I have alot of respect for black people because I am not racist. I normally wouldnt get offended with "white jokes" because alot of black comics are just so funny when they say it. But Martin Lawrence's constant degradation of white people in this movie was just not humorous. Every other line in the movie was "is it because im black?." I would be like "no it's because you're a stupid racist bigot" then i would beat him to the ground. I have no tolerance for racist people, and that goes both ways. Just as a white person has no right to be racist to a black person, a black person has no right to be racist against a white person. Im honestly growing sick of some African Americans using the slavery issue as a means of saying how evil white people are. Slavery ended 140 some years ago, get over it already. I guarantee that if a movie were made poking fun at black people and making them look evil, the NAACP would be suing everybody. And notice in this movie how all of the bad people were WHITE. This movie was not funny in the least and if you found this humor to be funny, you are racist against whites or you are a white person that wishes he/she were black. I dont care if this is just a movie, it was made with obvious racist themes and obvious input from the racist Martin Lawrence, who is usually funny in his films with his racism, but in this film, he just offended white people and if he acted to me in person like he did in the movie i would beat him severely.
I did not laugh once during this movie. I have to agree with mishima_kazuya about the getting over slavery comment, but I agree with some things that samuraiguy said also. The way in which Martin Lawrence uses comments about racism are constant and meant to be funny, which of course they are not, so they become annoying. The movie relies much too heavily on the "is-it-because-i'm-black" every other line, meant to be humorous. I thought the movie was terrible, but slightly, and only very slightly, redeeming in the end because it had a somewhat plausible ending, as opposed to some films which just end absurdly (see: Johnny English)
did you actually agree with "getting over slavery"? when you see pictures of your ancestors hanging from trees, and getting separated from their families because a white man wants to own them for profit then you try to get over it.
the movie was a comedy, JOKES were made. he is not a racist because he says "is it because i'm black" if he was racist then trust me you would know it. stop taking a comedy to heart so much that 1 sentence-IN A COMEDY!!!-offends you
You like jokes that aren't funny and are painfully racist? I can think of several I've heard in my life, but A) you won't actually like them, B) IMDb would take them down within minutes, and C) I don't really want to tell them.
It isn't one sentence in this film that's racist, it's the whole story! The guy -frames the cop for assault- and what kind of retribution is there? Then he goes on to say outright how white men aren't good enough for black women. This is off the top of my head, there was plenty more. And don't try to argue that the film's mocking the stereotype of people oversensitive to racism, it portrays it as a perfectly acceptable way to get on in life.
So does that mean that a white person can say something blatantly racist about black people- IN A COMEDY- or is it too early to be equal like that? Just saying. It's a racist and stupid movie- trust me, I know.
Also, slavery sucks but did I do it? No. Did anyone alive today do it? No. What can we do? Well I suppose continuing the hatred is a great idea, right? It would be great if everyone could wake up one day.
Those who say this movie is racists didn't understand the overall message in it. Martin's charecter was basicaly used backwards racism and it was a commentery on how it feels to see things from the reverse perspective. In other words each one it the others shoes.
Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega
Those who say this movie is racists didn't understand the overall message in it. Martin's charecter was basicaly used backwards racism and it was a commentery on how it feels to see things from the reverse perspective. In other words each one it the others shoes.
"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬
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Dear Mishima, I am sorry your friend was discriminated against. To say this is the norm is a bit ridiculous. I would be really appalled by your story if it weren't for the fact that affirmative action is causing the same thing to happen to hundreds of "over-represented" whites. You are choosing to ignore this just to make your slanted viewpoint look better. It is laughable to say that a black man or woman in today's society can't make something of themselves. Many were born into a tough situation, but hand-outs and quotas are not going to make them better people. If you wonder why many white people - even those who are not racist - seem to have a grudge against minorities it is because of the constant complaining about how slavery or some other repression is "bringing them down". True, the effects of slavery and racism did not end when Lincoln read the proclamation, but the past can not be undone and it is time to stop trying to erase racism with more racism. Everyone knows that it is wrong to discriminate, what many ignorant liberals fail to realize is that it is wrong to discriminate against the majority as well. I am not black, but I know there are black folks that take affirmative action as an insult to their intelligence. You can talk to me about how racist whites are after you explain why so many minorities, particularly african-american, take every opportunity to blame white people for their problems, bad-mouth them routinely, and then expect whites to turn around and hold the door open for them without taking notice. The attitude that you are presenting in your response only promotes racism. You must be crazy if you think that it is OK for a black man to hate another man because of his color and because of slavery - an event that he/she did not have to go through, and that no man alive today made his/her ancestors go through. It is true that hate crimes still exist, which should be dealt with on an individual basis. Do you think that hate crimes are only directed one way? Hate crimes happen against the majority too, they are just never referred to as such. Either way, blaming an entire race for a few mens' crimes is ridiculous and bigoted, whether the offense be against black or white. Your statements are basically justifying this at the expense of decent people of all races. I honestly think that most blacks who truly mean well would love to see true equality, and not be associated with whining sob-story tellers like yourself because it just makes their entire race look bad. So why don't you do yourself and all minorities a favor by stopping the useless finger pointing? Unfortunately there will never be enough reverse-discrimination to satisfy you. The truth is that people like yourself do not want to erase racism, you just prefer it to be in the other direction. Thank you, Mishima, for keeping racism alive in our country.
Minorities should not see themselves as minorities. It really is an unforunate term. A person is a person, and ones progress in life is only limited by ones self-image. If you see yourself as a repressed minority, you will be a repressed minority. If you see yourself as an upstanding individual, you will be an upstanding individual.... Or you could just cry about how wrong the world is all day....
Okay why is it that majority white people feel minorties are annoying because of how they claim they are being discriminated against because of some past deed...
Do you know how messed up you sound? The only time I see white people complaining/making racist comments about minorities is NOT because of how much they bi!ch. It's because they HATE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Be it Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, Jewish, Muslim, women, gays... so on. So technically, it's many white folks bi!ching to me!
Just be honest and say YOU feel this way. Don't go with the people hate minorities because bs.... if you feel they're whining about some atrocity that happened to their ancestors... well look around. An entire race was kinda wiped out, others have been mishandled, abused, and many others being played a war against. Most recently, I've heard many of our military blatantly saying things online like, "let's go kill some Arabs". It wasn't something Hispanic people saying.
Racism is not over. And I don't hear any black people mentioning anything about slavery anymore. Never heard someone say "I didn't get the job, didn't have much of a reason why, but I just KNOW it's because I'm black, I hate white people." It's more like "I didn't get the job, a white person did, based on that, I know it's a bias issue. Just like it's possible for a woman to know dead on, that she was more qualified, but she was hired over a male because of her gender. Hell, women still don't get paid as much as men. We could go on and on.
And I just KNOW you're gonna have a reverse discrimination comment in there. Well, guess what? It's there because of people like you. Racism STILL exists. Whining? What about your's?
P.S. You people are retarded. Martin Lawrence has nothing to do with those comments. If anything the movie's end pretty much had a point you all MISSED! The relationship was clearly there to upset anyone who thought blacks should only be with blacks or whites only with whites... blah blah. Besides, Martin's character was ALSO taught a lesson to know better! Hence the ending!
Nchssmaria: What makes you think you're any less racist than me? Your whole post is racist! You hear a couple comments from white people regarding race and you make an assumption about EVERYONE. And by the way, it is ignorant for you to say that you heard some white guy talk about killing Arabs online and assumed that there are no minority groups that said something similar. Besides they were online, how the heck do you know what their race is? The fact that you are so concerned about it specifically being a white guy makes it abundantly clear that you already have a biased agenda.
Also I never said I want whites to have any leverage over minorities! All I am saying is I'm sick of some minorities thinking they should always get some kind of special treatment BECAUSE of their skin color. What is racist about (hopelessly) wishing that this country would quit putting so much emphasis on race? First of all, we should just quit with this whole "minority, majority" thing. The population of caucasian in the US is greater than other races but why should that be such a problem for people? Fact is, all other things being equal, a new job opening in many positions is more likely to be filled by a white than a black if there are more white applicants. If 8 whites and 2 blacks apply for a job, why is it wrong for there to be a 20% chance that one of the blacks be hired? I'm sure you would immediately look for racist motives if a black WASN'T hired, but wouldn't even blink if the white was turned down. which brings me to my next point:
Quote from Nchssmaria - "I didn't get the job, a white person did, based on that, I know it's a bias issue."
Don't you see the problem with that? That quote is exactly the problem I am talking about with minorities being so quick to cry racist. I couldn't have said it any better myself - If a black and white man are in competition for a job and the white man gets it, then it must be discrimination says the liberal front. Why? Because anything that doesn't go the right way for the minority is questioned, which is not only arrogant but continues to make everyone more color-sensitive. THAT is what racism is about... its not always one person HATING another, but its about causing everything to revolve around color. I'm sure sometimes black people who are qualified for jobs aren't hired, which is wrong, but the same thing happens to white people all the time, which is also wrong. It probably happens more often to whites because employers, or university admissions, are more and more afraid of being accused of racism, so they will hire or accept the minority just to be safe. Only difference here is the "majority" is expected to sit back and take it. And its partly the news media's fault for only focusing on minorities when it comes to such things.
Your pro-discrimination reply only goes further to demonstrate that racism is still a problem. You are taking the side of minorites, others are taking the side of the majority. The point is, as long as we continue to blame everything on color or race, the longer racism is going to be an issue. The world is never going to be truly color blind, and there will always be racists, but quotas are only making the situation worse. Truth is, liberal minorities (and liberal whites for that matter) aren't really interested in eliminating racism, they're just interested in shifting bias to minorities, getting a free ride wherever they can, and making race even MORE of an issue than it already is.
So go ahead and moan that I'm complaining too. Why shouldn't I complain? I don't like being discriminated against any more than the next guy. Unfortunately it is only going to get worse as we gear up to ensure that minorities are never offended, never get turned down for anything they want, etc. etc... [cue sarcasm] after all, whites NEVER get turned down for jobs, NEVER have any hardships in life, and NEVER are offended by anyone else. Give me a break.
According to everyone's logic... The reason why Black people still poverty rates at 3 times the white level, and about half the median income... Well, there is no racism going on, they must simply be inferior.
Well, just look at how much focus the majority of poor people put into their education, and that might just give you a clue.. (And in case you didn't realize it, but the MANY poor people happen to be black and latino) And don't call me a rascist for pointing out the truth on this one. The entire atmosphere in which they are raised, the popular culture in which we ALL listen to, and the influences they are subjected to. What are those? Listen to 'em. It's all about makin' money dealin', throwin' up your signs, keepin' it real, and bangin' hoes. This isn't a race issue I'm talking about, in fact, everyone is subjected to it, but its MUCH more prevalent, and appealing, to the lower classes.
I'll solve this: you're both acting racist. Why don't you people stop trying to generalize the white majority and black minority? Every individual is different, regardless of how you disagree. The problem with everyone's comments is that they're talking about whole races, not just individual people whom they may have had a bad experience with. Why doesn't everyone stop trying to push their experiences on the general target population? One thing you two can do to stop racism is to realize that different people, regardless of race, feel and act differently. There are some black people who are genuinely discriminated against, and thats terrible. On the flip side, there are some white people who are blamed for discrimination done by another member of their race. Its all racism. To truly stop means to not see color, race, or majority/minority, but to only see PEOPLE. And because I'm sure it matters to you all, I'm part of the American Indian minority. The disgusting hate crimes done to my ancestors nearly destroyed us and left us with an almost 80% poverty rate, humiliating stereotypes, and crippled economy, only to be rationalized by the unjust and patronizing comments about us being given our own land by the government. And in thinking of all this, do I resort to blaming any whole race for what happened? Not for a second. We're all different, and its time everyone started acting that way.
One thing I did fail to mention - I am not opposed to jokes that make fun of particular aspects of an ethnic group. We are all different, and making fun of those differences can be downright funny. I laugh at white jokes, because they are funny. I also laugh at black, mexican, etc jokes because they are funny too. Some people prefer not to hear jokes based on race and do not use them either, which I have no problem with. What I DO have a problem with are those people who think racist jokes against one people group are funny and perfectly OK, but then get highly offended when they hear a joke making fun of their own race. I think that is one of the main points the original post on this thread was trying to make.
I didn't dislike the movie because of all the racist remarks, i hated the movie because Martin Lawrence's character was so f*cking annoying and had no idea he was so f*ucking annoying. He needs to stick to more serious characters such as in Bad Boys.
Martin Lawrences charecter was so annyoing in this movie I couldnt even get through half of it, I found all the "just because Im a blackman" extremly annoying and generally agree with the first poster.
martin lawrence has driven his joke style into the ground that it makes it hard to see if he could be funny without being racist. I agreed with the person above who thinks that a lot of black comedians make the "white man" jokes extremely funny. They do. It just seemed in this movie that they couldn't get through a scene without throwing that in.
Yo samuraiguy, how do u know if Martin Lawrence is racist or not? He's only sayin his lines and that don't mean sh*t. It's called ACTING. U ever seen American History X? Most of those people in the movie probably didn't believe in white supremacy, but those were the lines they had to say so they said them. It's probably the same sh*t in this movie too. Just 'cause he's African-American don't mean that he thinks that whenever anyone says anything to him, that it's just 'cause of his skin color. I haven't seen this movie yet but from reading all this, it sounds like his character is a stereotype and maybe that's why a few people in this board think that all black people think this way and that they bitch about it all with facts from the past and sh*t. And also, white isn't a race. I doubt that ever crossed ur mind..
I seen plenty of other much better actors than Lawrence ACT OUT racism before. They were vile characters, violent even. So how come there are so few on this board that can distinguish real life from a movie actor? I actually ended up loving the actor's skills. :) Omigosh, (big gasp) he was white and from American History X too! Edward Norton. ;) Yes, that sentence was sarcasm directed at a few on this board... in case they're more retarded than I orginally thought.
Actually, Martin Lawrence is racist. Okay, let's forget about this movie, you're right, its just "acting".......have you ever heard his standup comedy? Is that acting, or is that something he made up?
Even if you don't consider "White" a race, Lawrence is still heavily PREJUDICED, which is basically the same as racism. . . .
Oh, and white people of today can't change the past. . .grow up.
>>Actually, Martin Lawrence is racist. Okay, let's forget about this movie, you're right, its just "acting".......have you ever heard his standup comedy? Is that acting, or is that something he made up?<<
Is Chris Rock too then? What about all the many others on Comedy Central (many whites, Hispanics, gays, and Jewish people too) that make race-related jokes?
>>Even if you don't consider "White" a race, Lawrence is still heavily PREJUDICED, which is basically the same as racism. . . .<<
What do you mean, "even if you don't consider white a race"?? It's not! Duh!
>>Oh, and white people of today can't change the past. . .grow up.<<
I don't recall her saying she hates white people. Her comment seemed valid to me. And she made no mention of changing the past. Are you saying the future can not be a better place either? If you think our past bears no mark on the present... (long-term effect of racism, this heated topic you responded to right now!). I also don't see what that has to do with her age. A different opinion based on controversy foretells one's age? Interesting... can I say you're twelve?
Look, what I've noticed is that until you're apart of a 'minority' race, you could care less about "whining and bi!ching" from said parties. You're the top dog race, and not all white people are this way, especially not these days (however looking at this sorry board and all you "I'm not racist, but I hate when they b!tch" posters...). All you care about is reverse racism. So turn the tables, it's suddenly more important than when a black man says it.
I personally have no opinion on AAction. Racism exists, but within some workplaces. Maybe it should only be utilized within locations of heavy race tension. Like... the White House. It doesn't just have to be against blacks.
Yo desiree_fl69, do u even know the definition of the word "racist"? The Latin Grammys ain't racist. Why? Cuz all they do is hand out awards honoring achievements by Hispanic people. How is that racist? About the black magazines, most of those magazines are about hip-hop music. Some ain't, yea, but that still ain't racist. Why don't u go open a page in 1 of them magazines 'n find me where it sayz "WE'RE BLACK 'N WE HATE WHITE PEOPLE" or some sh*t like that? BET don't play all BLACK music. I've watched it before 'n saw them playing a vid by JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, 'n last time I checked, HE'S WHITE. The music on BET is hip-hop orientated. If u don't like it then don't watch it. It's funny how many WHITE people there are here, bitchin about how black people got this, black people got that, 'n how black people shouldn't do this, 'n how black people shouldn't do that, n ur the ones sayin that BLACK people bitch about sh*t like this. 'N by the way, dustydga never asked for "better treatment". She was just making a point that slavery didn't really end RIGHT after the Civil War was fought, aiight? So f*ckin read it correctly before u try to make urself feel better or higher than someone by sayin sh*t. It don't matter when slavery was around. It was around. U can't forget it. Funny how if u were living in that time, as a black slave, u would think VERY differently I bet.
"if there was a WET, white entertainment television it would be racist, but yours isnt supposed to be???" - U f*ckin make it sound like BET is a black-only thing 'n that it BELONGS 2 all black people.
"So if I didnt cause your "slavery" and I am not racist and judge people on attitude rather than skin color, why must I listen to you say you are so put down and how "we" owe you or your families??" - You call yourself a non-racist, but yet you keep bitchin about sh*t. I got a feeling that if you're back, then you'll say somethin like "Wow..1 video by someone who's not white..". If u dont like the channel then dont watch it. I'm someone who listens to hip-hop so I do watch BET. Nobody ever said that "you" (plural) owed anyone anything. Actually, there's one thing you do owe people: respect.
People like you 'n others on this board need to realize something. If you've read other posts on other boards, then you'd know that white people are the majority in this country. What do you all got against someone of a different ethnicity having a TV channel, a magazine, or an award show? There's nothing wrong with that as long as it ain't highly offensive. I've YET to heard someone who wasn't white, say something similar to what you or other people have said on this board or in person. This all started on some dumb*ss thinking that Martin Lawrence was racist. Someone else said that his stand-up comedy is racist. Yo, it's STAND-UP. It's supposed to be FUNNNNNY. U know, ha ha? I still don't get why people keep bitchin about black people all the time. It's people like you 'n others on this board that give the U.S. a bad name.
The only thing different from other countries 'n America on how they were built is that America was built on RACISM 'n sad to say, it still is as we speak, thanks to some really retarded, ignorant, mothaf*ckaz we got here.
Yeah, the humor was pretty tacky. I personally was pissed at Martin's character for half of the entire movie until he started getting what was coming to him.
yea man, and then my homeland got bombed for supposed ethnic issues. isnt life funny like that?
i did not know what racism really really was until i came to US. yea we had some issues, but no one was ever stopped from going into a place because of their ethnicity or race or being beaten because of it.
it boggles my mind that here in 2006, we have racism issues still. i live down in the deep South and for over a year now we've been having issues over tailgating idiots flying the confederate flag just to spite people.
and while i do think there is some reverse racism and many people whining about it, i can't say i blame them. im not so sure people are complaining because they're mad that it happened 200 years ago, but because it still happens. i'd be pissed too.
oh and by the way, looking at some of the idiotic posts here, i have to say there are too many morons who seem to not have had a day of real world experience and are crying about crap because they want to look smarter than they really are.
and finally, the movie was no gem, and martin lawrence was somewhat annoying, but not because of "racist" jokes but just cause he wouldnt shut up. but still, a pretty funny, relaxing flick.
Can't we all just try to get along? C'mon if we want this America to be a melting pot for peoples of all color, we have to at least try. Protesting a movie is alright, but right now it's getting a little out of hand and over one singular actor.
Face it. Martin Lawrence is gonna make his jokes. This is America, land of free speech and what-not.
I'm sure that I'm gonna get blasted for this, but I loved Martin in Blue Streak.
DA1NONLYSHALIN - I think the point of that person's post was not that BET, black magazines, etc. were not racist, rather that if there were was a "WET" and magazines targeted towards whites, that they WOULD be considered racist (And don't try to tell me or anyone else otherwise, because even if you don't consider them racist, they culturally would be).
Actually no, cuz if there was a "WET" (there are tons of WET's out there - just no white people realize it), it WOULD be racist. If there was a WET out there, they'd have ALL-WHITE TV SHOWS, ALL-WHITE MOVIES, AN ALL-WHITE NEWS CAST, ALL-WHITE MUSIC BEING PLAYED, 'n sh*t like that. That goes against the Constitution if you haven't realized. And if someone didn't like that 'n the second they put someone who wasn't white on that channel, they'd probably hate them, give them dirty faces, give them a role on a TV show where they'd get killed the first episode, or something like that. As I've said before, BET ain't all black. And the point of that person's post? It doesn't really matter what their point was. Someone said earlier that no matter how much white people deny it, they're racist, 'n it's TRUE. There are tons of "WET" channels out there, TV shows, magazines, 'n *beep* like that. The Brady Bunch back in the 70s was an ALL-WHITE show 'n I dunno if there was a non-white person on there but if there was, they probably would of made them look STUPID, just to make the white people feel better. The only people that realize the amount of all-white SH*T out there are the people who AIN'T white. As "Mr JL" said, it is gettin outta hand. All u white people need to learn how to get along with other people 'n to stop looking down on other people, just cuz of 1 thing they might say that you all don't happen to like. I bet that if I started a channel where white people were banned, i'd probably get sued or have it off the air in no time...
White, black, purple, pink, orange........whatever you are........you aren't as swift as you think. Since when was any race actually 'banned' from a channel? Just because you don't see some one from a certain race on a certain show doesn't mean they're banned from it.
Oh and by the way, thanks for telling everybody what WET would be like. You're a genius, predicting what will be on a nonexistant channel. OHHH! Look down on those silly crackers some more so they can look back down on you.
Yea, u could say that if u want, 'n u can say that I sound like a little kid saying this, but I wasn't the one who started it. If you'd go back to the top of this thread, you'd see the post from Samuraiguy. He was the one sayin this sh*t about black people this black people that 'n alot of other people agreed with him so whateva.
Your reasoning is completly flawed. You automatically assume that WET would have ALL WHITE shows, news ect. You cant assume that if we are talking about something that doesnt exist. Majority of BET videos are black videos with black people in it, I would say at least 95%, do you agree? So imagine a WET with at least 95% of white videos and white people in it and from time to time some black video with black people. Why is there no such TV if whites are the majority? Like Isaid, its because nobody would want to be labeled a racist so nobody will take that risk.
You completly missed the point of his message. He is not saying that BET is all black or that there is something wrong with it, he is saying that IF THERE WAS a WET it would be labeled a KKK television, a racist television. Why isnt there a WET thats a better question. Is it because white people would not watch a WET? No, its because nobody has the guts to make such a TV, because of fear of being labeled a racist and his tv being closed down by civil right activists. I also think that its unfair and not right and I'm not a white American.
This is to dustydga's post and anyothers it applies to...
you know, I agree that your ancestors had it horrible due to slavery. BUT I did not own a slave and neither did any of my family for well over 100+ years.
So if I didnt cause your "slavery" and I am not racist and judge people on attitude rather than skin color, why must I listen to you say you are so put down and how "we" owe you or your families??
Also... you are not african-americans unless you were born in africa or have dual citizenship. If ancestry was used in your race then I would have to be german american... and I do NOT refer to myself as that..Im american, same as you.
Also talk about racism, how about BET, all BLACK music etc.. if there was a WET, white entertainment television it would be racist, but yours isnt supposed to be???
What about the Latin Grammys.. hmm, thats racist too, there are no all white awards, but there is an all black award show.. and all black magazines, but an all white is not allowed..
So dont tell me you are so repressed. you are no better than me, and deserve no better treatment than anyother, so give up the "slavery" crap, ok? thanks.
Desiree, where did the person say any of what you posted, anywhere?
I don't know how good your interpretation is... but I got the distinct impression they were referring to SOME situations and a response to those who feel any talk whatsoever about what happened to whose ancestors is nonsense.
Racism is surely not over. Slavery is hardly the issue anymore. Hell racial profiling STILL exists. I resent all this "stop whining" crap. Tell that to all of the innocent Arab Americans that were jailed and let go one year later.
No one's saying YOU did anything. Get it through your head.