MovieChat Forums > Tuck Everlasting (2002) Discussion > Would you take immortality?

Would you take immortality?

If you wer egiven the chance, would yo decide to live forever. think about it carefully for a minute. Your family would die, your friends, your loved ones, yet you would live on. But, you would never have to face judgement, like going to heaven or hell, that is if you believe in it.


I have decided to accept immortality, and I think it is the original plan. We all can have it by accepting Jesus Christ in our lives & living through him. Terry



Every time I see this movie I cry at Jesse's heartbreak. In Winnie's shoes, I would have chosen immortality. Come on- I have to be vain and a teen fangirl and just say it, Jonathan Jackson is way too amazing and beautiful in the film to pass up eternity with.

They say you always want what you don't have. Immortality sounds like a Godsend, but Jesse Tuck aside, I suppose living forever would bring a lot of pain. Having to live forever unchanging where everything you know is demolished by time would hurt like hell.

Still, it'd be nice to be able to slow life down, if not prolong it indefinitely. : Showing the world what it means to obsess


I would take immortality if someone close to me also took it. I would hate having to make new friends all the time because they're always dieing.
And I do not see how its selfish, if I was immortal I would use it to help other people, I would save them from burning buildings and stand in the way of bullets! :D


As long as I had someone with me [friend and/or lover] I would do it. I'm afraid of death like the average human; I don't want to die and find out if my religion is wrong. I've thought it out and I really would like to live forever. I could learn tons of different things and make a difference in the world. As long as I didn't get in the public eye things would be fine.
Yes, it would hurt to see things ripped away from me. But I've had life screw me over several times; I could handle it.
I think the only thing that would suck would be if there really was no God and Earth continued forever. Maybe then life would become boring.
But think of all the things you could discover! The world is full of opportunities and things to see. Hell, I could swim to the very bottom of the ocean if I wanted to. One day we may make alien contact and travel to different worlds. And, going back to what I said earlier, if I had my friend/lover with me I would have someone to share the experiences with.
So yes, I would take immortality.

"If anyone asks, there were fifty of them. And...they were rattlesnakes."


But then if you take your loved one with you, one day the earth will explode, and you better hold on to each other or you'll both be blown in different directions and you'll float forever through space trying to find them. Then, after about a gazillion years when you finally DO find each other again, (I know, long time floating around all on your own, huh?), imagine how much they must stink, no bath or toilet in a gazillion years. Also, you're immortal, but wouldn't the gazillion years of no food make you pretty hungy? Man I hate feeling hungry. But yeah, once you're reunited you can spend then next gazillion years trying to find a new planet with life on it. Good plan. I'm out.


I honestly don't know. If I could stay 15 forever and have the life I have now forever, then maybe I would. That includes everyone around me being immortal too.


I wouldn't take immortality I think it would be sad to have your loved ones die while you kept on living and even if i did have my family take immortality with me i think we would come to regret it after a while just like the Tucks came to regret it.


No, I would not choose immortality, mainly because I would outlive all my loved ones and never be reunited with them in heaven.


Yes. I think it would be marvelous to see how the human race will evolve, and see what kind of world we build for ourselves. We have so many dreams- it would be splendid to see which ones come true. It's not because I'm disgustingly greedy and want to grasp at life like a madman. I'm just so curious, and and seeing as humans still have so much to learn despite its whole history, I probably won't run out of things to learn soon.

My family and friends will die, but they will die regardless of whether I live. I will be able to tell my friends' grandchildren about their grandparents, tell them about this world and how to not repeat its mistakes.

If I become a doctor I would save so many lives- living for others would be a reward in itself. You could dedicate your life to finding cures for diseases like AIDS, try to save the earth from global warming- honestly, living forever doesn't mean you become blindingly immoral and soulless.

But what am I saying. We're all doomed to die, anyway.
I have so little time to live, I might as well stop writing. lol


Yes, just like the person above me said I would love to see the world and see how the human race evolves. Its also what they said about the doctor trying to find cures for all these diseases.


No, cause I wouldn't want to go through the pain of seeing my whole family die while I keep living. So its kind of something to think about because if you could would you take immortality? In Winnie's case I would've taken it to spend my life with the one I loved.

Everyone that was part of the "epic threads" I'll see you all in the little white room.




i would. Especially if i got to spend it with a guy like Jesse. I would in a heartbeat.

i'd rather be his whore than your wife
