Saw Departed first?

I saw the departed in theaters, and thought it rocked. Some buddies and I just watched Infernal affairs the other night. I thought it was a cool flick, what struck me the most was how many scenes Scorsese kept near-identical in the adaption. Anyway... did anyone else feel like seeing the Departed first made IA a little less good...

You would know all the plot twists, you know whats going to happen, etc. Also... I think Scorsese definitely spent more time on character and setting (Boston) development). I think I transfered a lot of these pre-conceptions and such to IA, since they really fast forward a lot of that. (IA does about 30 minutes of the Departed in 10 minutes).



I saw Infernal Affairs first, and I think Departed is so disappointing to me.
I prefer IA to D.


Unlike everyone else, I was completely disappointed in the Departed. Despite the character developments, they all felt emotionally dead. You know how a certain look, a certain gaze, and the music with the tone, and you can see right into them? I saw nothing.

Despite being the worst movie I had seen that year, I wouldn't mind seeing Infernal Affairs. Because just like any other remake that was disappointing, I would like to see the original, and know what made it so damned good. And a lot of the times, I can see why.


There are about 5 remakes that are better then the original and "The Departed" is one of them. "Infernal Affairs" is still enjoyable, but it's far away from Scorsese's version. He spent much more time developing the story and the characters.

And by the way, what's up with the cheesy music and random flashbacks when some of the main characters die in AI? It took away the tension...



i havent seen the departed, but i have seen internal affairs. ill check out the departed soon



I loved both movies but I enjoyed Infernal Affairs a little bit more.


I saw departed first and I didn't like it at all. I thought the direction was awful. The rats running in the foreground etc. That's cheesy, childish and very very crappy.

I never understood why MS got an Oscar for that. I'm telling ya its all about connection within the industry.

As for IA, its a SUPERIOR film in every single way. Never mind the character development BS all the Departed fans keep going on about.

The departed's like a stale cheeseburger compared to a juicy dimsum of IA. IMHO


I thought IA was a lot better paced and I really enjoyed the part where the girl talks about writing her book and the main character has multiple personalities but she can't decide whether he's good or bad and even at the end she's really not sure about Andy Lau.

I also thought it was better that they didn't have the weird love triangle where they were all dating the same person since it didn't really add a whole lot to The Departed other than making it seem like everyone is kind of lying to one another in some way or form.

I also preferred the ending of IA since it is quite telling that the dirty cop is very remorseful and has that feeling of guilt over him. He would have rather traded places with Chen Wing than be in the spot that he was in which was basically always worried about being exposed and being the puppet of the crime lord. Even though he lived through the ordeal, he does not escape unscathed and is living in "hell" still.

I preferred the acting in the departed though as dicaprio and damon are amazing actors. But overall IA had a better pace / ending imo.


I saw the Departed before I saw Infernal Affairs, and I thought Infernal Affairs much better. This is really uncommon for me, since I both usually watch the original first in that sort of situation and since I very seldom like the version I saw second better.

The Departed was okay. Infernal Affairs was a semi-masterpiece. It had better pacing, and no Jack Nicholson in the worst performance of a life-time.
