MovieChat Forums > Hide and Seek (2005) Discussion > who did you think was charlie (spoiler)

who did you think was charlie (spoiler)

honestly, i never thought de niro would be him. but at first i thought the next door neighbor was, when he first met emily and how she smiled at him and everything. i thought he would end up being charlie. and being that they never showed him much after, i was saying what would be the point of showing the next door neighbors to begin with? it wouldnt make much sense if they had to do with emily, which i thought the man next door did but apparently didnt

im not sure why a lot of people didnt like this movie. i thought it was very good and better than expected to tell you the truth.



you dont know that for sure...
Famke Janssen coulda pulled off another Ava Moor


well the first time you see the next door neighbor, you see emily smiling at him kind of funny, so i thought that would be some significance on figureing out charlie...i thought it was him at first


Yes i did too. I dont know how anyone can say it was obvious ? It so wasnt.



I'm confused too. If her dad was Charlie...than how could he be in the house working when she see's the cave and drops the doll for the first time. I assumed that was when Charlie came into play.


DID, look it up at Wikipedia. He was another person when doing it, thus not aware.


never heard of Multiple Personality Disorder???


know it could of been anyone films have tricks remember i knew it was david when he had a mark on him some type of butterly after he crushed it but then i thought it cant be him because of the scene when the lights go out and emily screams for help then she says charlie and david is upstairs but then i realized tricks it was his imagination


I saw it coming a mile off. I'd just watched A Beautiful Mind for the first time shortly before I saw this, so may have been more sensitive to these things.


I knew it was her dad right from the start it was just so obvious. Come on who else could it have been? Her father was the only male Emily knew in the whole movie apart from that next door neighbor guy.
OK, this guy is a genius.

Would a Cupcake kill you?


I think we saw Charlie in the whole movie. At first Charlie was the "good one" who tries to get close to Emily. We don't see David in the movie, we see Charlie (remember the opened window and the butterfly). David appears just in father's dreams (memories) and at the end when we find out he is the killer. What I didn't understand is why Emily didn't ask for help...



at first, i thought it was the neighbor's dead kid. when the female neighbor said they had a child that died, i automatically thought that charlie was the kid, but then she said she had a daughter. then i thought it was the male neighbor. but then i thought it was the man who had an affair with the mom (so weird but yeah haha) then towards the end, i realized that deniro had split personality


i thought it was de niro since my friend ruined the movie for me.


D'you think it's that same girl that Emily drew with her at the end? :p~ just thinking out loud.

Made You Look


For the longest time I thought it would be the police man because he was always snooping around - and the line "If I went away is there something you would want to tell your daddy? No, Good girl" As if he was telling her to be quite about the incident and who did it. Clearly I was way off but an interesting twist.


after a while I did have a feeling that it would be de niro

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


1)i thought that maybe it was the Mother that talked to the daughter as Charlie, and imaginary freind, because she wanted revenge because David killed her( i thought it was quite obvious that he killed her)

2) The neighbour maybe, not the Police officer because in the trailer, when he asks Emily what she is drawing she says "You dying"

3) Charlie was a little boy who lived in the house before them(i thought it was a super natural horror movie)

4) That Charlie was the neighbors dead girl



I had a horrible feeling the day before I saw it, "Oh, God, what if it's like Secret Window?" Sadly, I was right! At least this was better and I like some of the ideas for Charlie. I was hoping it'd be some psycho but that would have been too random


I was really hoping it would be a supernatural demon or ghost or something like that.

The fact that they made the neighbor and the sheriff seem suspicious made them obvious red herrings. After if became clear there were no supernatural forces at work, the father really was the most obvious choice.

It's funny that Dakota Fanning acted circles around Robert De Niro (It goes without saying, he is a fantastic, iconic actor), who usually brings great performances even in his weaker, late-career film choices. However, he was much scarier as Max Cady and Louis Cyphre. Frankly I liked Secret Window better because the ending was better.


I thought charlie was the neighbours dead child. a ghost but eventually u figure out its the dad quite easy since hes always with the daughter.


It's hard to answer this, because I made the mistake of reading the spoiler for the movie before seeing it. But I know myself well enough to have an idea of who I thought it would've been if I hadn't read it.

For one thing, the second trailer commercial shown of the movie sort of made it obvious (at least to me) that David was "Charlie". I don't know if they thought the viewers were idiots or they were the idiots and didn't realize people could figure it out.

But the commercial aside, I would have guessed it was either the ghost of her mother somehow or Emily had a psychological problem and was a schizophrenic sociopath who blamed her bad deeds on an 'unknown character'.


When I saw the trailer, I thought he was saying "Come out, come out, wherever you are" because he knew Charlie was real and was trying to find him.

Now, I thought it was going to be some ghost. At first I thought it was the daughter of the neighbor, even when I found out she was a girl, since Charlie can be a girl's name too. And I thought maybe the kid had died of cancer, so she didn't have any hair and she never told Emily she was a boy, Emily just assumed.

Then, near the end I thought it was the mother's lover, since she mentioned something about Charlie being able to satisfy her.

T~O 769

"Bella breathe."


I thought it was DeNiro probably at least 55% sure most of the movie and decided it to be a definite by the last hour. The next door neighbor was too cliche'd and obvious to be a satisfying ending. Dakota having split personalities was my only other possibility (which also turned out to be true) but didn't seem to give DeNiro's character much of a purpose in the movie.

"Dreams aren't perfect Dawson, they come true, not free..." - Joey Potter





i thought he was like some Freddy Krueger/Michael Myers thing who haunted her in her dreams and stalked her during the day...
whew! i was way off.


hah so did I, thought it was gona be like some boy who was murdered in the cave who she "awoke" or something typical like that...

along the lines of the orphanage.

for some reason I thought it was auctually a ghost movie prior to watching so it was a pretty fresh twist. still, the end was kinda bad.
