MovieChat Forums > Transporter 2 (2005) Discussion > Most Ridiculous Movie Scene EVER!

Most Ridiculous Movie Scene EVER!

At around 35 mins into the films there is a scene where Frank Martin realises there is a bomb attached to the bottom of his car, he is forced to drive off from the baddies at gunpoint. He accelerates at this crane dangling in the air and then manages to drive up a ramp rolling the car as it flies through the air. He perfectly judges everything and the hook at the bottom of the crane just knocks the bomb off the underside of the car. The car finishes its spin perfectly landing back on its wheels and speeds off.


Has anyone got a more ridiculous movie scene than this one?


Dunno about you guys, but I just watched the movie for the unbelievable stunts and insane action.

Hardly anything in the movie is realistic or believable, but for me it scores well in the style and thrills departments.


I thought that many of the stunts looked cheesy and the effects in many scenes cheap.

I still think that shooting down a heli with 9mm dosent belong in anymovie, except if the hero is about to have an orgy downtown afterwards.

One year in the marines ruin most action movies.


it's the transporter man!!! - it's a fun movie - aint to meant to have thick plots and wonderful deep meaning acticg - cut to the chase and lets do the most impossible but fun sh** we can conjure up was im sure the directors intentions.

10/10 slapstick and entertaining


That's like saying "Oh my God, these Chinese people are flying and fighting in the air, so unrealistic and ridiculous!!!" or "Oh my God, James Bond has a laser on his watch, so unrealistic and ridiculous!!!" or "Oh my God, there are vampires and werewolves fighting on the streets with guns, so unrealistic and ridiculous!!!" or "Oh my God, four turtles transformed into mutants, so unrealistic and ridiculous!!!" or "Oh my God, this fat guy and a giant chicken fought around town and broke everything in their path, so unrealistic and ridiculous!!!"

Yeah man, movies... and I guess T.V.... holy crap it's so unrealistic and ridiculous!!!

I'm going to go watch something realistic. I'm going to the park, sit on a bench, feed some birds... but if one of those birds realizes there is a bomb attached to the bottom of his car then the bird accelerates at this crane dangling in the air and then manages to drive up a ramp rolling the car as it flies through the air and the bird perfectly judges everything and the hook at the bottom of the crane just knocks the bomb off the underside of the car and the car finishes its spin perfectly landing back on its wheels and speeds off, then oh my God I'm going to and tell everyone about how ridculous it was.


props for the family guy reference!



You hit the nail on the head -- completely absurd. Wonder how many Audis they really went thru? The A8-L W-12 is $125K a pop - not a cheap prop either. LOL.


But look at the god damn heli. I got friends which make better effects than that... It looked like taken out of early Mcguyver.. I can I agree that most things dosen't have to be "realistic" BUT GOD DAMN... Anime sucks ass... and so does the transporter...


Before I get into anything I'd like to quote a previous post on this thread:


This was complete bullsh_t. I never turn movies off and I had to turn this off.

The first Transporter was way good but after the car flip to release the bomb my intelligence was vivaciously molested. I couldn’t get over it and then the airplane was beyond bogus.

Pisses me off; no suspension of disbelief!!!!!!


You turned it off huh? Well you must have watched at least 98% of it if you got up to the plane scene.. And the movie accomplished what it set out to do. It kept you watching til the end. Movies aren't made for you to pick apart every detail that you don't think could happen in real life. Sure, some of these scenes were ridiculous and even comical, but movies are made for ENTERTAINMENT. If you'd like to only see real life things, stay home and watch the Discovery Channel.




The rest of the movies scenes were fine, the jump from the one building to the next, and how might I add, did he get the car down from there? lol Anyway, the scene you're talking about with the flipping car and the crane almost ruined the movie for me, I expected him to just jump the car and bail, but no. It was TOO unrealistic, it was TOO much, at least the other stunts in both movies could have been somewhat possible, but that one, was just, um no. lol I know it's a movie, and anything can happen in the movie world, but I mean COME ON. That's just too much.

I Hurt Really Bad, Where I pee.


Yeah I must agree some of the scenes were BS but I still think it was a cool movie. The Audi staying unscathed and surviving a nosedive in the plane took the cake though


you are all right
this movie is crap, nothing makes sense, ... but despite all of this, this movie has one of the best action scenes ever. i mean those, where he fights ten people. it reminds me jackie chan's movies and japanese manga style. it was supposed to be this ridiculous and it made me laugh often, but those scenes are worth it. if you disagree, name other movie with such scenes (not equilibrium, nothing with jackie chan)


the whole bomb under car scene was just stupid, but it made me smile, who the hell thinks this crazy *beep* up. Loved the movie, the bad acting, and the good fight scenes, hong kong is back (for the 9th time now i think)

big up to my friend larry and thanks again to everyone who votet for me


the worst part of the movie, was the melon fight, or frank dodging bullets. or...I can't really think of the most ridiculous part. It's pretty much about 84 minutes of the 87 available in this bogus sequel.

As a friend put it, as a comedy this movie is a ten out of ten

as a sequel, Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome is more of appealing


what about the jet at the end, it looked like ps1 graphics.


heh heh i noticed that... i mean damn, buy one less A8 W12 and you could afford a nice looking plane!

either way, i <3ed this movie

87 minutes of fighting, guns, and *beep* blowing up!


Me and my son actually liked the movie, I mean if any of the fight scenes resembled anything of a jackie chan movie to you, then you might as while equate the plot as being such also, stuff like that just can't be done, so you might as well sit back and just enjoy :)
