This script for "In Good Company" was trying awfully hard at being unformulaic and overall I think succeeded. All the characters seem to jive with this and this kind of also hit's the film's main theme of the importance in life of trying to find your focus, the thing that makes you most passionate and human. Some people like Dan find it, many others do not -- some like Carter, take longer but finally get there.
Scarlet's character, Alex, wasn't the typical love interest that you normally see in the movies, nothing in the film is neat and tidy. Alex was reluctant, confused, unsure about her life, career, school and so forth much like Carter (and of course, total opposite to her dad the film's shining example of a self actualized man). So, she was kind of wishy washy as a character on just about everything, including and finally, her relationship with Carter (listen to Alexes dialogue carefully and you'll get this).
I think Scarlett Johansson played it perfectly and just the way the director wanted. She wasn't charismatic, personable and this was the right choice for the part (in a way, Johansson strong screen presence and beauty was all the was needed).
Also think, if Johansson played it with more life and interest in Carter, the script's ending wouldn't of worked, it would have made no sense that she ended the relationship and that they wouldn't be together in the end.
I do understand why some of her fans would not like her in this, but I think as usual, the girl nailed it (I'd be hard pressed to think of another actress that could have made that part work as well).