MovieChat Forums > The Time Machine (2002) Discussion > Its scary to think that this is where ma...

Its scary to think that this is where mankind is really headed

There won't be a cataclysm involving the moon getting shattered, 13 years from now and there won't be a splitting of the human race in the next 800,000 years. However, I believe something really bad will happen and we will lose all our technology because things have gone to shit since around 2015-2020! I mean everything has gone to shit; the economy, the environment, society, morals, pop culture, etc. and nobody wants to do anything about it. It just feels like nobody gives a fuck, anymore. I can't look 10 years into the future and have a positive outlook. There's no such thing. You can call me a "doomer" all you like but I just feel like we've done fucked up since the 2010s. The 2000s may have been a lousy decade, but at least we still had a shred of fucking dignity left in us. Not anymore! Now, everyone is so sensitive and easily offended. You can't even make a joke without getting arrested by the "PC Police". Our society has become a fucking joke and this movie was trying to prove a point about mankind's downfall. In Alexander Hartigan's own words: "We did go too far!".



Go ahead and jump


Very polite comment!

Your kindness has choked me!


I thought it was funny

However, you do need to get some help. I mean that in a caring way


Newsflash pal, mankind needs help!


Some people just see the world differently, doesnt mean they need help. They are the canary in a coal mine.


Ever heard of sites like Check it out. Things aren't even nearly as bad as you think.


My guess is that we will have another Holocaust in a few generations and that will reset things back to a religious or traditional human culture.

That's the way history goes over and over.

There are always groups of rich people who spread chaos, exploitation, and perversion and they people get massively tired of them and start murdering. After, there's regret or the groups of people who got murdered just disappear from history and then the winners shape a conservative society until the corruption and perversion seeps in and starts the cycle over.

On a completely different note, I am interested in Indian culture and according to them they had an advanced culture before what the West considered recorded history. It got consumed by war and then India became an extremely anti-violence to the point where many are vegetarian.

All of that caused India to be a culture of inaction and it became extremely over populated with people eating a starvation diet and now it's largely stuck in a primitive status.

I have noted that many people in the West have an animalistic fear of technology. The "dream" of many white people is to go camping and sleep on the ground. Whenever there's new technology there's massive stories that it will hurt your health, make you go crazy, etc. So, I wonder if we are in the cycle Indian was in during extremely ancient times where one day there will be a movement to destroy advancements thus sending life into something like 1800s tech levels.

However, my main belief is that we will have another Holocaust that will play out with different groups of people and political movements. That will reset things to because a religious society or something like the 1950s.
