"Okay, can you imagine how little impact this movie would have if every single joke were polished, and sucked completely dry? It would be just another dull movie, but it's exactly "racist" comments made throughout the film that make the film interesting, and worth watching. I am by no means racist, and I abhor anyone who is, but this movie isn't racist, it's funny. If all films were filled with empty fluff, I wouldn't be very interested in movies. I think this movie was great, original, and the cast did an excellent job performing the roles. Stop whining that jokes demean a particular group of people, when we can all learn to laugh together, we've learned to overcome racism. Jeez, grow up."
(applauds) Same here, I mean, I HATE when in movies (or in real life), people saying sh*t like "you f*ckin *beep*" or something, but to prove a point, wouldn't someone actually have to SAY something? In some form or another? I hate it even more if it's in person, but in movies, it's just to let people know that there's stupid people out there. And it's stupid how there's people that take movies and tv shows to the heart, and LEARN off of them, something they shouldn't be doing, and there you go: stereotypes. And once someone thinks a certain way, they claim everything is racist. Nobody really thinks for themselves anymore. This movie wasn't racist at all, it's funny. I'm not sticking up for any certain race or anything, but still, people need to shut up about racism when there IS no racism. It's like if on one side of the street there was one Chinese guy, and on the other there was a white guy. There's people on these boards that would go out and be like "that's RACIST!!! THE CHINESE GUY'S BEING RACIST!!!!" or some sh*t. I mean seriously, HOW???? If there's a movie where they PURPOSELY have tons of people start saying that African Americans are stupid and sh*t, and it's not trying to prove something, like in the movie American History X (they showed racism in there cuz they were proving a point - that Neo-Nazis exist in America), then I'll see what you all mean. But there's nothing like that. Don't watch movies to try and use that to judge people, to say that white people are like this, black people are like this, indian people are like this, chinese people are like this, and so on. Base your beliefs on personal experiences. No, I don't mean if let's say a Hispanic woman bumped into you on the street and started cursing at you or something, I mean serious experiences. And it's true, Queen Latifah wouldn't have agreed to acting in this movie if she saw it all as racist. Would she be like "sure you can all start saying sh*t or doing sh*t and be racist"?? Don't be like "sure, if it's for money" cuz not many people would be able to put up with that. I know I couldn't when I was growing up with like the entire f*ckin school saying sh*t to me cuz I was Indian, and I doubt she can either, even as an adult. It's just a f*ckin comedy, just take it as that, a comedy. All of you know that there are people like that out there, high-class white people that ARE that are a little prejudiced, and yea they made a movie involving that. So? It's funny. I hope none of you go on and start the type of sh*t they started on the boards for "White Chicks", where if they "made a Black Chicks movie that it would be considered racist" and *beep*. Just take it for what it is. Just laugh about it, don't get all pissed off and b*tchy about it, cuz all Hollywood will do is make more and more movies like this, even if they're good and you don't happen to like them. Pretty soon it'll die out, and you all will shut up. As for those of you that still think that these types of comedies are racist, you all need to do what that poster said: "grow up". Get on with life...