It prentended to be a satire of upper class racism but it really expressed upper class racism. Take the scene where Latifa arrived at Steve Martin's office. She is not dressed poorly, in fact, she is dressed quite nicely. Yet when the boss comes around the corner Steve Martin TRIES TO HIDE HER. HE DID NOT KNOW SHE WAS AN ESAPED EX-CON YET SO WHY TRY TO HIDE HER!?!
---A really sickening film that shows the level of trash audiences will accept these days.
"I really do have love to give. I just dont know where to put it."
I think many people miss the point with this movie. Almost every person judges others, as much as people don't want to admit they do we do, it's inherent to our culture. That's why first impressions are so important. The entire premise of the movie is that both of them are taken out of their respective elements and are able to function in each others worlds despite their differences. Most people given the choice of an obese person and a fit person, or an ugly person or beautiful person would make the obvious choice (those being the only differences). Stereotypes exist, preconceived notions exist, and will always be important. What matters is how you let these effect your life and if you live by them.
The wife's sister was not a good person, as is evident by the fact she's a gold digger and drunk. She had her preconceived notions about black women, and obviously was not going to change. In the end of the movie, where Charlene warns him not to go to the club it's because he's a white guy and what they will do to him. The point of the entire movie is how people can get along despite seemingly insurmountable odds, and the differences between white culture and black culture in America is the most obvious seeing as it is in the front. If the movie had been about a Mexican immigrant and a Native American on a reservation it would make little sense. When you think of a tax lawyer, you think of older white men.
I am not talking about the country club scene. I am talking about the scene where Martin and Levey hide Latifah like a dog in the office building. The film makes no explanation as to why they are hiding her. The only response to this point, out of the dozens of posts in this thread, said that they hid her so she wouldn't say something stupid and get them fired. What could she possibly say? Is she so dumb that she would say something so vile that it would get them fired? If this is the case, then this film is even more racist then I thought... Anyway, a post that really annoyed me said that to say that this film is racist toward black people is like saying that The Producers is racist toward Jewish people. I can't stand this idiotic notion that if a film satirizes racism, it can't possibly be racist itself. The fact that this poster made this response made me think that this film is an excuse to laugh at racist humor while feeling politically correct. Also, Latifah is a cartoon. Why is it that she ends up with Eugene Levey rather than Steve Martin? She had chemistry with Martin; she hardly even knew Levey. As a black woman though, she is designed to only do things that will make her look stupid and silly, like dating a dorky fifty-year-old she hardly even knows. Also, someone said that we are supposed to laugh at are world today. Hey, I am all for laughing at are world, but does that include laughing at the expense of an entire race of people? Anyway, I have no time to respond to fools saying things like, "ITZ JUST A MOVIE!!!!" I simply don't have anytime to chat with pre-schoolers.
"I really do have love to give. I just dont know where to put it."
.....I think you do have a point of view to give, you just dont know when to use it..... you should step out of your room and take a good look around...good...thats the reallity, if you still think this movie is racist enough for you, then you are the "pre-schooler"! If you aren't, you will understand what i said.... "from portugal, with love"
This movie does give the portrail of the differences between the races. They made the black community seem like all gun toting, weed smoking gang bangers and the white community seem all suburbian-like and picture perfect. I know the extreme diffrences were being made for the comedic value of it all but it still does not give the essence of a harmonious likeness between the two races. But this movie sucked anyway so I really don't care. BLAH!!
i dont think you relise what racism is. you are assuming that they are hiding her because shes black. unlike the rest of us you only see colour. if i was to say the Queen Latifah was an annoying cow (i love her really) you would call me a racist because you assume everybodys out to get blacks and that all WASP's think they are better than everybody else and are racist. when infact the majority of white people couldnt give a damn if you're white, black, indian or blue (gotta luv the blue man group). it is people like you who are keeping racism around as a barrier because you are scared.
Light travels faster than sound. thats why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
AWWWW, COME ON...Lighten up, This Movie was hilarious! Especially when that old Stuck Up Airess starting singing "IS MASTER GONNA SELL ME"!? I thought I was gonna soil myself, because I was like "I cannot believe she just said that"!? BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE is no more Racist then any other Culture Clash Movies out there.
" The only response to this point, out of the dozens of posts in this thread, said that they hid her so she wouldn't say something stupid and get them fired. What could she possibly say? Is she so dumb that she would say something so vile that it would get them fired? If this is the case, then this film is even more racist then I thought..."
you just proved my point. people have given you a reason and you have just accused it of being more racist. again you're assuming that they think that its because she's black she is going to say something wrong.
Light travels faster than sound. thats why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
I agree that there are differences between stereo types and racist and prejudice..but I think the biggest issue is not being any of those. I think that alot of it stems from fear..well fear what we don't know.You do see stereo types of black people on t.v. or in movies and sometimes they are not portrayed in a very good way. But sometimes (and I'msaying this on a neutral level) you do see a black person live up to the stereo types that are set in the movies. I am a 26 year old white female who has grown up in a predominantly black neighborhood and not once have I ever had a bad experience with any of them. It's like Shirley McClaine once said "Fear makes enemies out of people who should be our friends."I think people need to open there eyes and see what's really in fron of them not what they hear or see was meant for everyone to discover and enjoy but we can't do that when we put fears in front of all. I dunno..maybe I'm wrong...
"Make today your best for there may not be a tomorrow"
The film wasn't racist. These are common everyday miscinceptions and stereotypes that people unwittingly use to judge others. The move just played on the thoughts that float throught the minds of Americans.
First, because the idea of Queen Latifah and Steve Martin being together is presented as being ridiculous, yet his blond, white wife is presented as ideal. She must get together with his partner instead, who is Jewish, and so it is okay for them to be together.
Second, because Levy's obsession with Queen Latifah is presented as one big joke--he is attracted to her exoticness without knowing who she really is, and she goes for him.
Third, because the only black male presented as a major character in the film is a criminal.
Fourth, because every racist joke--from having Latifah dress up as a mammy to her being called Aunt Jemimah--is balanced only by that tired "Oh, white people are so uptight" bit.
Fifth, because plot points come from stereotypes, ie, Steve Martin can't dance, which is actually really unfunny unless you believe that they are true.
Sixth, because Steve Martin is basically castrated when it comes to flirting or sexiness and it is only Queen Latifah with her raunchy black attitude who can fix him.
On the surface, it might seem like a film making fun of stereotypes and racism, but it has no real insight into race relations in America--it just rehashes a bunch of predictable jokes we've all heard before. It might be funny if you really think that all black people are thugs or that it's hilarious that old white people are so racist, but honestly, don't bother doing a satire if you're not going to make any insightful comments about society or offer a viewpoint that we see in REALITY, not just on film.
there is no racism in this movie. it was just fun, funny and exciting. i mean eugene even fell for a black woman! i think it was very nice and well played.
Eugene even fell for a Black woman? Why is it so crazy for people to be attracted to someone outside of their race? Why are interracial relationships only worthwile in movies as the source of laughs or conflict?
Those of you who claim that we all can overcome racism by laughing together at a movie like this are living in dream world. Yes, the movie does poke fun at both uptight White people and lower class Black people, but the difference here is that few people are going to look at the entire White race a negative way after watching the movie. Latifah's character was nothing more than a modern day mammy, satisfied with serving the White family and solving all of their problems. She spoke with slang, was loud, sassy, rowdy--all qualities that many people assume Black women possess. Steve Martin's life was calm and controlled, his life was "normal" until Latifah came in with her chaotic, inferior lifestyle.
You might say people can think what they want to think about Black people, and I agree, but I don't appreciate people acting out, based on their perceptions of Black America. I don't appreciate people (namely White people) assuming I know every hip hop song, assuming I will speak in slang to them if they speak it to me, and ask me things "Is your hair real?" and "Can you braid my hair?" (And this does happen on a day to day basis). These are things people associate with Black people, and I believe they are getting their info from the movies and TV. I would never think of coming up to a White person and asking them "You can't dance, can you?" I'm surprised that something associated with Black people like being able to dance on beat to music isn't considered abnormal, since in today's society everything "White" is normal.
Bottom line, mainstream movies like this can have a large effects on the audiences that come out to see them. I wouldn't say they turn people racist, I just think they cause people to look at people like me in a negative way. And I don't think that's funny. Sorry