MovieChat Forums > Identity (2003) Discussion > Identity deserves to be on the IMDB Top ...

Identity deserves to be on the IMDB Top 250

Identity is better than Shutter Island, which rips it off. If Shutter Island deserves to be on there then Identity to deserves to be higher on that list. Identity is a far better constructed thriller and mind bender than Shutter Island.

Watch them both and judge for yourself.


I think both films deserve to be in the top 250 list.



I Agree Itentity must be in the Top 250.
Shutter ISland was an mediocre film


I thought identity was very good, although I did not personally like the "twist". I think the movie might have been better just letting Timmy be the killer while hinting at a supernaturality that eventually wasn't there.

But yeah when John Cusack was ripped out of the setting into the courtroom, they had done way to little build-up to be an effective twist. But still they always hinted that something in that courtroom was related to the plot, and since we saw Jake Busey get killed and someone who wasn't at the hotel rolled into the courtroom, we knew the felon they were talking about wasn't one at the motel, and we started suspecting the case they were talking about was maybe tIhe happenings at the motel....

I would have liked the "twist" better if there were more build-up to it, but I still cared about which personality lived after we knew they were imaginary.

Good film but i would have liked it more as a inventive slasher which is what it would have been if we subtracted all the courtroom-scenes and a bit of the supernatural stuff (bodies disappearing and so on). I was really into it up until they didn't handle the solution very well but all in all a 7 which is for me in the top 20 % of films I've seen.


Hitler himself would have been a fan of Identity.





I agree! Shutter Island was okay, but it was too much like a bad hybrid of "The Grudge", "The Haunting" (without the fancy mansion) and "The Rock".

And though I like DiCaprio, he can't touch John Cusack or Ray Liotta! And even "Timmy" was scarier than Ben Kingsley.

She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.



I judged for myself... No way.


Identity deserves to be on the IMDB Top 250


Wait a minute... who am I here?
