MovieChat Forums > Secret Window (2004) Discussion > Anyone else satisfied with how the movie...

Anyone else satisfied with how the movie ended? (SPOILER)

Was anyone else besides me satisfied with the fact that Johnny Depp went and killed his ex-wife and her other man? I actually was cheering! Anyone else?


Hell yeah. I didn't hate his ex wife. I just thought she was kind of a bitch. But if I was in his position I would've killed them too. I thought it was a really satisfying ending, and movie in general. In my opinion, best Stephen King theatrical horror movie since Pet Sematary.


Didn't like it, seen the ending a mile away, felt like I seen this a 100 times. Depp was the only good thing about the movie, probably my least favourite Depp movie.


you foresaw that Depp would eat his wife through corn ??

whoa, you really can shine there buddy

i never in my right mind imagined that that's how the film would end...Depp burying 2 people then eating corn grown out of that garden

ur a genius


minus the corn jackass, just him being behind it all, basically waiting for the movie to say "Hey here is your killer!"


I think the film's ending is superior to the novella's conclusion. Can't believe King never saw that as a fitting ending, killing Mort off dulled the ending and dragged it out, he also ruined it with the stupid epilogue about how Shooter could have been 'real' due to Shooter returning his dumb hat (after his wife threw it in the trash) with an actual note included saying he's going back to Miss. A classic short story with a weak ending. That ending with the corn bowl and his creepy character transformation, his jaw thing and the slow pan down to the corn and bodies... winner!



It was the best ending to a movie ever. I was worried they wouldn't do it, but then, i was pleasently surprised.

yes we did. go away.

quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur


Absolutley loved this movie, i was shocked at the twist. Great film very underated.


tracee_o's comment just nailed it right on.

"You ruined the ending, fix it."


If you've seen this sort of movie before, and there are plenty of them, then you'll have figured the twist a long time before it happens, so the ending is simply disappointing. I don't know why anyone would cheer for the deaths at the end, but we never really got to know either character well enough to care that much one way or the other.



For someone read the short story(that would be me), the ending was shock and terror! But boy, did I enjoy it? Hell, yes! Basically I found Ted and Amy very annoying both in the movie and story. It was like a dream come true...


I love this movie and johnny depp =), but about halfway through I guessed the big "shocker" ending, but I didn't expect him to kill his wife, the boyfriend maybe, but not the wife..however I felt no compassion for her at all and I was all about him killing the b***h!! LOL


I loved the ending. It really was satisfying to see something like that in a movie-

yes we did. go away.

quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur


I loved the ending as well. I didn't understand why the boyfriend felt he had to confront him. He was asking for trouble.


Not really...I'm not sure why. I guess its because they never made you 'hate' Amy, even though she cheated. This may sound sexist but...revenge cheating when its the man seems more satisfying. There I said it, lol.

As for predictability...maybe its because it was 12 AM while I was watching the film and I'm somewhat tired, but I didn't see that coming at all.


i was watching this at 2am, and i knew from quite early on that shooter was in depp's head. also, depp,s acting was just laughable at some points, really bad. poor, poor film. glad you enjoyed it tho


What parts of his acting was laughable? His performance was kind of meant to be humorous...


Its not how i thought it would end---i thought he would of been shot by someone after he killed them but glad he did get them
