MovieChat Forums > Gigli (2003) Discussion > People who thinks this movie is HORRIBLE...

People who thinks this movie is HORRIBLE are sheep

They are people with no opinions of their own and follow the crowd.

The problem with the movie is that it's an art house film made by a big studio, had a big budget, and marketed to mainstream audiences. If it were directed by Jim Jarmusch and starred art house actors, no one would have a problem with it.



Not me. Saw this when I was 12 (22 now) and even then I thought the movie was *beep* Can't even put words in to it. I saw it with my mum & dad and they are not picky, AT ALL! But this? They just sat there like 2 questionmarks, wondering wtf they were looking at.



It was baaaaaaaaad.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Damn, in the three years that this thread has existed you are the first person to think of that joke, which should persuade you that the intelligence of the "people who thinks [sic]" this is a brilliant, art house (seriously?! Did the OP just refer the this *beeping* film as *beeping* art house?!) picture worth defending is less than nonexistent; thus this Black Hole of Intelligence** sucks in surrounding intelligence much the same as a celestial black hole does light and gravity. Hence why those arguing against pouring kudos, plaudits and praises upon Gigli had yet to make that joke. I suppose that you were just far enough from the event horizon to retain mental acuity enough to make it.

I had to look into this myself just to make sure it was true: Roger Ebert gave this film 2 1/2 stars... out of four. He gave The Usual Suspects 1 1/2. Just what did this film have in it so as to earn that extra star, I will never know.

** Trademark Pending

something terribly clever.



I love how the OP never returned to his own thread. No doubt its because no one agreed with him or he actually watched the film after he made this lol thread.

The embarrassment must have been overwhelming.


Shut up, sheep.


I agree. Its clearly become little more than fashionable to hate on it and for that, many should be ashamed. I saw it before it became 'famously bad' and found it to be another forgettable but easy enough watch.


Agreed. Justin Bartha's performance was great in this. Anytime someone mentions 'bennifer' you know they're a moron. I enjoyed this film - and it proves what mindless sheep and wanna be critics are out there...

You deal with it.


People who say this film is good are clearly just trying to be different or have some form of disability.

Its also amusing how the minority who like this film never have any evidence to back up there claim. They scrap the barrel by saying the extras are good lol.

These attention seeking sheep, really need to watch a few good films to get perspective.

Gotta feel sorry for the kids who think this film is good. No wonder we keep getting crap films like Twilight.
