MovieChat Forums > Art School Confidential (2006) Discussion > art students -- describe some of your pe...

art students -- describe some of your peers' lamest artworks

Here's one...

I went to C.U. Boulder during the whole Jon Benet fiasco. Anyone could reserve the wall down the hallway of the art building to display their work. In the middle of the investigation, a classmate painted the entire hallway flourescent yellow, put 3 photocopies of Jon Benet's photo from Newsweek on the wall, and stenciled in 2-foot tall letters: "Daddy's Little H**ker".

The sad thing is, that display garnered more attention than anything else produced all year. All of the gossip TV shows were there and the "artist" just ate the attention up. He had nothing worthwhile to say, but just spent every interview grinning from ear to ear. He even videotaped the shows and made us watch for his critique.

(Paul, if you ever read this, I still think you are a no-talent loser!)


Before I tell my story, I must admit that the art building at my school had the wittiest and most creative graffiti in the bathrooms.

Anyhow, Some girl in one of my classes made plaster-strip casts of her arms and legs, arranged them so that they appeared to belong to someone sitting on a toilet with a cigarette in one hand. I have no idea what that was about.

I've also had critiques where people read more into my stuff than I ever intended. Sometimes it's just a picture.



Really interested in this girl's experimental film.. what did it consist of? Her vomitting?
pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


Well, we need more 'Art' stories,




Graphic Design.....

Let's hear your school stories!!!


By the way, this is the best thread ever.

In my creative writing class, one girl wrote a space-opera-romance parody thing with tons of funny typos in it, like "sleeveless goon" instead of gown. I found it hilarious, but no one else did, including the author. Apparently I was the only one who didn't realize she was a serious attempt at something other than parody.

The instructor was a Canadian author who often made jokes in class about sex with dogs. I can't quite figure that out. She seemed very nice and has written some good books.

In an art studio class we had at least one instructor that gave everyone A as the final mark.


I had a project in Color Theory that we had to show emphasis. So everyone did pretty elaborate pieces. This one girl had painted an entire city scene with a green beetle that stood out amongst the pale white buildings. And then this guy comes in twenty minutes late and puts up his. It's just a yellow circle on a red canvas. Nobody liked it -- except the art teacher.

"Well," she said, "it does show emphasis, does it not?"

Everyone grudgingly agreed that it did, even though he spent maybe five minutes on it, while everyone else spent several hours on theirs.

I later found out he got an A. Art can be such a bitch.


I had to take a class called "Form Study" as a requirement. My final assignment was to make a portable structure that could be set up in 15 minutes at most. One person comes in with just a sleeping bag and a blanket which he pinned to the wall creating a small canopy. It was such a cop-out, but he backed it up by saying, "What? You never built a fort as a kid?" He adamantly tried to defend himself until the teacher said, "Raise your hand if you think [said person] is full of *beep* Good times.


I think this one is the lamest of all. Our assignment in Graphic Art was to fill a jar of stuff that reflects ourselves, and then design a lable for it that could describe everything in the jar in under 4 words (lame project to begin with...I know). Our Russian exchange student (cocky little $hit) put his passport in there and one piece of Russian currency, and his lable said "Ilya" (his name). When he didn't get a good grade, he blew up and started going on in Russian, and then said in terrible English, "You all have insects up your anus! You wouldn't know talent if it bit you on the finger!"
He even left the school...went back to Russia. Pretty extreme, but "whatever floats his goat" as he says.

"When life give you lemmons, squirt them in someones eyes."



I don't have a story, but I just wanted to say that this is one of the most interesting and worthwhile threads I've seen in a while!

There is some blue sky, let us chase it! ~Sense and Sensibility


Great thread! I don't go to art school, but I've taken my fair share of upper division poetry writing classes, so I feel I might be able to honorarily join your group! Haha! Anyway, oh man, bad poetry HURTS!

Also, I go to UC Berkeley, so I could completely relate with all the hippy/leftist stereotypes in ASC... And that douchebag future art critic kid, man, he's in every single on of my literature classes. I had a hard time sitting quietly during the movie while he was on screen!

Oh yes! Disconnect with extreme prejudice!!!


i want to highschool of the arts in my hometown. and I hated to draw ugly naked people.

however the people who recieved the most honors in my class were thsoe who drew the ugly naked people very very very accuratly. my art teacher was even known to complain when art competions woudl not accept the ugly naked pictures because it was just that inportant to her; the ability to make ugly naked pictured was what made soemoen a good artist!

i am now happy as a web designer instead (my parents would not send me to art college)



Absolutely, bunnymonster! Great topic! Thank you, OP!


Ha, all of these are so great.

ONe time this girl was painting a piece of a fence and put like barbed wire and nails all in it, and red paint around the nails and everyone was like "COOL! IT LOOKS SO TIM BURTON!" And I was like "If it looks so Tim Burton, then is obviously not very creative! and everyone ignored me.




For an Audio/Video class, I swear, 3/4 of the class just did gangsta videos, rap music blaring, and dialogue that they wrote just so they could throw in as many expletives as possible.

And then there was the guy who every other piece of art he did was a 'Matrix' reference.

Or the guy who's only art style was exclusively Dragonball Z.

in terms of famous art, there is a canvas at the chicago Art Institute that is complete black-painted, with some black swatches in the middle. Basically, it's an entire black canvas, and it's art(!?)

A-ha-ha-ha, you're really weird!-Willy Wonka


I'm an english student, but I can relate a little bit: for my senior seminar last semester, this one guy who always wore only white clothing "performed" a soliliquy from Hamlet, the one where he is angry at his mother, in a horrible phony English accent. He tripped over many of the words. the point of the class was to learn to read poetry out loud and it wasn't at all an acting class. his ridiculous accent would go from bad cockney to bad aristo to Texas twang and back again. He also SCREAMED every word even though the classroom was the size of a closet. At one point, he actually slammed his hand down on the table in front of him for damatic effect. I couldn't even look at him while he was speaking. It was sort of difficult to hear him over the whirring sound of Shakespeare and Burbage spinning in their graves. I suppose the capper is that I later discovered he had tried to "psyche out" a girl in the class by telling her that his English accent was superb and that his reading would "blow her out of the water." It was the single worst reading of anything that I've ever heard! Imagine how Hamlet should be read and then do every last thing opposite-- the play will probably always be tainted for me now. Thanks, a$$hole!


At my school, there are some hacks, but the majority are really talented. There is this one kid that I have had in my classes the last two semesters. He is Indonesian and is always bragging about how he speaks 9 different asian languages. He is made fun of by the students from Taiwan, Korea and Japan. Well, anyways, last semester, the teacher made the mistake of asking us what we think is art. Well this kid got up and literally empited the trash onto the middle of the floor and spent about 5 minutes stacking it up on itself. He stayed silent as if he was truly focusing. When he was done, he started explaining that he has a super creative process or some sh!t and that art can basically be anything. The class was already sick of him and people started putting their empty bottles and cans on it while sarcastically calling themselves arteests. The worst part is that he still hasn't learned. He does the same stupid sh!t this semester. it wouldn't be so bad if he weren't o conceited about it.


yeah i'm an art student that stuff is everywhere, it's why i'm such a bad student, i can't take anything seriously

i had a drawing mid-term, the drawing was supposed to have at least 3-4 hours of work put into it... me, i forgot that it was the mid-term, and for some reason thought it was just another homework assignment, so an hour before class i draw two things for 30 minutes... come class time i walk in and *beep* my pants, realizing it was the mid-term and all these really good looking drawings everybody else had, i put mine up, felt like walking out of the class just to get away *BUT* when the teacher gets to mine he LOVES it, and spends the most amount of time on it... i *beep* some justification because i see the *foolish* light, and end up getting a B!

not the first time that has happened to me, happens a lot, hence why i can't take school seriously

in the gallery we get all sorts of weird stuff, most of the stuff is abstract stuff that has no meaning whatsoever, one was a piece of paper covered in graphite framed with an antique frame... yeah, that's BS, most of the stuff is the same... one guy started a project 18 months ago where he took degrading paint and made a cube of paint for each month then put them all up on the wall, the earliest ones slowly falling apart the latest ones still perfect... interesting, i guess?

some stuff focused on barbie dolls and... yeah... one guy had an interesting style, which is all he focused on, the style, so i commend him on not trying to be pretentious, i think he ended up making a buttload of money on his paintings... then another piece of work, pieces of paper kids from different ages drew on with a sharpie, that's it, no work from the artist... what's more all of these had some kind of social or personal commentary...

besides peers though, we had some professors display work... one had a huge video of out-of-focus models doing stuff, and the soundtrack was also muffled... and recently somebody took a bathtub and filled it with dirt, and that was it...

then outside of class, a relative took me to an improv dance thing, some guy says random things into a microphone, a guy plays a guitar, a guy plays drums, and two dancers attempt to jump around like they're on LSD occasionally fiddling with the lights for 30 minutes... what the hell?

it's all a little too much for me, makes me want to just become a biology or engineering major or something...


In Movement Composition Class (Theater Arts) for one whole quarter, no matter what the assignment, this guy did EXACTLY the same looked kind of like he was picking up and throwing an invisible ball repeatedly while gazing up into space and slowly limping across the floor.

So now you're thinking he was playing a big joke on the class, high-concept and all that, right? Wrong! After about four weeks of this, when the instructor questioned him publicly on the astounding similarity of his "work" from one assignment to the next, he was genuinely perplexed and maybe even a little hurt.

Definitively lame.
