Damn, in the three years that this thread has existed you are the first person to think of that joke, which should persuade you that the intelligence of the "people who thinks [sic]" this is a brilliant, art house (seriously?! Did the OP just refer the this *beeping* film as *beeping* art house?!) picture worth defending is less than nonexistent; thus this Black Hole of Intelligence** sucks in surrounding intelligence much the same as a celestial black hole does light and gravity. Hence why those arguing against pouring kudos, plaudits and praises upon Gigli had yet to make that joke. I suppose that you were just far enough from the event horizon to retain mental acuity enough to make it.
I had to look into this myself just to make sure it was true: Roger Ebert gave this film 2 1/2 stars... out of four. He gave The Usual Suspects 1 1/2. Just what did this film have in it so as to earn that extra star, I will never know.
** Trademark Pending
something terribly clever.