Oh My God

This is the worst movie I have ever, ever seen. I would not wish this movie on the man that kills my mother. This is the worst movie ever. There has never been a movie that compares in sheer horridness to this movie. I've seen some really , really bad movies in my time, but this one is in a league of its own. This is the worst movie any man on any planet has ever created. I've seen the worst, like versus, and I love versus now because this was the worst thing I have ever seen. I am stupider after having seen this movie. I hate you. Please GOd, don't watch this movie unless you wish severe mental anguish. This is the worst movie ever made. I repeat, this is the WORST movie I have ever laid my eyes on. Oh, my, GOD.


People...people...I think we're all forgetting one very important movie that set the standard for bad, the one movie that has been able to stump MST3K:

Manos: The Hands of Fate!

Nothing is worse than that, so therefor Returner is not the worst movie ever. And be glad for that, if anything made becomes worse than Manos I believe the world will end....


Hahah... You know, I saw this movie some 5 years ago and loved it, wrote a favorable review on this site. I've kind of changed my mind now... I still don't hate it as much as you, but the post made me laugh: "I wouldn't wish it on the man that kills my mother."


Well I liked it, I quite enjoyed it, it had some good action sequences, a plot which kept twisting and turning and I didn't really know what was going to happen next.

The ending was very unexpected.

A couple of the CGI sequences looked a bit fake.

I did watch it in japenese with subtitles though, the english dub was very bad.


Watch Pocket Ninjas and be amazed at how good every single movie you've ever seen is, in comparison.

Oh, kick-€$@&%!-ass! I got a MasterCard!



must be some kind of joker. Returner is FAR from the worst movie ever !
In fact, it's a pretty entertaining movie, and that's all we should ever ask for.


So between 2004 and now NOBODY has figured out that the OP was trolling?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


This is the most redundant post I have ever, ever seen. I would not wish this post on the man that kills the OP's parakeet. This is the most repetitive post ever. There has never been a post that compares in sheer redundancy to this post. I've seen some really , really repetitious posts in my time, but this one is in a league of its own. This is the the most monotonous post any man on any planet has ever created. The OP is stupider after having begun this thread. Please GOD, don't read this post unless you wish severe mental anguish. This is the most redundant post ever made. I repeat, this is the MOST MONOTONOUS message board post I have ever laid my eyes on. Oh, my, GOD.


We are the Borg.Irrelevance is irrelevant.
