Which is worse: "Crystal Skull", or "Temple of Doom"?

I know "Crystal Skull" gets more hate, but I think "Temple of Doom" is far worse. "Crystal Skull" is disappointing and meh, but "Temple of Doom" is absolutely unwatchable, and I hate Kate Capshaw in it far more than I hate Mutt.

Your vote?


Doom is way better, it's a great example of a rare sequel that lives up to or possibly exceeds the original

Agreed on Capshaw, she was an overacting, shrill and tiresome mess throughout the picture

Skull was decent enough but the CGI was wonky


I used to be irritated by Capshaw until I realized her character is meant to be irritating. There's a reason she was cast--and no, it wasn't because Spielberg got a hard-on looking at her in " A Little Sex". I actually think.she's very funny so TOD always is a laugh riot for me now-in.a good way. They didn't hook up during shooting but only after a few intervening years in which Spielberg had his horrible Waterloo in the form of Amy Irving and that outrageous $100,000,000 settlement. No wonder she and her mom Priscilla for the most part never acted again because they didn't need the money.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not trolling. Here's how the vast majority of Indy fans rank these:

1) Tie: Raiders of the Lost Ark - The Last Crusade
3) Temple of Doom

4) Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


strntz Raiders is not tied with anything, it's one of the best movies ever made, anything pales in comparison.
Last Crusade is 2nd. Everything else you wrote is correct.
Doom is 3rd

Plan 9 from outer space
crystal turd


You certainly could argue Raiders is by itself, and I would never say otherwise, but most Indiana Jones fans I know kind of put Raiders and Crusade together for quality and repeatability. To me, either is a slam dunk to watch - no preference. Doom is certainly an excellent film, but behind both by most fan's reckoning and mine as well. I saw Crystal Skull once and could not wait for it to end. Haven't seen it since nor will I. I think a high percentage (possibly most) Indiana Jones film fans would say the same.


My friend, I say the same.
I unfortunately watched this insult in theatres. I booed at the end, but I'm still sorry to this day it was a shy booing, while I should have thrown rotten tomatoes at that screen.
Never seen it since, now I'm cringing at the news of a "fifth" one.


Off topic, but I was watching a historical reel of an old baseball game where fans were throwing tomatoes at a ball player who blew a play in the outfield. The commenter wondered out loud about fans actually bringing tomatoes to the game.. LOL.


I'm not trolling, I genuinely don't understand why "Temple of Doom" isn't more hated than "Crystal Skull", other than the pain of "Crystal Skull" being fresher in the mind. I suspect that to Indy fans, "Doom" is like the Star Wars prequel movies, awful but everyone's learned to live with it by now, and maybe appreciate the few good points.

But "Temple of Doom" really is godawful, IMHO it commits one of the worst sins a film can commit - trying to be comic, without a single genuinely funny moment*. Spielberg can't do comedy and I guess he learned that 2008, "Crystal Skull" has some failed humor but at least it tries to be an adventure more than a comedy.

* Like "Moonraker", the worst Bond film.


I never got that Doom was trying to be funny, any more than the other Indy films which all had their lighthearted moments. I think Capshaw may have been problematic. I mean, she wasn't bad necessarily, but I think they could have made a better casting choice that would have made a connection to the audience. If Doom was the only Indy film, it would be more heralded than it is now. But comparing it to the excellence of Raiders and Crusade is unfair.


I concur again: Capshaw tried to be hot AND funny AND out of place AND crafty at the same time.
It could NEVER work.
Karen Allen opted for rough and lovable, that worked prfectly.
Capshaw should have been less icy, and trying less to be hot and opt for goofy intead in many moments, but I doubt she can strike that chord. She comes through as manipulative, uninterested and impossibly annoying.

But you know what? Her performance landed her the gig of a lifetime, her new husband felt so. Maybe she knew what she was doing afterall, he liked her allright.


It could be worse. Capshaw could star in her husband's movies like Helena Bonham Carter or Milla Jovovich.


Yes but come on, both of those are able to hold their own. Jovovich can sell the "kick ass" heroine, at least for crap at the level of Resident Evil. HBC is a good actress overall.

Capshaw looked her most convincing in Black Rain to me, where she played the jaded and icy "hot American". But I don't think she can stretch it much more.
What else could she play? Tinkerbell or the paleontologyst? Oh my God, that would make a total disaster movie!


I thought she was great in 'SpaceCamp,' and she played an astronaut and a legit, believable leader that I would follow in that one. Then again, I also thought she was great in 'Temple of Doom.'

She's not a bad actress, imo. She's just associated with one character that a lot of people can't stand.


Yes, Capshaw was problematic, and I think this is one case where Spielberg let his feelings overcome his professional judgement. I mean he obviously liked her then, he's still married to her now.

I liked her in some other 80s films, but yeah, trying to be hot and the comic relief and fall in love in a bad script... was a bit beyond her powers. But I always liked her in "Spacecamp", for instance, a guilty pleasure from that era when she played an astronaut stuck with a bunch of kids.


Not this Indy fan. Doom is the best of the series for me.


I don't think it's actually the best film of the series, but it is my personal favorite. 'Doom' is the funnest ride, to me, from start to finish.


Depends on what your criteria for "best" is. I personally put, "entertaining the audience" far above everything else when I determine how good a movie is, therefore Temple is my best as well as personal favourite.






Crystall Skull by far.




One of the rare times I disagree with you Kowalski. Temple is my favourite. For me it goes - 2,1,3,4


Crystal Skull feels like a backdoor pilot for Mutt Williams.


Yeah they gave it a red hot try. I like Shia, but he was never right for an Indy successor. And that name, Mutt. I get Indy was named after the dog, but c'mon.


Considering that Temple of Doom was a pretty good movie I'd have to say Crystal Skull is bad.


Temple is the cats pj's.
