MovieChat Forums > Stay (2005) Discussion > Who else found this movie annoying?

Who else found this movie annoying?

The way the film was directed was annoying. It seemed to be a try hard attempt to confuse the audience, the special effects were cheap and over the top, I got the impression that the director just wanted to be David Lynch (surreal) or Michel Gondry (camera trickery)

Why does everyone love this film? The story wasn't too bad, and at best I was interested throughout - but everything about the way this film was directed/photographed was ANNOYING

Here are some responses you may choose from:
- I agree
- Why don't you stick to Disney films?
- This film was really deep/good and you are to shallow/stupid to understand it
- How old are you, like, 12?



Yeah I totally agree with you, and to top it off, the film ended with "AND IT WAS ALL A DREAM"



The only thing this movie did well is show the audience just how much an amateur the director Marc Forster really is.

The story is good. Give the same screenplay to someone like David Lynch, David Cronenberg or Brad Anderson and they would have given you something creepy, surreal and special.

Instead we get the chaotic, annoying and basically amateuristic ramblings of a mediocre Hollywood director.



fcking A. Why does everyone love the story. The story is crap. It is literally much ado about nothing. This happens, that happens and it is about one thing. Most of this movie was about mental problems and psychology all of which was completely unbelievable. And the end essentially made the rest of the movie pointless because there is no valuable theme that can become of it. The movie was pretty and that is about it. I dislike the story, an attempt at something good but it fails.


It is literally much ado about nothing. This happens, that happens and it is about one thing.
I think it was also a mistake to use a star like Naomi Watt's in the role of Lila. She's very good, but this casting implies the story is in some ways hers, as well...and it's not. The most significant thing she does is tuck Ewan McGregor in for a nap.


I agree with you. I thought the whole film was a waste of time. If that was supposed to be what "flashed before his eyes" before he died, he must have lived a pretty boring life if he had to make something up. And what he "made up" was pretty boring in my opinion. I guess I'm just stupid, but I don't like it when I watch a movie and am so lost I have to look up on the internet what the heck it was about.


I honestly loved the story, sure there was no big twist but everything that was seen before hand (throughout the whole movie) is explained at the end, which was a beautiful touch. I have seen millions of movies and this is up there on my list, has been for 5 years.
The directing style was amazing, some might find it annoying but it was beautifully done.


Yeah I agree. For some reason though, the scene where the walrus smashes its snout into the glass and has a delayed reaction before pulling back made me burst out laughing. I even rewound it just because it cracked me up so much.


Ill take option #3: - This film was really deep/good and you are too shallow/stupid to understand it. Props to you for admitting it. Its ok though, this movie is definitely not for everyone, and that is a big part of the reason why it didnt sell too good. Weird and confusing works for songs, not so much for movies. Blockbuster movies are simple and straightforward.

