Oh My God

This is the worst movie I have ever, ever seen. I would not wish this movie on the man that kills my mother. This is the worst movie ever. There has never been a movie that compares in sheer horridness to this movie. I've seen some really , really bad movies in my time, but this one is in a league of its own. This is the worst movie any man on any planet has ever created. I've seen the worst, like versus, and I love versus now because this was the worst thing I have ever seen. I am stupider after having seen this movie. I hate you. Please GOd, don't watch this movie unless you wish severe mental anguish. This is the worst movie ever made. I repeat, this is the WORST movie I have ever laid my eyes on. Oh, my, GOD.


bla bla bla.
Stupid, you said nothing, just some kiddy whinings. The movie is great.


I havent seen it yet but will in a few hours.. I agree that some movies are funny BECAUSE they are cheesy.. Jay and silent bob strikes back is a great example of the use of cliché´s to make it complete..


I agree that this movie is terrible. Supporting evidence some of you ask? Just watch the movie, then you'll see. If you already have seen it, well...then you know exactly what we're talking about.

And to those of you suggesting that this movie was meant to be cheesy, thus making it entertaining - YOU ARE WRONG. Very very few films, made for TV movies, television shows, whatever, are meant to be truly cheesy. Soap Operas? Well, those are in a class all by themselves. Anyhow, this movie was clearly attempting to be a serious/cool/sci-fi/action flick, and it went horribly wrong. It's just a straight up bad movie. However, I can in fact understand the people that might find this movie entertaining because it is so bad. I am not one of those people when it comes to this particular movie, but I can definitely see where they're coming from. But just stop pretending that the makers of this movie were going for the cheesy/bad movie genre...that's reserved for Kung Pow.


Kevin, next time you make a comment like that, it would be wise to give us some insight as to WHY.

Saying it sucks 20 different ways doesn't tell us much.


Kevin, if you'd please give some evidence of WHY you hate the movie so, then maybe ou'd give yourself a better image. And Yukon, saying that the movie itself is evidence hardly provides evidence. People see it as either bad or good and you're supporting the fact that it is terrible. Some people who do watch the movie will think it IS terrible but others may think it is a good movie. So, no true evidence has been given.

What do i think? The Retuerner is excellent. Some of you may hate the whole drama thing but for some reason, I found it quite... dramatic (out of a lack of better word). My reasons for liking it, i shall not reveal for now as I'm pretty tired right now. Maybe another day. Sayonara, for now.


Kamen Rider...

Thank goodness someone else stood up and defended Returner. I rented it just a day ago, and after watching it with some close friends(who completely judged it from its DVD cover and labeled it "gay"...), we now love it.

Returner is awesome. It seems as though I was taken back to being a little kid again and watching The Terminator for the first time. Returner really reminded me of the simpler, more fun, more overly dramatic stuff that has been lost in recent cinema.

I can tell the people that trash the movie are the same folks who think every movie nowadays has to be "ubercool". I pity them, and myself sometimes, because I know I get into that mode of thinking every now and again.

But Returner is just too loveable, too fun.


Hmm.. I agree with you, FightClubMember.

I love this movie. It's a great action movie, and I really don't think they were aiming for too much more than that. Plus, Takeshi Kaneshiro is so badass in this damn movie.

..And, if someone thought this was a "horrible" enough movie not to wish upon the person who killed their mother, than I think that's their own problem, not the films.

I died then I thought of you and came back to life.
How can you think if you're dead?


I think it was pretty bad ass...we also watched it right after Starship Troopers 2...sooo....that might have made it look alot better. haha.


Dxamanda, FightClubMember7-1, mikomi-1, bEc0oL, and Kamen_Rider: I'm on your side as well.

I can care less what those guys above us think, I thought it was a great movie. Who cares if it borrowed ideas from other films? The movie as a whole felt like an entirely different movie (more SCI-FI-ish with Action blend) and above all (like any other good movie) it was entertaining.

I felt a connection with the characters and the CG (and film quality) was incredible. I thought it was gonna be absolute cheese (and was in a bad mood after I saw my first rental, Lost in Translation...which is, in fact, completely overrated in my opinion) but it turned out to be one of the most stylish and ambitious action/scfi-fi thrillers i've ever seen. I only spotted one or two scenes that were pretty cheap, but the rest of the film ranged from pretty to really good.

Heavily inspired or not, it was incredibly entertaining. After I saw this all the way to the credits (which had a very good storyline that had a pretty surprizing ending), I sat in quiet awe and immediately went into the special features (this was around 4AM). Lost in Translation was a waste of money but Returner was worth every penny (I was gonna get the regular edition but decided to find the special 2 disk edition instead after reading about it online).

I guess we all have our preferences, but people who just insult without giving any real reasons are just making fools of themselves. As a matter of fact, people who sound rude about it in the first place don't really have an opinion anyway.

Darn Trolls.


I just saw it last night, and I thought it was good. I especially like how there wasn't a romantic interest, it was more of a brother/sister relationship. That made it less cliche...and as far as people go who say it's a rip off of the matrix...well....the matrix isn't exactly all original either...yeah the Warchowski (sp?) Bros. created bullet time, but the idea of two people flying through the air and fighting totally came from old kung fu movies, and I'm sure that if you asked them, they wouldn't deny it.


Ever see Hobgoblins? Until you see that "movie" you have no room to talk mister. I bought this movie and love it.


I finally got the dvd couple of days ago and it was worth the money. While not spectacular, the movie is still very enjoyable, and Kaneshiro's performance made it worth watching for me.

It does borrow a lot from other movies, but how many movies are original these days? I'm a big Matrix fax, but even the bullet time was first seen in Blade. Now who thought of it first is a completely different thing, but we can't know that can we?


This movie is really bad, you can even see the wire in the car scene. The computer effects are weak and poorly done (maybe if this was made in 1998). The characters aren't even likeabale at all, I dont understand how the audience are supposed to find their plight engaging in any sense. The action scenes looked forced and the acting is terrible. The only way that this movie in anyway shape or form enjoyable is if you apply the MST3K treatment to it.

Who cares if it borrowed ideas from other films? The movie as a whole felt like an entirely different movie (more SCI-FI-ish with Action blend) and above all (like any other good movie) it was entertaining.

hmmm and the Matrix, Terminator and even Back to the Future are not sci-fi/action films? On top of that it was badly executed. Compared to the Matrix which built a whole universe and used sci-fi elements to deconstruct and construct a whole new world, comparing this piece of crap movie you'd have to be blind to not see which is better.

Heavily inspired or not, it was incredibly entertaining. After I saw this all the way to the credits (which had a very good storyline that had a pretty surprizing ending), I sat in quiet awe and immediately went into the special features (this was around 4AM). Lost in Translation was a waste of money but Returner was worth every penny (I was gonna get the regular edition but decided to find the special 2 disk edition instead after reading about it online).

lol ok you definitely are blind. Lost in Translation was a waste of money? And why would you even compare that to this movie, they are far too different in genres.

The fact that The Returner is actually one of the better Japanese movies to come out lately is just tragic. Outside of anime, Japanese movies are a waste of time. Yasujiro Ozu, Akira Kurosawa and Kenji Mizoguchi are rolling in their graves for what these new japanese movie makers are doing. And please stop lumping the entire asian cinema with Japan. Hong Kong and Korea are doing very well with their movies and to lump their work with crap like "the Returner" is just insulting.



You should read my review on the movie then, it's on the review pages. The reason I mentioned Lost in Translation was because I rented it along with Returner, and I had high hopes for the film and thought Returner was gonna be a waste of time but thought I needed something to watch anyway.

It's funny you said "The characters aren't even likeabale at all, I dont understand how the audience are supposed to find their plight engaging in any sense" yet defend LiT, cause that movie is FAR worse when it comes to character development. The characters float there in space and never move on from point A to point B, and the hollow dialouge never evolves as well. And most of the film is just a bunch of random amaturish shots of certain places in Japan, giving the impression of abandonment in a foreign land of course but don't really make me feel any type of emotion for the characters.

It was more like "Hey, i'm a girl that just married this dude but i'm so lonely!" and "Hey, me too! I'm a washed up actor making liquor commercials in Japan"!.....and that's it. Great idea, poorly executed. I heard Sophia was a great director, but this really did NOT convince me one bit. Maybe i'll see the Virgin Suicides to see if it really is good, maybe it has REAL acting and a REAL script and story to follow.

"hmmm and the Matrix, Terminator and even Back to the Future are not sci-fi/action films? On top of that it was badly executed. Compared to the Matrix which built a whole universe and used sci-fi elements to deconstruct and construct a whole new world, comparing this piece of crap movie you'd have to be blind to not see which is better."

I guess I was too excited with I wrote the "(more SCI-FI-ish with Action blend)" part, cause I just recently watched the movie when I wrote it and I really enjoed it myself. But I still stand by everything else. It's a B movie with a big budget, pretty much. Of course if you compare the ORIGINAL Matrix to almost any other Sci-fi film, it's gonna beat out the competition. But I thought this film was enjoyable for what it was, big budget or not. I doesn't have to be COMPLETLELY original and absorbing to be enjoyable (unless that's what you expect, then films that you probably like are probably very limited to just stuff that came out last century).

And Terminator wasn't that great to begin with. It just has Ah-nold, the cool T-model robots and really cool catchy phrases, that's it. Everything else is just....nah.

"The fact that The Returner is actually one of the better Japanese movies to come out lately is just tragic. Outside of anime, Japanese movies are a waste of time. Yasujiro Ozu, Akira Kurosawa and Kenji Mizoguchi are rolling in their graves for what these new japanese movie makers are doing. And please stop lumping the entire asian cinema with Japan. Hong Kong and Korea are doing very well with their movies and to lump their work with crap like "the Returner" is just insulting."

I guess you've never seen Kikujiro, Fireworks, and a bunch of other really interesting Japanese films (which are FAR superior films to that of Lost in Translation, they have the heart and loveable characters that film will never have). It's really funny you say all Japanese flicks are like Returner or Versus. It's like saying all American movies are like XxX and Stealth, lmao.

Anime isn't the only thing that's great in Japan, you know. And Chinese/Korean movies can be VERY cheap as well and have some great gems at the same time (with something like Beijing Bicycle and Crouching Tiger being awesome and stuff like Once Upon a Time in China and House of Flying Daggers being....bleh, crap). To me, if a movie with cheap and overused elements somehow makes the whole thing seem like a breath of fresh air, then that's a pretty big accomplishment. I seriously don't know about you, but the Returner did that for me and I liked it because of it.

Think you need to go out and see there's a big ol' world out there that's not full of sh!t movies. I recommend you check out the Fine Art films and Psychotic Thrillers.

Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop Shoot.com" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


A great movie for what it is. I enjoyed the characters, actually reminds me a LOT of an anime. Also, kinda made me feel like I was watching a combination of classic action thrillers, namely in the style of Judge Dredd and Matrix cartoonish action thrillers. All of the things named as being "ripped off" by above viewers are your generic sci fi things, such as aliens, time travel, portals, overdone gun fights, et cetera. Actually, I found it odd someone used anime as an example against this, for this is very anime in style, from character personalities and dialouge to the action scenes and choreography as well. All-in-all, this is your basic really good sci-fi. I was reading some of the negative reviews, and I won't get into it because this isn't a Matrix thread, but I could analyze all the plot concepts and give examples, one of which dates back to the 1920s and a certain Alex Huxley, most to the 70s and certain William Gibson, and others from the 80s and on, that the matrix used (including the concept of the matrix itself, and even the main matrix originality defense, "bullet-time"). If you're into newer, perfect, overbudgeted movies that you think are original because its the first time you've seen the genre-oriented recycled idea presented to you, and won't like anything you see useing that same idea afterwards, you won't like Returner. If you are a big scifi fan, enjoy a good action movie, and/or are open minded, you'll probably enjoy Returner.



I agree with the original poster - this was the Worst movie I have seen in a long time (3/10).
want any specific reasons? in no particular order (as I don't know what's to be worse):

the lack of originality:
sure there's nothing that hasn't been done on screen before, but here we are constantly slapped in the face with annoying references to works of other filmmakers (intended or not). That simply turned me off.

the screwed dramatic arc:
after the bad guy's dead the film lost its momentum. the suspense was gone and I still had to sit through another 15 dragging minutes of cheesy farewells and stuff. to me this is just bad story telling.

the bad acting:
I wasn't really impressed by the performance of the two lead. sorry to play the devil's advocate here but the Milly girl just can't act. ok, she's pretty young but compared to e.g. Natalie Portman in Leon this was a blank. of all things she can't mime emotions like terror or anguish.

the idle dialogs:
I missed any intelligent conversation or any message. don't like to refer to other acting movies like the Matrix, Kill Bill or Terminator but at least these felt like the directors had something to say.

Frankly, throughout the film I was under the impression this must be the final project of some film student - with indeed a hell lot of money at hand. And in way I was right. Look up the director's history. It was his second movie and you could clearly see that he hadn't been coming a long way...

at least I got compensated for this joke by some interesting posts on this board.

Life is pain! Anyone who says different is trying to sell you something.



You must not have ever had to see Happy Feet, then.
I got drug into watching that by my girlfriend. I could have seen The Fountain, dammit! Instead? Happy Feet!
The plot: "Penguin, penguin, singing penguins, dancing penguin, PETA!!!!!"
What the hell?

At least Returner was funny in its own quirky way.

And yes, Versus is actually a very good comparison. It's a lot like Versus, just with a bigger budget (tenuous plot, bad special effects, overall... and... well, somehow it turns into a bizarre cult classic despite its imperfections).
Which is also odd, because for some reason I liked Versus as well. For similar reasons, actually--I liked Versus because it was a lot like watching high school students make a film, and somehow I found it mildly amusing. I liked Returner for being a quirky low-budget so-tacky-it's-kind-of-funny movie. I mean, this competes with Jackie Chan's 90s movies, when you think about it.


I hate when ppl state a movie to be the worst ever... Go and get your hands on "Leprechaun in the hood" or "Surf Nazis Must Die". Then shut the F up, 'cuz this movie is awesome!

~If you build it, he will come!
