When Andy illegibly tries to rape her again in the janitors closet did you feel bad when she basically blinded him? I know what he did was terrible and he was abusing her but she could deff damage him forever...i felt bad even though what he did was HORRIBLEEEEE
I think it's safe to assume he would have raped her if the group of girls hadn't intervened. I don't want to sound rude, but to be honest, it made me sick to my stomach when I read "he was just hitting her and stuff." How is abuse "and stuff"? Sugar coating it doesn't make it okay. He was abusing her physically, as well as verbally. The fact that the attack didn't escalate, doesn't change the fact that it's still abuse. It still causes damage.
Sorry if I took your words too literally; it just really bothered me to see something as serious as abuse be refused to as "just hitting her and stuff".
Whoa no no. I didn't mean it like that at all. It's definitely not just stuff, I didn't mean it to sonud like that. Totally understandable that you'd think that, but I didn't mean it to come off that way. It was brutal, I just meant he wasn't raping her...he might have but at the time wasn't. I was in a rush when I wrote that.
(I'm going to answer as if it actually happened because stuff like this happens a lot anyways) "well i guess she just grabbed whatever she could, like she didnt mean to, but it still look like it hurt ALOT " Rape is one of the most sick, most disgusting crimes there are, she hurt physically and emotionally and she'll have to remember what it felt like to have someone touch her that she didn't want to be touched by, she'll have to remember what that felt like and see his face and remember how disgusting and used she felt when it happened. She'll remember that pain that he inflicted far beyond the years of pain he feels by having stuff thrown in his eyes. Rapists are sick, he may have had skewed judgement but he's still mentally sick. Rape is unforgivable.
You felt sorry for him because he was cute. I cometimes feel somewhat bad for the cute bad guys in movies just beacuse they're adorable. A lotta people are like that.
who would fell sorry for him. he is the classic jock who thinks he can get away with anything. and in another book, a student talkes to mellinda sordino, and she says andy never served a prison sentence.
" sit down, have a drink, know what i think, you need to lighten up" - scarecrow
are you serious....you don't think what she did was fair? if a girl has been raped, do u honestly think they forget about it? no, they remember it for the rest of their lives. so she has to live with that, yet you feel sorry for andy because his eyes MAY be damaged forever, he already damaged her forever.....you must be a guy to think that way, or an extremely nieve and ignorant girl
Are you kidding me??? ARE YOU *beep* KIDDING ME???????
Feel bad for this guy??? First of all I doubt he is blinded for ever. And anyway, external injuries will heal with time... even if they don't disappear to the eyes, in a certain point you won't feel them anymore.
Internal Injuries, like Melinda's, won't disappear EVER! she will have to carry with that to her grave. That means that she will be suffering for ever.
I'm a straight guy, and even i think that you can not just rape a girl like that, it would be like taking something unique, something like their souls. If you take that away without her consent, you will turn her into an empty shell for a looooong time. no smiling, no speaking (both the book and the movie show that pretty well.)
I know that many people even asked "Why is Melinda so upset about being raped?" this kind of question where actually asked to Laurie Anderson (the books author), probably by young guys like Andy, and all I can say is... What the *beep*
It just doesn't fit into my mind how a person can not see the wrong or bad in this situation, I just can't understand that.
Really good book. I recommend it to everyone. You liked the movie? read the book.
By the way, @ I_Heart_You_0031: I know that Melinda Sordino appears in another book of Laurie Halse Anderson, it's called Catalyst. It is supposed to take place in the same community of Speak. I haven't read it, but I think I will very soon.
_________________ We are brought here to survive, not to coexist...
what r u smoking are you out of ur *beep* mind??? he was the one who raped her and he was the one who attacked her in the closet. she didnt go out looking for him he tried to go in there and bring her down emotionally and then he also cut her and she was just defending herself.
how on god's name could you feel sorry for him. seriously he is lucky if it happened to anyone in my family he would be lucky to walk and breath at the same time. after all not only did he do it to her but then trys to make her say that it never happend which basically would seriously frak with her mind to weither it did happen and would cause her to have a mentle break down. so trust me he got of light.
I wouldn't either, I wouldn't feel bad. When you're raped you're never the same, you never feel the same and no matter how many years go by you can still see it in your head. Rape is one of the most disgusting crimes there are, I don't think there is any punishment too rash for rapists.