MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Did you feel sorry for Andy?

Did you feel sorry for Andy?

When Andy illegibly tries to rape her again in the janitors closet did you feel bad when she basically blinded him? I know what he did was terrible and he was abusing her but she could deff damage him forever...i felt bad even though what he did was HORRIBLEEEEE

what do you think?

I can levitate birds but nobody cares



if you feel sorry for andy, i want to SNAP YOUR EFFING NECK!!! I hate this movie because they made andy almost seem like he regretted what he did. I hate it, they ruined it.


no one ever deserves to be raped... the emotional stress that she went through was horrible. therefore, i in no way feel sorry for him.


absolutely not! i would never ever feel sorry for him even if he was on his knees begging and sobbing while being raped himself and to be honest i don't care if that makes me heartless cos at least i know i don't feel sorry for rapists and that would bother me a whole lot more. After what he put Melissa through mentally and physically as well as spending the whole year getting bullied and having no-one to talk to i would never feel sorry for that low life scum and i'm proud f it. i know it might seem like i'm overreacting cos it's not real and everything but what you said seriously made my jaw drop and my stomach feel sick.



Of course not, if this had been a relative or perhaps yourself you do what is necessary in the heat of defending yourself from a pervert.How foolish,sorry for an abuser..!!!!!




