other good con movies

Does anybody else know of any other good con movies?
So far I have seen:

Matchstick Men
The Sting



Other Good Con Movies:

Oceans 11/12
Catch Me if you Can


You all forgot the best con movie ever: the usual suspects ;-)


I'm very surprised that just one person(gizmo691) mentioned the best con movie ever: the usual suspects. even the camera fools you. actually, the movie is a con! the next is catch me if you can. I don't like De Caprio but he actually starred in this masterpiece of spielberg.


House of Games is really great. Another sleeper is Masquerade w/Rob Lowe.
Dead of Winter is something of a con type. Mary Steenburgen plays 3 parts.


May I ask what does "con" actually mean? English is not my native language.

I am sorry for the off topic question.


"Con" is a thief that makes you think he/she is doing something legal, or tells you of a way to make some money but in the end turns around and does something illegal to get the money. Or when someone lies to you in order to rip you off.

ANYWAYS.....little know, GREAT con flick....FOLLOWING...by Christopher Nolan!


A more specific answer, con is short for 'confidence' (thus the title of the movie). A confidence man is so dubbed because his job is to win the confidence of an unsuspecting mark (on a side note, the term 'mark' refers to the chalk mark that early carnival swindlers and other grifters used to use to label someone who looked like they had a lot of dollars and not too much sense). Once he has gained the person's trust, he outsmarts the person (usually by appealing to the person's greed) and comes away with the mark's cash, or other assets. A con artist's motto: "A fool and his money are soon parted."


how about the best ever? the last seduction


Matchstick Men


Why hasn't "The Flim-Flam Man" been mentioned??? C'mon you knobs!!


wasnt like bandits a con movie..?
it was good though ive seen better..


Just thought i would add the english tv series from the bbc "Hustle". It is an excellent series about grifters, well worth checking out.



The ultimate heist/con movie: The Talented Mr. Ripley -- I mean, come on, he steals a guy's life, then cons everyone into believing it's him! But a better adaptation is Purple Noon (Plein Soleil) by Frenchman Rene Clement. A very young and stylish Alain Delon at the top of his form.

Also The Thomas Crown Affair. Brosnan is okay, but here again, I prefer the original sixties adaptation directed by Norman Jewison, starring Steve McQueen. Anyone remember the porno chess game scene with Faye Dunaway?


I agree whole-heartedly on Diggstown (aka Midnight Sting to any brits reading!) James Woods and Lou Gossit Jr are simply fantastic together *drools at Heather Grahame*

For something on the darker side, you might want to try a lttle known brit film called "Circus" staring John Hannah, Famke Janssen, Eddie Izzard... it can be a bit weird at times but well worth a look. As ive always said "Comiediens make the best villans 'cus you just know when the laughter stops they're gonna kill you in the most painful of ways possible, this holds true in this film, Eddie Izzard and Brian "It's a puppet" Connolly are totally sinister and absolutly brilliant!

Oceans 11... pretty cool
Oceans 12... pile of pants!
The Original Italian Job... Masterpiece
The New Italian Job... Old grannys soiled knickers!

"Never con a con man, especially when he's better than you!"


Oh man! I completely agree with the Talented Mr. Ripley as being an "ultimate" con movie (especially after realizing the difference between heist and con).


Yeah 'Hustle' is a great tv series, I think its due to air in the US soon. Its like 6 mini movies and each one is cleverly crafted.


Glengarry Glen Ross is a good one by David Mamet. Has great lines, too!


God I hate people who trash a movie just because someone likes it. "Oh no it SUCKS! Are you joking?!" blah blah blah. Folks, we all have our own opinions, deal with it.

Oceans Eleven
Oceans Twelve
Catch Me If You Can
The Score

Some good ones that I like.


dirty rotten scoundrels is hilarious


Jackie Brown
The Score

Great con movies


i'm unaware if reservoir dogs is considered a heist movie, even if the storyline centers around a robbery gone awry. and it is not even remotely a con movie unless you count "mr. orange." whatever it is, highly recommended.
