MovieChat Forums > Half Past Dead (2002) Discussion > Ideas for Seagal movie names

Ideas for Seagal movie names

I came up with an idea for what will hopefully be a pretty funny game. Post your idea for the next title for a Steven Seagal movie. There are a few rules you have to follow (the same rules used by the "Steven Seagal Movie Nameing Committe" in Hollywood):

1. The title should not give you any idea on the plot of the movie.

2. Most of the title should be made up of generic Hollywood buzzwords (like bullet, attack, extreme, etc.)

3. If at all possible, use a really bad pun.

Either post your idea for a title or post some more title nameing rules.


Blood Fighter: Count Down to Extinction


Extreme Bullet Attack


Extreme: Only The Strong


If this was a contest with actual prizes, this one would be the winner!


Master of Disaster: Die Deathdealer Die!



2 Tuff 2 Die

Fist of Steel/Heart of Stone

One Man Army - Behind the Lines


kill everybody and wont get shot once



kill everybody and wont get shot once


CIA vs. Ponytail

Hard to Terminate

Extreme Vengence

Blood Menace

Out for Transfusions


How're these:

1. A Zen-minded U.S. Marshall tracks the infamous Armando Belt and his team of vengeful goons. This summer Steven Seagal is...
In Search Of A. Belt

2. A Zen-minded custodian is the only one who can save a donut company held hostage by vengeful "weight watchers". This summer Steven Seagal is...
The Fat And The Furious

3. A Zen-minded toilet cleaner is the only one who can save a retirement home held hostage by vengeful grandchildren. This summer Steven Seagal is...
Too Damn Old

4. Loosely based on the life of Rush Limbaugh, this summer Steven Seagal is...
The Overweight Bully

5. A Zen-minded cameraman is the only one who can save a movie set held hostage by vengeful B-actors. This summer Steven Seagal is...
Unable To Act

Try to think of more!

