intelligent. And, I would have a handcannon with me.


I'd have a heart attack when I encountered the Del Lago. Either that or I'd kill myself.


Would it not be possible to climb the cliffs around the lake instead of going by boat? Dangerous if it rains, but when it does not.. it's hard to make a game as real as reality.

And you have people.. billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs.



me and my typewriter mowing down those ganados and bosses. I could take em all with my

I know its big...i measured








Screw the Thompson Id take an AK-47 with all the goodies like a grenade launcher, scope, laser sight, flashlight, and infinite ammo, maybe a bayonet, thats a lot of crap but I could make it happen, I would also use a machete instead of that knife, and for a hand gun, something with a silencer.

"Sadness is for Poor People"-Err the Mooninite


I would throw the two cops out of the car out the very beggining and drive away.

A coward dies a thousand deaths;A soldier dies but once
~Tupac Shakur


id die in the first village
