MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Did you feel sorry for Andy?

Did you feel sorry for Andy?

When Andy illegibly tries to rape her again in the janitors closet did you feel bad when she basically blinded him? I know what he did was terrible and he was abusing her but she could deff damage him forever...i felt bad even though what he did was HORRIBLEEEEE

what do you think?

I can levitate birds but nobody cares



Was it really rape? She was pretty friendly at the party and she was more than willing to go for a "ride" with him. Some would call her a "tease". Just another viewpoint...not that I agree with it.



Agreeing to go for a ride with a guy does not imply wanting to have sex with him, making out with a boy does not translate to an offer to have sex. She was an innocent, naive freshman who didn't know what Andy was really after and it was her first time drinking and in the book she is wasted because Andy kept refilling her drink. When he asks if she "wants to" she replies, "want to what?" Him holding her down, covering her mouth as she screamed, and then his SECOND attempt in the art closet all pretty much proves that it WAS rape. And in the book, Andy was MUCH more vicious; he followed her around, harassed her, turned the lights off when she was alone in the art room, he'd wink at her, he'd whisper fresh meat into her ear menacingly, etc.

"We will not sit in the bleachers. We will wander underneath & commit mild acts of mayhem." -SPEAK


Really? Really? Go effing re-watch it. Re-watch that part and ask me that again. You effing stupid person. It's on youtube. Yeah, that IS another viewpoint and a valid one... if she had not said what she said.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


I hope you got some very intensive therapy soon after reading the responses to this, but in case you haven't, GO DO IT. I do NOT feel bad for him AT ALL as I was sexually harassed for YEARS and had to deal with people telling me it was my fault, I deserved it, I led them on (by so much as looking / crushing on them? *raises eyebrow*), etc. MY OWN *beep* FATHER TOLD ME I DESERVED IT AND WORSE. Yeah... um, I'm going to go stab something non-living... I'm only kinda kidding, I'll most likely just talk and swear and cry it out... so I can vent out my frustration about how stupid people like you are.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


OP is definitely on drugs... I created this stupid account just to say that you I_Heart_You_0031 are an idiot. I would take a guess that you are around 13-15 years old, all attention from men, my dear, is not good. I don't know if you know what rape is but it's not a fun experience. he deserved to be blinded AND castrated...if you don't know what that is...which I'm assuming you don't google it.

think before you post, you'll get a lot less hate mail...



If I remember correctly, in the book, he didn't get chemicals in his eyes, something different happened. I doubt he was permanently blind, but I agree with the people who did not feel sorry for him. I could never have one ounce of sympathy for that little SOB. Melinda was a happy girl with friends before he ruined her life. I don't think any pain he had was anything compared to what he caused her both during and after that horrible night.


In the book he was not blinded by chemical, there was no chemical. There was a scuffle and when the girls opened the closet she was holding the shard of mirror against his neck and repeating, "I said no". After everyone finds out about it her friends start calling her and school is completely different for her. Andy is not found guilty (written about briefly in Catalyst) but everyone knows he did it.

Andy = rapist = no sympathy


Did you feel sorry for Andy?

Not the slightest bit.

Homophobes can suck it


How could you feel sorry for the *beep*. *beep* blinding him, if I had the chance I would *beep* castrate the bastard. I mean, not only did he rape her already, he tried to rape her AGAIN! Going blind is much better than what the guys in prison would do to him.

Boom boom boom...muffins!


1. "Did you feel bad when she basically blinded him?"
NO! Of course not! It was either that or he would have raped her AGAIN! I mean it's not like she planned it..!
2. "I know what he did was terrible"
I don't think you do, I don't think you realize how horrible, sick, twisted, and damaged what he did was..!
3. "She could deff damage him forever"
So you think she is not damaged forever? So you think that the natural act of having sex is going to be a walk in the park for her? She is damaged forever! And he was damaged in the head a long time before she nearly blinded him. He was a guy that thought he could do anything and get away with it, so I am glad that happened to him becaus he would have probably done it again...

When you say you feel bad is because you don't begin to understand how he damaged her....


He deserved a lot worse than what he got. In the book, much more of the emotional anguish that Melinda faced over the course of that school year is revealed, and you just want to kill the b-a-s-t-a-r-d. It's bad enough in the movie, but the book takes it to a whole new level.

And, to clear things up, didn't Andy place a piece of glass up against her neck in the supply closet? In that case, he wasn't just trying to get her to deny the rape.

Either way, he got what was coming to him. I was so happy for Melinda in the end. Her situation was still dire, but she was finally able to stick up for herself and...well...speak up.

One day, I was sitting at my desk, and I was like, "God, this sucks. I'd rather be naked."-D. Cody


but she could deff damage him forever...

This is the part that stood out the most to me. My answer is he damaged her forever, she will always remember what happened to her. So I think he got what he deserved.

I just watched this movie for the first time about an hour ago and though it was brilliant.


I don't feel there's any reason to feel sorry for him. The only time I can think of when I might sympathize with a rapist MAYBE is when they were once raped themselves.
