MovieChat Forums > Identity (2003) Discussion > Identity deserves to be on the IMDB Top ...

Identity deserves to be on the IMDB Top 250

Identity is better than Shutter Island, which rips it off. If Shutter Island deserves to be on there then Identity to deserves to be higher on that list. Identity is a far better constructed thriller and mind bender than Shutter Island.

Watch them both and judge for yourself.


Shutter Island is only popular because of its director.


It's one of the best modern thrillers ever made. Yes, it deserves to be on that list, and every "best psychological thrillers" list.


Some movies just "do it" for some people, and the same movie may be considered just okay by others. I think this is one of those movies where for some people, it really was their kind of movie. It was for me, and is one of my favorites. I try and get people to watch it that have not, and they usually tell me "it was pretty good" but it doesn't hit them like it hit me. That's ok, bc some of their movies don't "do it" for me. I loved this film but also get why some didn't. To each their own. But I do wish it got more recognition as a movie, because to me it's a great movie.
