MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Kristen Stewart's ACTUALLY a good actres...

Kristen Stewart's ACTUALLY a good actress

I mean before Twilight, that was *beep* She does a good job at playing this role, but it astounds me how much she overacts in Twilight compared to this. WHY DON'T PEOPLE WATCH THIS MOVIE INSTEAD OF TWILIGHT?! ok, im not here to bash it, but Twilight fans who only watched this coz of Kristen Stewart, god..

"Ezekiel 25:17"


It's not her fault that she sucked in Twilight. When the source material is awful, no amount of skill and talent can make that boring, bland, pathetic Mary Sue non-character appealing .


This movie was good, I liked it. But really KS is just playing the part she always plays. A young troubled girl who has skeletons in her closet who rarely smiles or shows much other reactions

Religion Brings Out The Very Worst In People,Clearly Shows Their Ignorance & Intolerance


She made me believe her role in this picture, in some ways like a very young Jodie Foster.

Don't forget your tsvets!



Kristen Stewart was excellent in this film. In general, as a child actress up until Twilight, she was a top notch prospect, with great performances like "Panic Room" and "Speak" under her belt.

I don't know if it was due to poor material such as Twilight, Wonderland, The Runaways, but Kristen Stewart has not developed into the A-list talent many had projected for her. There was an unpolished beauty, charisma and raw talent that she showed in her early roles that never continued to develop and is completely missing in her work since 2006. She may continue to have a maoderatly successful career, but it appears she will never be great, transcendant actress which she showed the potential of becoming in films like "Speak".

Its a common tale really, extremely talented child actors go through adolescence, and they just aren't the same. Kristen Stewart was far more compelling in "Speak" than all the Twilight films combined.


I don't know who you were watching in 'Wonderland', but it wasn't Kristen Stewart!

Marcus Foster - I was Broken


Oh, ADVENTURELAND. I stand corrected. It was a very forgettable film.


It was actually in quite a few critics Top Ten of that year, V good film!

Marcus Foster - I was Broken



Diane Lane went through this, in her first few adult roles she came off stiff and stilted. Seems okay now, I found her believable in "Hollywoodland". Maybe Kirsten will be okay later too.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!


I think her role in twilight was quite boring. She acted as same as the role she was given so it turned out pretty hesitated.
But in this movie she was awesome because of her role and the her part that she was given.


She has a lot of potential but just gets typecasted because she's good at the misunderstood. quiet loner thing. That's why it was such a good move to play Joan Jett, an obnoxious, carefree rebellious tomboy rock star (and very well, I might add), almost the opposite of Bella Swan, Melinda, etc.

Your Swedish eyes and Ingrid look and German soul dance in the silver-winged rain


[deleted] Cantonese.

But I agree, she's also so good she doesn't even need to speak to portray a thought or emotion!

I love Jesus AND Jesus-hating atheists and am 100% proud!


I just think she suited this character. Kristen hasn't really been good in any other roles...


Into the Wild
The Yellow Handkerchief
The Messengers
Welcome to the Rileys
and of course, Twilight, even though Meyer wrote one bad character.

I love Jesus AND Jesus-hating atheists and am 100% proud!


Bull. She was fantastic in The Cake Eaters.

"Do not allow your errors to define your character." - Anonymous
