MovieChat Forums > Identity (2003) Discussion > Identity deserves to be on the IMDB Top ...

Identity deserves to be on the IMDB Top 250

Identity is better than Shutter Island, which rips it off. If Shutter Island deserves to be on there then Identity to deserves to be higher on that list. Identity is a far better constructed thriller and mind bender than Shutter Island.

Watch them both and judge for yourself.



The difference between Identity and Shutter Island is that Identity had terrible writing. Both of them are well done, albeit occasionally predictable thrillers, but Identity just has an incredibly poorly constructed script. Unfortunately, a movie can't be rated entirely on its concept. Its acting and writing also contribute to how it's viewed. Aside from Cusack and Vince, the acting was over the top and laughable, and the dialogue only made it worse. There's no doubt that Identity is clever and packed full of surprises, but it's not a good movie overall. Shutter Island is far better in writing and acting, even if its plot isn't more complex.


Lol there is nothing mind bending about the "Oh its all a dream/ its all in his head" concept. Seriously the movie isnt that great. Shutter Island was predictable as well altough that movie is a lot better imo.


Wow. I thought that this was one of those movies that thinks its being clever in order to hide a pretty tired plot. Ten Little Indians meets Primal Fear. Eh.


I agree. Identity is much more better.


I personally agree with you. This movie is one of my favorites, and for a person who can't decide a favorite anything, that's saying something, lol.

If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.


lol Do some research before posting crap. Shutter island is based on Dennis Lehane's 2003 novel of the same name. And it is better overall than Identity which is good but lacks in some aspects.

Haters will be haters


I agree with you OP about Identity being worthy of the Top 250, but you are selling Shutter Island way short. Personally, I gave Identity a 9 and Shutter Island a 10. I thought they were both excellent stories with very solid casts but Shutter Island just hit me a bit harder than Identity. Identity is in my personal Top 250 for what it's worth but Shutter Island is in my Top 10.

Not directed at you OP, but reading through this thread, one thing that irritates the living crap out of me is all of the snobs on IMDB that constantly just want to tear films down saying "It's been done before". You can find a posts like that on every movie's discussion board and it is so obnoxious. I always want to ask those negative snobs two questions:

1) If this movie sucked so bad, what movies do you actually like?

2) How many completely original plot devices and twists are left to us at this stage of storytelling?

These snobs do not use the language of film lovers. They seem to just hate everything. I feel sorry for them because they're missing a lot of great movies by not seeing them for what they really are.


What just because YOU think this film is better than Shutter Island, it should be in the top 250? You also state things like they're a fact, saying Identity is a better film than Shutter Island, weather a film is good or not is up to people's own opinion.

In my opinion Shutter Island is a much better movie, saying this I did really enjoy Identity. I think the acting, story and setting are all better in Shutter Island (not meaning the acting was bad in Identity). I also think the twist in Shutter Island is more predictable but the thing about that twist is that there are two layers to it. You can take that he is crazy but then there is equal amount of hints in the film to say he is not crazy. It is a smart open ended twist.

With this twist it's not predictable because it's sooo out of the blue. Throughout the movie they were preparing it with the meeting with the lawyers and I was expecting something to happen but not what actually happened! Though I did find it an interesting take on the illness, it was very imaginative and I did enjoy it but I think they could of done something better.


Actually, the split personality was signalled before the film even started - by the psychiatrist saying who am I talking to now? over the opening credits. Then again later when the guy was wheeled into the courthouse.

If I was being unkind, I'd say this was one of those films that stupid people think is intelligent (like Conception).

The rating system is all screwy on imdb - how some can give this 10/10, putting them above films like Psycho, and Memento, or les Diaboliques - well, it's crazy. There's a difference between popularity and genius - so if this film does it for you: cool! But lets not pretend this is some work of genius art.

The film leaves you without any emotional attachment, or even hatred, of any of the (imaginary) characters. A good film would have made you shocked/conflicted at the killing of the psychiatrist at the end, because you were enagaged - but again, it was telegraphed, and it raised only a wry smile. The preceding two hours just didn't do anything to make me care.


I gave Identity an 8. just watched it again after seeing it in the theater back when it released. I get what everyone is saying. sure there have been films like this before (the it's all a dream/it's all in his head plot twist) BUT in my opinion it doesn't change the fact that this is a very well made thriller. I loved it when i first saw it and i loved it just the same watching it tonight on DVD. The cast is great. THe acting is strong and the first time i saw it i didn't really see the twist coming. Now after seeing it again and watching it from the perspective of knowing there are many clues that hint at the twist but i went into this film with no expectations when i first saw it and i was pleasantly surprised


The problem with the rating system is, it isn't mandatory voting. People still don't vote, and that makes it so it does not go up or down. It just stays exact same as if they did not even review the movie at all. That is stupid. So if no even uses the voting system of the movie, then it goes no where. When people do vote and others don't, it gets all screwed up. I have said this in many reviews I have given on movies, and I still get ignored by the persons that review my review to get posted. They want the rating system to stay screwed up.

I think other websites that have author reviews, and user reviews for readers to rate after are the right way to have ratings, because it does not get skipped from being rated like on this site. People that don't give any stars are the ones skipping the ratings on these movies. I keep seeing people do it on every single movie listed on this site. So I don't trust one single movie rating on this site at all. Usually the ratings are backwards on this site. One will be in the top 250 that should never be there at all.

What I mean is instead of using the votes stars at the beginning before typing your review, they ignore it and then type I give it ** out of *****, for an example, and they call that the review. If they don't use the stars at the beginning then the whole rating of that movie is messed up.

If you are wondering why I am on this site or even on the boards if I don't like the rating system, is because I am not here to see the ratings, but to see what people think. I ignore the ratings or votes. You may think this is the most best movie site ever to get great reviews on movies, but it isn't at all. There are so many WordPress websites with reviews now that have better voting or rating systems than this site.

This site is popular only because it has been around longer, and started the reviews for movies more than any other site online for movie reviews. Rottentomatoes is even better than this site. This site is around, because of the the movie producers and directors and others that work on the movie come to this site. That is the IMDB Pro. No other movie site has that for them.

You would think with having so many of those workers on the movies coming on here to update about there movie would want their movie voted or rated right, but nope this site is going to keep it so people actually don't vote at all, and just the ones that one the truth about the voting vote, but really they are wasting their time, because with others not using the voting, that even messes up the ones that voted.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


Ive seen them both...Shutter Island is better..
