Best scene in the film?

In my opinion, it's the opening fight of Black Mamba vs Copperhead. It had lots of action, slapstick, over-the-top was tense, had some humor and left the viewer guessing.

Ironic, that it's one of the lower budget scenes of the movie. Like Tarantino's filmography itself, the lower the budget, (for whatever reason) the better.


Speaking for both the first half of the film and the complete four hour film:

The Bride vs. O-Ren Ishii.

"KatTS" / "M" / "LLL" / "KoC-VoT" / "NA"


I think that's my favourite movie scene of all time.


O-Ren Ishii animation origin story.

"I learned that in prison, you like? You white trash piece-a shìt."


I quite like the final confrontation with O-Ren.


The Crazy 88 Fight (The Uncut Version)



The fight with Gogo. I prefer Vol 2, but that fight is one of the highlights of the whole saga.
