It prentended to be a satire of upper class racism but it really expressed upper class racism. Take the scene where Latifa arrived at Steve Martin's office. She is not dressed poorly, in fact, she is dressed quite nicely. Yet when the boss comes around the corner Steve Martin TRIES TO HIDE HER. HE DID NOT KNOW SHE WAS AN ESAPED EX-CON YET SO WHY TRY TO HIDE HER!?!
---A really sickening film that shows the level of trash audiences will accept these days.
"I really do have love to give. I just dont know where to put it."
Oh my goodness! I cannot believe the discussion this one post has created. PEOPLE, IT IS JUST A MOVIE! Freedom of speech?! As long as it is not racially malicious, people can produce any kind of film they want and release it to an international audience. It's just a movie!!! (And before anyone post something about me being racially insensitive - I am a black woman about Queen Latifah's age.)
Anyway, I would like to go back and answer the original question from this original post. The reason they tried to hide Queen Latifah's character was because this was an upscale Beverly Hills type corporate law firm. They probably did not have black clients (especially black female clients) and more to the point, they knew that this particular senior partner would question why a black woman was there. Now I know that's not a good enough reason to hide her, but I think it is the truth and does reflect what is true in corporate America.
Oh crikey!!....Are most of you guys American? If you are, you all seem to be getting terribly uptight about a lighthearted comedy! I'm White English and watched the film with my Black English partner and we both laughed our heads off - The stereotypes used (on both parts) were part of the overall joke and I really think you guys need to calm down and just get on with having a laugh and not taking things so seriously. I'm not saying that there is no racism in England but I can honestly say that me and my partner have never had any hassle in 3 years we have been together and racism in England is now seen as very "old hat" and something just real ignorant people say. We live out in the countryside in England and if you were to get any negative "racial" comments this would be the place to get them (i.e away from the big cities) but we are fine. Oh...and we both really like the film and have even bought the DVD to add to our collection. So come on guys.....chill out!!!
This film isn't racist, it is just a frank insight into racism in the twenty-first century, it is not a satire at all, a satire is a humorous depeiction of a twisted version of the truth, this film is a humorous depiction of the REAL truth. If anything this film is quite handy as it opens up the eyes of the young, uneducated or ignorant who believe that racism died out in the seventies. As for your problem with that scene, well I think we've established this film is intended to give a frank insight into all types of racism, including INSTITUTIONAL racism. Notice that the only black people working in Sanderson's workplace, are the secretaries, which pretty much shows that Sanderson's workplace and the bosses of his workplace is/are a very racist and small-minded place, Sanderson's attempt at hiding Charlene emphasises that point and sets up a preconcieved notion of what tha character of Sanderson's boss will be like. And also let me ask you this, at the time Sanderson KNEW Charlene was an ex-con, he did not know she was an ESCAPED ex-con, now if you worked in a law firm would you go around showing off your new friend Charlene who happens to be an ex-con, to your small-minded, strict boss? Didn't think so!
Thank you!! My god. Once again, it was a funy movie!! That's it. If there weren't some racial comments or jokes, then it wouldn't be as funny. I'm not racist (hell, I can't be. My sister is have black. My niece is half Hispanic, and my other niece is 1/4 black, 1/4 white, 1/4 Brazillian, and 1/4 Italian.) so that is why it was funny. People over analize things and its pissing me off. Just enjoy the movie. That is what was meant for; your entertainment!! Ok, well, enjoy the movie!!!
For starts I thik that 'butterfingers' has a one track mind, and needs to get a life as do most of the people (except the people who said: forget about it, it's just a movie, laugh at it and enjoy yourself) on this board. And butterfingers why must you delv into a deep discussion about why they hide her? My answer is that they hid her because she was supposed to be part of a highly televised bank robbery and picture of her would have been showen on the news. Mabey Peter didn't want his boss to recognise her and then fire him for dealing with a 'criminal'. Anyway, I wouldn't take any of the script seriously at all. For one thing, it isn't about you so it shouldn't be offending you. And for another, taking racism seriously mean you are a racist.
I would like people to think of Rosa Parks and nelson mandella and martin luther king! ok, so i'm not black but those black people are my heroes! and they are not the only great black people! so all racists out there better look out because they are wrong and stupid! in the words of spongebob "there, I think I made my point"!!!
CALM DOWN. It was a movie and it's comedy. It was a joke. Queen Latifah wouldn't have starred in it if it was racist to black people. It's not like it was Drama and there were KKKs... Now that would be serious.
Saying this film is racist is fair, but it's not going to change the world overnight, there is racist people as much as there are homophobic people, unfortunetly its a way of life, the best thing any1 can do is not connect to any one who cant except some one for who they are.
P.s, if this movie is racist, DONT WATCH IT.
PP.S why mot just say that the film is taking jabs at gays for the "you look like a fag" comment.
to say this movie is "racist" is quite correct but THAT IS ONLY ONE OF THE SOCIAL IDIOCIES this wonderfully funny movie intentionally MAKES FUN of. and it is "bustin' a gut" funny as it works its magic.
the movie makes "fun" of our (EVERYONE'S; whether black, white, oriental japanese, oriental chinese, native american, etc) idiosyncracies when it comes to differences based on skin color, social strata, which country club one goes to, what kind of music you're into, etc. we all are guilty of it: we look 'down' on those who don't live 'up' to our standards and think that those who look 'down' on us are either prejudiced or snobs or whatever label satisfies our disastisfaction of their disdain for us.
in a perfect world it would be nice if a goodly portion of the human race ennobled whatever natural intelligence with which we have been blessed by getting a well-rounded education. but that will never happen. next i would expect the vast majority of peops to think for themselves and basically use their own thoughts in dialoguing instead of only a minority of the human race that does that.
but our usual non-desire to enhance our knowledge, except for some quid pro quo, goes hand in hand with our continued tribalism (in many guises) that flies under the modern flag of "racism" and "sexism" and many other "isms".
i just call all of it 'difference-ism' and we all have a sprinkling of it, some to a great degree, some less so.
'difference-ism' is just the way we humans are; whether it is under the banner of race or education or body type or hair style or taste in music or taste in clothes or whatever choices or non-choices that make us all different from one another.
dang, i am a light skinned black person with "good" hair (i have no idea what "bad" hair is). i can't tell you how many dark-skinned black peops look 'down' on me as not being 'fully black.' yet i am as black as they are.
i remember when i heard the little diddy that joan plowright sang at the table ("mother, is massa going to sell us tomorrow" "yes yes yes").
dame joan pulled that little number off perfectly. yet the audience who watches it either laughs their heads off or gets changrined, as the two people i was with did. they thought that was very "racist".
i had to tell them that dame joan was indeed singing a short number from a musical ("Through the Years") of the 40s (?) by a black woman (amelia robinson) about the plight of the american black ( ). they were also surprised that this play was performed in 1995 for the martin luther kind commeration thingamig.
the bottom line i am making is that this movie is "racist" because it is supposed to be "racist" and make fun of the mindset that ALL OF US have in our claim to separate ourselves from anyone for what ever difference there might be naturally or through some acquisition.
o, by the way, one of the posters previously stated that only whites can be racist. that is as stupid as spike lee is ugly. and that is a blatant racist statement.
that would be like saying only black guys can play good basketball or white woman can lower their head and shake their long hair or that all oriental kids are good in math or that "all jews are smart". all stupid statements with a racist mentality. and, speaking of spike lee, he is one of the most racist of blacks who claims he isn't.
that is just ludicrous.
the good Lawd gave spike lee ugliness (in my eyes) and an inability to see how silly his own thinking is.
no race has a claim on racism. no difference has a claim on 'difference-ism'.
because he was embarressed not because she was black... this movie isn't racist oh and to that guy who said that only white people are racists where the *beep* do you live? dreamland? there are many black racists too definitly you know what, visit my country sometime I'm white but the Turkish people are racist against us only white people are racists? probably the most ridiculous statement, I've ever heard
people are so irritating with the 'racist' talk and all. calling this movie would be like me calling Barbershop racist towards whites (which I would be laughed at) because the only somewhat main white guy was an idiotic wigger.
The best way to die is to be stabbed with a Lord of the Rings figurine.
I don't think Martin hiding Latifah from the boss in that scene had anything to do with racism...I think he hid her out of his own shame that this woman did not turn out to be the woman he thought he was corresponding with, that's all. I also don't think he expected her to show up at his place of business either.
It's been awhile since I have seen this movie, but somebody asked me about this movie and I decided to check the imdb boards. I found this movie to be totally offensive and will NEVER watch it again. I wish I hadn't seen it the first time. I remember watching this with my mom and how we were both shocked at the scene where the grandmother was singing the song, I really wanted to turn the movie off at that scene and it only got worse from there. All movies that use sterotypes and make race-related jokes aren't racist to me, but this movie just rubbed me the wrong way. The overtone of the movie just seemed very racist to me.
All of the white people I know, except for one, loved this movie but all of the black people I know found this truly offensive like I did. I know that in the end me not watching or supporting this film won't make an ounce of difference, seeing as how this film made a lot of money, but thats just my opinion about it.
Ok now if you want to complain about him pushing her out I can almost possibly see where you are coming from alright. But when you complain that she winds up with Eugene levey cause it furthers the sterotype that black women do silly stuff like that your just making yourself look bad. Like honestly oh well they had chemistry so what it wouldn't have been anywhere near as funny if she hadn't had ended up with that goof Eugene Levy who had a crush on her the minute he say her. Secondly if you really wish to argue that by pushing her out of the scene is racist how about we argue that the movie "The Man" withEugene Levy is racist towards white people, I feel white people are portrayed badly in tha t film blah blah blah, i feel no need to continue this rant.
What the bloody hell has the way she dressed got to do with her being black?
Lawyers when they go to work put suits on..... people who go to see them mostly wear suits.... whats wrong with putting a suit on when you go see somebody important like a lawyer or a bank manager..... lemme think, if i was a bank manager and somebody came into my office dresses like a chav (English word for Loser, Slob, Drunk, google it) and asked me for 100k for a loan.... and somebody else came in dressed in a suit and asked for the same, i would pick the suit..... Does it hurt to make an effort, no.
And again.... your the one thats starts racial tension.... it had nothing to do with her being black.... it was because she was dresses totally wrong for that situation. I mean, would i let her meet my boss if i was about to get a million dolla contract....... i dont think soooooo
Oh my good god can you say splitting hairs? The film was not intented to be recist, if it was do you think it would have been released in the first place? It's a comedy, meant to be funny, it's got nothing to do with Queen Latifah being black, she could have been white and in those circumstances Steve Martin's character, had he been a real person would have done the same thing. It only appears racist if people nit pick and make it so, the whole idea is to stop racism which I think is excellent but highlighting this kind of stuff as being racist when it is not is just pushing the anti-racism campaign further away as it is people like you who keep this argument alive by continually revisting it, when the wall of segregation (and this argument) should have been torn down years ago!
I understand where you're coming from and I think possibly the reason they might have dressed Latifah the way they did for that scene was to accentuate the cultural, not necessarily ethnic, differences between the two characters. Martin's character was a corporate lawyer and Latifah was a street-wise ex-con, fresh out of jail. I guess if you wanted to analyze it to death, you could construe it as being racist, but I don't think it was intended, and as a black man, I was not offended by it if that means anything.