other good con movies

Does anybody else know of any other good con movies?
So far I have seen:

Matchstick Men
The Sting


I will just mention the left-out ones:

Jakarta (Korean crime/con/action flick)
The Big Swindle (Korean crime/con/action flick)


so... can you guys give a recap of all thous films? im lost.
i seriously think ocean's 11 was a lot better that ocean's 12. it would have been cool if they actually DID steal the egg the ORIGINAL way they planned it, befor everyone got thrown into jail.

oh, and The Score and The Italian Job (recent one) are not really con films... their heist films...
different sub category that goes under the genre "Crime"

con films utilize elements of sweet talking and manipulation to get the dough like in bandits, matchstick men and out of sight (okay, not such a good film but a good example of what makes a con film a con fim)
heists require the stealthy entrance into a secured location (the score, ocean's eleven, etc...)
then youve got your plain old armed robbery movies like Steal.

its like con films are distinguished by the way the main character can just get by without even lifting a finger or pulling a trigger. a good con-man just gets the money handed to him, says thank you and walks away. soooth....


Ocean's 12 was a con! They conned everyone into thinkin it was gunna be a great sequel! What a disappointment. You guys seem to have listed most of the con-movies I can think of, I've seen:

The Usual Suspects
Catch Me If You Can
The Talented Mr Ripley
Ocean's 11
Ocean’s 12
The Good Thief
The Sting
Jackie Brown
The Thomas Crown Affair
After The Sunset
Matchstick Men

I enjoyed Confidence, didn’t think much of the acting and in places its slightly boring, but the twist at the end is good and makes the movie.

Its hard to know what is termed a con movie, I mean is Swordfish or After the Sunset??


Swordfish should be considered a Comedy. Its lucky to even be considered a movie.


The best british black comedy crime, con film THE CRIMINAL.
It's fantastic!


i think the usual suspects is a superb con movie if i'm to use the loose defintiion everyone seems to imply (having a twist ending?) otherwise some of the included choices herein make no sense (knockaround guys? decent movie but con? ) i actually like confidence quite a bit. rachel wiesz (sp?) is good at the grifter type roles and a better example of a "con" film would be runaway jury b/c they (r.w. and john cusak) are running quite the con in that mavie, not only of the characters but the viewers as well, regarding their interests.


Anybody said The Score. It's a movie with Marlon Brando, Robert DeNiro and Edward Norton. It was somewhat of a con movie and had decent performances.

IMDB TNA Impact! Prediction Contest 2005 Champion: CarlTheGooner!!!


I saw a movie on cable last year (2004) that was about a group of telemarketers who try to con people in investing in undeveloped land (in Arizona?), kind of like Boiler Room. In the beginning, the main character starts out as low-level telemarketer and gets recruited by a more professional con-man to work with his team of telemarketers. The guy ends up falling in love with a woman who ends up conning him out of his ill-gotten gains by withdrawing all the funds from their joint-account the day after they get married in Vegas. Does anyone know the name of this movie? I think it's unique in that it shows a con-man getting conned, kind of like Matchstick Men.


"shooting fish" is a decent british comedy/con movie.


Shade is a very good film starring sly stallone and jamie foxx. Also poolhall junkies is one of my favourite films along with criminal.


What about "wild things?"

"Do you know what a lawman is, Crowe? He is a killer of men" Jared Maddox in "Lawman"


In an unorthodox way, I would include these two, although previously mentioned.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - a hilarious movie about con artists.

Jackie Brown - A con was only part of it, but it was vintage Tarentino. Shame it had to follow Pulp or it would have gotten the praise it deserved.


Am I an idiot, or what? No one said Snatch, while it's very similar. Maybe it isn't a hundred procent 'con'-movie, but there's definetly some people getting conned.
And Layer Cake was good as well, or was that also not 100 procent 'con'.

Furthermore I'd say Matchstick Men, Confidence, Catch Me If You Can, Ocean's Eleven, not Ocean's 12, 'cause that one was so incredibly far fetched it just started to suck, Boiler Room and probably a couple more.


Nine Queens
Matchstick Men


The UK series 'Hustle' (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379632/) exceeds most of the mentioned films in my opinion.

The advantage of being a series of shorter confidence tricks, means that they can present a wider selection of the styles and set-ups that could be used in a sting.
By comparison, film makers typically have only one shot at this genre and too often try to portray an ideal textbook con. As a result, many films follow rules of the genre far to closely. After The Sting, there's very few more con movies that needed making.

Additionally, the quality of script writing in Hustle is much higher than CONfidence. By way of an example: Rachel Weisz's scene in which she meets the banker, and explains 'I'm looking sad because my partners and I have had no luck securing venture capital investment' seemed all to forced to me. The banker, even a naive one, would not have been taken in by that act. Watching any episode of the Hustle demonstrates how such scenes could be scripted much more convincingly.


The original Italian Job was an awesome movie.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?


how about shooting fish? only been mentioned once on this thread, but it really is a good little, low budget movie - not major players, but loads of little cons, followed by a couple of big ones. sorry to say it has dated a little because of the way/time it was shot, but otherwise a good film.

not gonna break any records or win any oscars, but good non the less.

two films about goverment cons that haven't been mentioned:

wag the dog
capricorn 1

not matter what else they are, namely a sharp, fantastic, scarely true political satyre in the case of wag the dog, and a fantastic consperasy film in the case of capricorn 1, they are both based on conning the suckers watching it into beleaving what they are seeing is true (- a bit like an american election -), via playing what is known as the 'un-know' long con - one that takes time, effort, and the hope that its NEVER found out.

anyway, hope you like them both - as i said - not classic examples of con films, but true con films never the less.

thanks for your time

ps - please forgive my spelling -i'm a dyslexic, and constantly checking spelling breakes the thread of thought - i hope you understand


Lavender Hill Mob, Any One? Excellent Farce.

...Oh, & The Ladykillers!

(The Original... I've Only Seen That One :)

