Best scene in the film?

In my opinion, it's the opening fight of Black Mamba vs Copperhead. It had lots of action, slapstick, over-the-top was tense, had some humor and left the viewer guessing.

Ironic, that it's one of the lower budget scenes of the movie. Like Tarantino's filmography itself, the lower the budget, (for whatever reason) the better.


although many scenes of the movie were too good... but for me one scene stood out.... it was the sword fight when the lights are turned off and all is visible is blue light... awesome artistry, direction and cinematography


when she first wakes up in the hospital

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


The fight with O'ren in the snow. Amazing.


That music when their swords stick together like a magnet. I got teary eyed.




I can watch the Sushi scene over and over again for the interaction between the owner and his partner; absolutely hilarious dialogue! In my opinion!


it is the best
and when she wake up in the hospital
when the guy was trying to have sex with her


better scene that wasn't a deliberate rip off of some other film.


I love all of the plentiful nods to kick ass genre films in Kill Bill.


My favorite moment is probably the conversation as Gogo comes down the stairs with the flail, but I agree the best scene overall is the opening fight. The knife standoff in front of the window when the schoolbus pulls in... 

Every time Miss Voodoo is asleep Shelly walks hard as *beep* and it wakes her up.


The GOGO fight, obviously.

No more dead Lannisters
No More dead Trolls


Tough call, but I'm going with the climactic Bride-O'Ren fight scene. Such a beautiful, elegant, wonderfully choreographed and superbly acted sequence. To this day, I believe both Uma Thurman and Lucy Liu were snubbed by the Academy. With barely any shared dialogue, you believed they were the best friends in the world who had become bitter enemies.
