Identity is better than Shutter Island, which rips it off. If Shutter Island deserves to be on there then Identity to deserves to be higher on that list. Identity is a far better constructed thriller and mind bender than Shutter Island.
I assumed Shutter Island used this same type of lame, overused trick ending. Thank you for saving me the time of seeing it. Identity, however, does not deserve to be in the top 250, nor does it deserve to be about a 7 on here. People eat up these same overdone twists. You act like Shutter Island ripped this off? How many movies did Identity rip off??! It's the same ending so many films have used but brought about in a slightly different way. Once the twist is revealed who cares what happens to any of the characters in the film?! ...but the film just keeps going! Absurd, ludicrous and not intelligent at all. I've said this in another post: "Anyone can write a script like this, tack on a lame twist, then go back and toss in a couple red herrings. It's as lame as the twist for High Tension (Haute Tension) which came out a few years later. These types of twists have been beaten to death and have ruined films like Identity and High Tension. Enough already!" LAME.
MisterMovieMan, I absolutely agree with everything you said about Identity. Not a smart thriller at all. It's smart only for people who haven't seen many movies, or people who doesn't know how easy it is to add a stupid twist like this to any storyline. I don't think Shutter Island is anything like Identity though. Shutter Island is more in the vein of Naboer, The Machinist, Chasing Sleep, etc. Also Shutter Island at least doesn't have a twist that makes you not care about the characters or the plot, like Identity.
- Brand, where're you going? - This is the men's room
I didn't see Shutter Island yet so I can't comment on that but I enjoyed this movie a lot and I think it should be in the top 250 or 200. I The ending I really didn't expect at all.
Shutter Island and Identity, to me, are both great movies. I prefer Identity though (huge fan of Cusack). Yeah the ideas are the same, but in Shutter Island, Leo over acted which kind of distracted me. The ensemble in Identity, (again in my opinion) did it better than Shutter Island. To each their own.
I really enjoyed the movie and was thrilled until it came to the absolutely unsatisfying ending... Worst plot twist I´ve seen! Of course none of you saw it coming, because from the information given throughout the film, it is absolutely impossible to know the solution. This is exactly what separates a good from a bad plot twist. A good twist is one that makes the viewer slap his forehead, thinking "how could I not see this coming! It should have been so obvious to me". The ending in this movie, however, is about as inventive as the overused "it-was-all-only-a-dream", which in fact could justify ANY plot told beforehand... It´s really sad, because the first 90% of the movie is actually really well made and keeps one guessing!
As is the psychiatry session opening credits and entire psychiatrist/lawyers 'subplot' running through the whole film. It's a legitimate twist, and even if one gets it before the reveal, the film is so damn well made it's a joy to watch regardless.
I just saw this movie for the first time today, and this is my interpretation when it comes to the information that we are given:
We were given the hint that the kid would be the killer during the first five minutes of the movie ~~ when we hear the defense attorney and the doctor talking to the judge and explaining that the convict that they were waiting for had been abused and neglected AND LEFT ALONE IN MOTEL ROOMS by his prostitute mother when he was just a child. That was when Malcolm's Identity Disorder began and his psyche split into a variety of personalities. So once we knew that we were dealing with one person with a number of personalities, it makes sense that the remaining "killer" would be the child ~~ reverting back to the time when the split first occurred.
you are kidding, right? Identity is lame rip off of Stanley Kubrick's "Psycho". the script writer of Identity didn't even bother to change locations. it's ridiculous.
I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with ya. I mean, Identity was creative and elaborate in its own cute way, but not enough to get a place on the top 250. Some of those films on the top 250 were revolutionary films that defined the cinematography and directing of the films we enjoy the same time the top 250 has some real over-rated films like AVATAR. (please.)
also, i enjoyed shutter island much more than Identity. Better acting and it built up to the end in a much more memorable way.