MovieChat Forums > Shopgirl (2005) Discussion > steve martin perverted?

steve martin perverted?

Is it me or did steve martin write then direct and star in this movie so he could get some from a girl young enough to be his daughter? That is why I will never watch this movie.


there are a lot of creepy dudes who actually do this sort of thing -- make movies just so they can 'get it on' with young women. picasso was the same way i guess.

however, i wouldnt judge a movie until i actually sat through it. unfortunately, this movie is too @#$@#$ slow for me. maybe some day ill make it through but ugh.


'lost in translation' - there is a potentially creepy movie, but it turns out, it is not creepy to me.

well it is creepy that bill murray's character cheats on his wife.

but he doesnt do it with the 20-soemthing scarlett johansen character.



I have a friend who married a 40 something man and she was almost 18. his kids are in there 20's.


Perverted? Get some from a young girl? How absurd.

There has been speculation that the story, or at least parts of it, are autobiographical (one of the first rules of writing is "write what you know").

If the relationship *did* occur between Martin and a younger woman, it was likely at some point in the past when their age difference was less great.

Mirabelle was an adult. She had left home to live on the opposite side of the country where she had her own apartment. She could vote and drink alcoholic beverages and enter into legal contracts. She was no child.

It is not at all unusual to see younger actresses playing opposite older actors. Harrison Ford has played opposite actresses 30 years his junior. Gwenyth Paltrow was 28 years younger than Michael Douglas when she played his wife in "The Perfect Murder".

I find it interesting that posters here find Martin's character revolting when many professional critics found Danes's character to be whore-like (trading sexual favors for gifts and money).


Do you think that more people have said negative things about Danes as opposed to Martin? I don't think she was "whorelike" or that he was "perverted". I do think his character was cold-hearted and non-commital, which led him to lose out on someone special.

"I feel like a dirty scotch glass."


i don't know why people care, as long as their both over 18, Whoopty friggen due. If you don't like being with someone that much older than you, then don't do it. If someone else wants to, it none of your concern.


It must be you.

I'm not a big fan of May/December romances of the sort that are all-too-often portrayed on the screen. But here, I feel Steve Martin at least portrayed the situation in a frank, honest way (as others have said). In the end, Mirabelle (Claire Danes) despite clinical depression and desperate loneliness, comes through as more whole and emotionally mature than Ray (Steve Martin), despite his age, wealth, and worldliness. It's plain (to me at least) which one is headed on a better trajectory in the end.

As a final thought, how many people here criticising this movie - where it is absolutely up front that it is an older man/younger wonman - say nothing at all with the ridiculous castings where it is not (look at who gets paired with Harrison Ford, or Sean Connery; even better, check out the remake of "The Omen," where the wife of the US Ambassador looks like she is a senior at Mount Holyoke College).



Give me a break, how many of you would do the same if you had the chance. She was a babe ! Competely normal. These types of relationships happen everyday.



Cynical. I thought the movie was great, and it wasn't because I was desperate to like it at all. I thought it was well acted, realistically written, and the narration actually didn't bother me one way or the other.
And the "simple point" of the movie illustrated above isn't the point of the movie at all. It's probably a true statement, but it isn't the point of the movie.




People, these May-December relationships are not all that out of the ordinary. They're quite common. Also, I bet Steve Martin could get lots of young women if he so desired.

We come into the world naked, screaming and covered in blood. Why should the fun end there?


i must agree.

Martin, 61, was previously married to actress Victoria Tennant, whom he divorced in 1994 after about 8 years together, Nierob said.
It was the first marriage for Stringfield, 35, a writer and former staffer for The New Yorker magazine.

i dont believe he is a preverted guy
i just found it funny that i read this topic earlier
went to msn to read some news updates and that was
one of the celebrity topics


Well, you shouldn't see it then. Stay at home polishing the Mensa awards someone with a fine mind like yours must have littering the floors of your "thinkin' rooms".
