other good con movies

Does anybody else know of any other good con movies?
So far I have seen:

Matchstick Men
The Sting



The House of Games 1987 BY FAR the BEST


This may have been said, but I did not want to read through pages 2-10.

The remake of The Italian Job was ok in terms of the action scenes, but horrible in terms of the "love story".


When CT was trying to crack the safe and she said she couldn't do it and then Wahlberg puts his hand on hers and convinces to keep trying, I almost threw up and how bad that scene was. Just terrible.


Here is a couple of others I enjoyed.
Layer Cake
The Silent Partner


The Spanish Prisoner, 1997, Steve Martin, Ben Gazzara


I was just going to mention that one... This movie reminded me of it


Does anybody else know of any other good con movies?
So far I have seen:

Matchstick Men
The Sting

Blonde Crazy (1931)
Mississippi Mermaid (1969)
Paper Moon (1973)
The Sting II (1983)
Original Sin (2001)
Ladrón que roba a ladrón (2007)


After then pages, I'm sure the best con movies have been mentioned.

I'm not sure whether anyone mentioned Best Laid Plans yet. It's just a small movie but I find the con and the twist are quite interesting. I didn't like the final twist at the end though.


Catch Me If You Can
The Illusionist


Finder's Fee is a bit of a stretch on the definition of "con," and is the only movie directed by that Survivor host Jeff Probst (which would be reason enough to discredit it on mention), but I recommend the film for the following reasons.

1) James Earl Jones.
2) The twist.
3) Greed/human nature commentary.

I agree with many of the films mentioned, shake my head at several, but actually read all ten pages and will therefore not repeat anything already stated...

Except Shade. I'm sidetracking here, but I saw Shade when it first came out. Recently I watched Zombieland. The con that introduces the girls in the film was also the opening of Shade, anyone else notice that?
