MovieChat Forums > Stealth (2005) Discussion > I don't get the hate

I don't get the hate

Simple as that...I remember seeing this movie in a cinema with 0 expectations and I was blown away by the camera work and special effects.

The plot is forgetable but let's face it, the majority blockbuster movies are lacking in that aspect. The action however kept going and jets are so rare in movies, it's a shame Stealth didn't get a sequel.


by kael_32 » Thu Jul 14 2011 15:59:48
IMDb member since January 2006
Simple as that...I remember seeing this movie in a cinema with 0 expectations and I was blown away by the camera work and special effects.

The plot is forgetable but let's face it, the majority blockbuster movies are lacking in that aspect. The action however kept going and jets are so rare in movies, it's a shame Stealth didn't get a sequel.

It didn't get a sequel because it was an idiotic movie that took a while to get into the black.

Similar stories have been done with real drama and more fake special effects. Yet those stories hold up because there's real drama in them.

This thing was just another "war is bad and for little boys who can't control their tempers" parable. That's why the dogfights look awful. That's why the script was written for teenage boys with inane dialogue and plot holes so big you could fly a 747 through them.

I can shoot a better film.


Hey folks,

I just finished watching this, and somewhere along the way I realized I saw this junk before. I checked on IMDb, and sure enough, I gave this comic book a rating of 2. After seeing the second time, I think I ought to lower it to a rating of 1.

In some sort of response to the original poster's statement, "I don't get the hate," I might suggest the original poster is simply too young to understand generational differences. He uses the currently in cliché word "hate or haters" to stigmatize anyone who differs with the user's point of view. As soon as I hear someone use the word "haters," red flags go off in my head, and I am usually inclined to tune it out. It really is not about "hate." It is about discrimination in what you accept in accordance with your own personal standards and values.

CGSailor described it pretty well in his first post where he describes films like this one as "mind numbing Crap Action films." If you like these films, that is fine with me - to each his own. What gets me ticked off, however, is when folks like the original poster say anyone who does not like these films are "haters."

It is not about hate; it is about taste.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


All true.

I looked into being a fighter pilot when I was younger, and what you discover is that you need more than just a desire to fly.

But you cannot have just pure aggression within you. You need to have a combination of fantastic creative artistry to get you through an engagement, and the temperament of an engineer to manage the device you are flying.

In short, you need high IQ points in both left and right hemispheres of your brain, and have the physical attributes to withstand the rigors of ACM; i.e. muscles, stamina, and a strong constitution.

So, when a film like this comes along, and you're like me, you've been hoping for a good movie with jet fighters that actually fight, and don't just fly around, and as comic-book entertaining as Top Gun was, it was not a movie you would want to see again, you get more than a little dissapointed when trash like "Stealth" comes around.

To any future director who reads my prattle;

Like the poster says;

Fight to Fly
Fly to Fight
Fight to Win


by kael_32 » Thu Jul 14 2011 15:59:48 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since January 2006
Simple as that...I remember seeing this movie in a cinema with 0 expectations and I was blown away by the camera work and special effects.

The plot is forgetable but let's face it, the majority blockbuster movies are lacking in that aspect. The action however kept going and jets are so rare in movies, it's a shame Stealth didn't get a sequel.

Then you're easy to please because it's a *BLEEP* film.


Same here. It's not perfect, but neither is it a bad movie and on a day when I am feeling really down I pop the DVD in and watch this movie as it's fun..


Did anyone expect a masterpiece from Rob Cohen?


its because imdb hate an action film that's not the matrix or t2.


I completely agree. I've seen this movie several times and it isn't great but it's certainly better than all of the Transformers movies that have come out. Better dialogue, story, and characters. People defend this film's low score with claims of the stupidity of having a talking plane but they think Transformers deserves a better score. SMH.


I hated this movie when it came out. But i'm watching now on Netflix 13 years later and... it's pretty awesome. Very enjoyable movie.


I went into it with no knowledge or expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
