MovieChat Forums > The Aviator (2004) Discussion > The movie that has it all

The movie that has it all

I could say this about a few movies that offers the viewer everything a movie could offer. A good story, thrills, fine performances, historical interest, drama, imaginative directing, good action, visual effects and I could go on.

Yet the reputation has diminished over the years. When it came out, I saw the film as a comeback film from Scorsese. He still had it after several middling efforts.


Football in the groin ?


Another dumb moviechat reply? Another retard? This place is getting messy.


Classy lady we have here


Lady? Didn't your parents tell you to lay off the drugs?


This has heart. But football in the groin had a football in the groin


Keep to the topic please.


I like it, not totally in love with it like you are OP. Not my favourite film of the Scorsese/DiCaprio duo. It's definitely got a lot of positives. It's well shot like a lot of Scorsese films are. DiCaprio is a lot better in this then Gangs of New York where he was blown off the screen by Daniel Day Lewis. Cate Blanchett is fantastic as Katharine Hepburn, and deserved her best supporting actress Oscar. Alan Alda is great too. At 2hrs 49mins, it drags in places for me and for me the film doesn't really get great until the stuff with Alda Senator stuff pops up.

For me Scorsese doesn't really gets back on track until the Departed. And I actually prefer Gangs of New York to The Aviator myself.


Blown of the screen by Daniel Day Lewis. That is so true. Daniel kind of made that film.

I remember at the time, Marty hadn't made a really good film since Casino. So there was Kundun, Bringing out the Dead, Gangs, all stellar, but none were masterpieces. Then came The Aviator. I remember being blown away seeing it the first time. And yes, it felt like Marty had made a complete comeback.

Agree with you on Alda. Really funny and entertaining part. The scene with the glass is funny.


You are so right. This was Scorsese back in form. It does have everything a great movie should have.


Lol, this snoozefest has it all? Could hardly make it trough this rubbish. Same goes for basically everything Scorsese made after Goodfellas. He was great in the seventies and early eighties. But then he lost his Mojo.


You are allowed to have your opinion, of course. But let me tell you: You are incorrect.


I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't interested through the whole thing. It's a good production. It just didn't work for me.


Thank you. Yeah, it's a great production, but we all have different tastes at the end of the day.


Great script, great performances, this is a great movie!
