All true.
I looked into being a fighter pilot when I was younger, and what you discover is that you need more than just a desire to fly.
But you cannot have just pure aggression within you. You need to have a combination of fantastic creative artistry to get you through an engagement, and the temperament of an engineer to manage the device you are flying.
In short, you need high IQ points in both left and right hemispheres of your brain, and have the physical attributes to withstand the rigors of ACM; i.e. muscles, stamina, and a strong constitution.
So, when a film like this comes along, and you're like me, you've been hoping for a good movie with jet fighters that actually fight, and don't just fly around, and as comic-book entertaining as Top Gun was, it was not a movie you would want to see again, you get more than a little dissapointed when trash like "Stealth" comes around.
To any future director who reads my prattle;
Like the poster says;
Fight to Fly
Fly to Fight
Fight to Win