MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Has anything like this ever happened to ...

Has anything like this ever happened to you in high school?

I don't mean being raped, I mean being ostracized by your peers and/or old friends...


um...yeah. but is this even a question? things like that happen to everyone in high school.

~But that's just me~


yes they happen often, but not to EVERYONE. at least not to that extent.


Erm, Kitty? Yes they do. I wasn't raped but even the outcasts were less outcast-y than I was during all of school from 3rd grade - 12th grade. Even during my one semester of "real college", I wasn't very liked. Whatever.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


they don't happen to everyone. it rarely happens to anyone at my school. especially the making fun of. that NEVER happens at my school ever

"You're just a PUPPET!!" -Rob Pattinson


the whole story reminds me of my roommate in college, who was date raped in high school. she basically became very shy, suicidal, and zipped her lips (at least about the actual rape and source of all her sadness) for about four years. thank god she eventually got some help and seemed to improve.



i'm in the 8 grade and sometimes i feel left out. everyone is either a jerk or a slut. atleast i don't fall into peer pressure.

The S. E. Hinton board will rock your socks!! come and join us!!


From 6th grade to the middle of 7th grade i was pretty much a loner. No one talked to me, I didn't talk much, my friends hated me, i lied to my parents a lot, and i recieved many theartening phone calls, anyonomous and not

and although it wasnt that bad through 8th grade there were still little periods of times here and there where people expressed their hate for me in a "expressive" way....

And even through elementary school and middle i experienced VERY low self-esteem and, i guess u could even say "self-hate".

even now, in high school, i struggle with a lot low self-esteem and insercurites, i have friends now, but one cannot forget the past COMPLETELY!

Thats why i love this book so much, i could identify with the thoughts, fears, and situations/conversations that Melinda had with her parents, teachers, and friends. Speak made me feel like i wasnt the only one going through stuff like this



This happened to me for four years. All throughout middle school and my freshman year in high school I was picked on and beaten up. I would come home with bruises almost every day. I am glad that I transferred schools or else I would still be an emotional wreck.


I've never been bullied
..but i bullied a girl in year seven. me and another girl made her change classes and eventually leave the school. i feel so terrible about it now, we both had problems, she just dealt with them better...
i actually felt so bad that when i saw her at the shops a year ago i went over and apologised to her, she was sitting with her friends and i was all alone and i felt like an idiot but it was something i had to do.
she was honset about how much i had hurt her and everything but said she appreciated it and although it couldnt change what happened it helped a little for me to actually apoligise and tell her it wasnt her fault.

now i refuse to let anyone talk badly about other people, even when they cant hear what they're saying...
in a way it helped me become a better person and although it cant change what i did to the poor girl, i now realise im ahead of most of my peers in that respect...

high schools a bitch, it seems like such a big deal, but when we look back in ten years time it will all be a memory...


I'm in high school, freshman year, now. I'm doing pretty well, but in 7th grade the majority of kids I thought were my friends thought I really was a loser. A lot of girls have done stuff where they become my friend and then stop talking to me. Even sometimes kids talk about me behind my back and then act like my friend to my face.

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in grade 8 there was this girl that for some dumb reason got drunk off her a$$ w. some alcohol she brought to school. She passed out during recess and i told a teacher. She held it against me and told EVERYONE she could about it in highschool. Watching everyone's reaction to kristen stewart's character calling the cops to the house party reminded me of ppl asking me "you're the one who told the teacher about so-and-so drinking?".


All throughout middle school I was extremely quiet. I avoided conversations. I only spoke when spoken to, and when they kept talking, trying to become friends, I wished with all my might that they would go away. I hated being this way and I didn't know how to escape it. I only had 3 friends in 6th and 7th grade who I secretly disliked for selfish reasons. I wanted to be popular and have tons of friends so badly but I just didn't know how to be extroverted. It made me pretty depressed. I rarely smiled or laughed. I guess I was probably considered a "loner", but I wouldn't know because people rarely talked to me. One annoying blonde girl asked in the lunch line one day "Are you emo?" I couldn't really make any friends because people had already formed their little groups long ago.
I saw this movie in 7th grade and could relate to it so much that it made me feel depressed for awhile after watching it. I couldn't just suddenly become outgoing because people already knew me as the shy girl. I knew that if I could just leave all those people behind, I would have a much easier time starting off new. I got my chance when I was redistricted to a new middle school in 8th grade and my shyness improved slightly, but not enough. As I entered high school I was determined to rid myself of every last bit of shyness that was left. I think I've succeeded. I'm SO much happier now. I have plenty of friends. I guess all it took was a new environment. Middle school was hell. So, no, nothing like this happened to me in high school, but it did happen to me in middle school.
I don't understand why high school is considered the major place for bullying and harrassment. IMO, middle school was far worse. Most people in high school are pretty mature. We're all too busy worrying about our GPAs and what colleges we will get into to worry about social ladders. We're all on the same boat, whereas in middle school popularity was a bigger issue.



I think that not everybody but at least 75% of people have been bullied during school days. I was bullied by peers since I was 5 at kindergarden. It's really terrible to be the target. That marks you for life. And I don't understand why some people do that. To mock or demonstrate power over others is just part of the human condition. That's the only answer I found. Some people even hate you just because you exist. The more shy or weak you are the more you are bullied, and it becomes a circle. Sadly, the target suffers so much and as I said this marks you forever. Most of the time the bullies do not realise how cruel they are and how bad they hurt other people. I finished high school and I am adult already but I will never forget the pain I went through my childhood and teenage years that are supposed to be the best part of your life.


I think the title "Has anything like this ever happened to you in high school" is wrong. It should be something like "Have you ever been an outcast in high school?" Being raped by a popular guy, or someone you felt safe with and liked then and afraid to tell about it different then just feeling like an out cast.


im 17 and in my last year before i go to uni, and i dont really have any friends in my school. im not bullied or anything. i selectivly dont talk to them.
i sit in classes and hear them talk, and the most important things in their life are going out drinking on weekends and whos sleeping with who.
i choose not to talk to them because i know there are more important things in the world. plus, such simple stupid things are boring. me and all my actual friends, none who go to my school, have been there, done that and done worse, and know how bad things can really be.



I knew Someone who was ostracized back in Middle School. It was pretty sad since he always got the *beep* end of the stick.

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


I graduated from a all girls high school in 1984 nand these girls were horrible and it was a nightmare..though I was not singled out it was just the tone and feel of the school. But i have 19 and 18 yr old sons and in their high school..which was suburban mixed income and equal ethnicities..the kind of clicks shown in this movie were the underdogs rather than ruling the school..and the kids who made fun of or tormented anyone, would be mocked or given a hard time, I am in suburban Chicago btw

It costs alot of money to look this cheap...Dolly Parton


and the kids who made fun of or tormented anyone, would be mocked or given a hard time, I am in suburban Chicago btw

That's great

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


Well, in a way it's happening to me. I'm going into grade ten, and I have previously been popular, but this last year I pretty much broke up with all of my friends...and I mean, ALL of them. So this summer I aven't really talked to anyone from school, and I have never been a big one for knowing people out of school. So, I can pretty much guarantee that I have official loner status now. After the big split with my friends, I pretty much did what she did; I stopped speaking unless absolutely necessary.
I don't find that I'm lonely because of it, but that's just my personality. I don't really get phased when I'm alone. It's more peaceful. I just spen a lot of time out running or at the gym. It keeps me occupied. I cannot wait until highschool is over, for hopefully university will be an improvement on the weird cliques and pettiness that are so prevalent at my age.


Yes, something fairly similar to this has happened to me. In 9th grade I was physically harassed and afraid to speak out until my best friend told me that if I didn't, he would. The guy that harassed me had done it twice, after I'd told him no, in the same time frame, so this was apparently something serious. So I told a teacher close to me. You have to understand, my class was very tight-knit - a magnet program class - so everyone knew everything that went on. He was promptly questioned and files were filled out on him, as well as police reports, and he was expelled from school for level four infraction.

Everyone ostracized me after this, even though I felt like I'd done the right thing. The only people that supported me were my family, my best friend, and several of my upperclassmen friends. All of the people in my class completely began to hate me. I got hate mail daily, I was shoved by in the hallway, I got mean myspace messages, threatening phone calls, the works. People verbally said things to my face or would sit right near me and talk about me 'behind my back'. The guy that had harassed me had been the "ladies man", so almost all of these people were girls, who can absolutely be the worst. It was the most painful experience I've ever been through in my life. I would come home after school every day crying, and though I had a few friends to reassure me that I'd done the right thing, I often questioned myself. I now realize I should never have questioned myself - if you're violated against your will, you have the right and the obligation to speak up for yourself.

Things have ended patching themselves up, now, some time later, and now I realize who my true friends are. That was the one benefit of this, besides learning to defend myself - I weeded out the fakes, backstabbers, and liars. Now my friends are so unbelievably loyal that things couldn't be better.

I've also come to realize that the RIGHT THING TO DO IS MOST OFTEN THE HARD THING TO DO! Never forget that. It's helped me tremendously all this time. :)

That's my story, though it's not as bad as SPEAK, I guess.



I would go weeks without talking at school between 7 and 10th grade. My junior and senior year were a tad easier, but not by much. Kids were awful.


i was an army brat, very introverted because of it so i transferred to my hometown as a freshman and lived with my grandparents so i could actually go to the same school for more than one yr. all went well till the end of my sophomore yr. i came to school one day and all my friends had turned their backs on me. apparently a girl who had hated me since we were in kindergarten told the other girls i had done something to her at a party. it didnt matter that we were out of town at the time and i wasnt even at the party, it made for good drama so literally for the next 3 years, none of the girls in my class would talk to me. 10 yrs after graduation, i stopped into town to see my grandma,and i ran into one of the nasty bitches, and she hugged me and asked if i was going to come out to her house that night for a get-together shed planned as a preparty for the alumni dance. i smiled and said, 'gee i dont know. i mean if you guys didnt like me back then you sure as hell arent going to like me now.' life is good lol

RAY!! ya take that diaper off yer head and ya put it back onto yer sister!


This guy I knew harassed me to the point I almost came close to attempting to kill him. I ended up in a pyschiatric hospital over it. He used to be my friend and I haven't seen him in 6 years and probably never will again fortunately.


im in 8th grade, at the very beginning of 8th, all my friends didn't want me around, I was turned away from everyone in the grade. I was sitting alone one day at lunch, the one girl came and sat down with me, as did her other 2 friends. The next day, some of the guys sat down with us. Now we have our own group, we all are great friends now. So i'm no longer have serious emotional problems

I kick ass for the lord!!


Honey I'm in college and it still happens!

But yeah, it happened in middle school and again in high school. It happens everywhere I go XD

"Look you bastard you have no arms left!"
T~O#915-KTTS #11-Twiliholic #82 NA


From the second grade onto the end of the eighth grade I was bullied relentlessly.... it only kind of ended with the beginning of high school when I ignored all those old people and became friends with students that were from other public schools in the area and didn't really know me beforehand. I never found out why people bullied me though...

Some of those kids I used to know who bullied me still do on occasion... unless they're ignoring me, which I prefer. Others have matured or moved away.

One of the older people who bullied me assaulted me when I was fifteen, so in that way I kind of understand Melinda... though not completely. However I do understand trying to pretend it didn't happen and realizing eventually that you can't change it. I also understand what it's like when that person is dating your friend... except they were together when it happened.

A month after I was attacked I left town for a year to live with my mom to try and escape. It didn't work, it got worse because my mom verbally knocked me down every chance she could get, and occasion threats of violence were carried out. I ended up having to move back and face the guy every day at school because he still hadn't graduated.

He's since moved away. As has my ex-friend, but separately. I never charged him, but I have told people.
