MovieChat Forums > Art School Confidential (2006) Discussion > art students -- describe some of your pe...

art students -- describe some of your peers' lamest artworks

Here's one...

I went to C.U. Boulder during the whole Jon Benet fiasco. Anyone could reserve the wall down the hallway of the art building to display their work. In the middle of the investigation, a classmate painted the entire hallway flourescent yellow, put 3 photocopies of Jon Benet's photo from Newsweek on the wall, and stenciled in 2-foot tall letters: "Daddy's Little H**ker".

The sad thing is, that display garnered more attention than anything else produced all year. All of the gossip TV shows were there and the "artist" just ate the attention up. He had nothing worthwhile to say, but just spent every interview grinning from ear to ear. He even videotaped the shows and made us watch for his critique.

(Paul, if you ever read this, I still think you are a no-talent loser!)


I have been in art school for a while now. One incident that comes to mind is an assignment in our still life class. We were supposed to paint a picture with at least 3 or more objects with a patterned ground plane. It was about a 3 week assignment.

All I can remember is one girl coming in with a half painted picture of a teddy bear. On top of that she splattered some red paint to simulate blood. Most of us couldn't figure out the meaning behind any of this. She was unable to explain it as well.

Misspelling words on purpose does not make you cool.


I was in life drawing class last semester and to be honest I am more of a cartoonist but I did my best and it was decent enough. But the professor didn't think so. The object of life drawing is to make things as realistic as possible but I got harsh critiques and a C on midterm because my drawings weren't realistic enough, despite being pretty decent. I admit they were not great, but I put in a lot of effort and did well enough and the so called joke of a 'professor' knew it. But on the other hand there was this near 40 year old guy who had a ridiculous blue mohawk and just bluffed his way through class. He missed many classes and whenever he did show up, he never even attempted to make anything realistic. He intentionally made everything cartoony and exaggerated with no kind of proportions as if it were made by a 10 year old. On the final project he showed up in drawing class with paint and painted the most ridiculous POS I've ever seen. It was indiscernible and did not even look like a person but the 'professor' (who was even buddies with him) praised his genius and originality. When I and a few others questioned this guys work the 'professor' said that we had a duty to hone our technical skills if we were going to be professional artists while the 40 year old dude could throw any crap together because art for him was just a passion and a hobby. Even though he was getting a degree like the rest of us.



This one isn't a student's lame work but a teacher's...

There was a student in our class from Sudan and all his paintings and drawings were traditional village scenes drawn from his memories of his homeland.
One day the teacher, who was way out of his depth, told this Sudanese student that his work wasn't contemporary enough.

The teacher's brilliant solution to contemporise the work?
"Why don't you draw one of your African figures seated at a computer?"

Yeah, cause that would make the work contemporary!!!


Another time the same teacher reached into my locker, seizing a hammer and accusing me of stealing it from the university, that is, until he saw my name written on it!

I ended up threatening to withdraw from the course unless they could offer me an alternative supervising teacher, which they obliged and I ended up with a real artist as a teacher.


One of my friends was working on a painting that was actually turning out pretty well, then she snapped, painted it black all over with her freaking hands and stick a mannequin's arm there.


