art students -- describe some of your peers' lamest artworks
Here's one...
I went to C.U. Boulder during the whole Jon Benet fiasco. Anyone could reserve the wall down the hallway of the art building to display their work. In the middle of the investigation, a classmate painted the entire hallway flourescent yellow, put 3 photocopies of Jon Benet's photo from Newsweek on the wall, and stenciled in 2-foot tall letters: "Daddy's Little H**ker".
The sad thing is, that display garnered more attention than anything else produced all year. All of the gossip TV shows were there and the "artist" just ate the attention up. He had nothing worthwhile to say, but just spent every interview grinning from ear to ear. He even videotaped the shows and made us watch for his critique.
(Paul, if you ever read this, I still think you are a no-talent loser!)