MovieChat Forums > Tuck Everlasting (2002) Discussion > Would you take immortality?

Would you take immortality?

If you wer egiven the chance, would yo decide to live forever. think about it carefully for a minute. Your family would die, your friends, your loved ones, yet you would live on. But, you would never have to face judgement, like going to heaven or hell, that is if you believe in it.


If I could have Jesse Tuck to keep me company forever, absolutely. If not, probably not.

He failed to bring back the sampo.


Yes. Though I would probably become jaded with life after a few hundred years, I still wouldn't care. I admit, I have an unhealthy fascination with myself and want to leave behind a legacy so awesome that my descendants are like " can I top THAT?!". Still, I am also an extremely curious person and seeing how humanity progresses or regresses over the next hundred years would be infinitely interesting to watch.

As for the whole jesus and god crap, I believe there were a few individuals in Christian mythology who moved on to the next level without dying, they were just beamed up after a few hundred years. So if I did live forever, I imagine that whatever higher power that exists in this universe would eventually beam me up. Or not, then I just keep on experiencing new things and go on my happy way.




No way would I drink that water. The only reason we live is because we die, do you not understand that? I live my life to the fullest, because I know that in a matter of decades, years, months or even days, I will die. We take risks with the knowledge that all we have is a certain time. Like Tuck said, we shouldn't fear death, but only the unlived life. If I die knowing that I was the best person I could be, that I saw what I wanted to see and spent time with the ones I love, that will be the most rewarding and pleasurable experience. Living forever and knowing that you aren't real - you don't exist - it would be torture. As someone said, immortality is not a gift, but a curse. Sure, you can try and get your loved ones to take a sip - but I'm sure some would think like me.
Also, I would argue that it is selfish to drink. You die, and somebody takes your place in the cycle of life. There is more room in the world for another life to prosper, and for someone to be able to live to their potential.

Reading: Anna Karenina

Watched: The Waitress

In Omnía Paratus



If there was a way out yes. Like in Twilight. I know for awhile I'd be sick and tired of being alive lol.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Yes I WOULD TAKE ON IMMORTALITY, YES PEOPLE WILL DIE BUT SO WHAT WE MOVE ON. Think about all the knowledge,why would you want to die, I have not met one person so far that wished to die when asked it they wish to be immortal.


